just saw 2012


Dec 4, 2009
i dont care what the critics say, that movie was deeper than special effect and cliche' action.
it was more about humanity and hierarchy in our civilization...deep stuff.
It was about that but it wasn't deep at all. Shh wasn't thought provoking in the least.

Typical disaster movie.
There was some epic face-palm corny stuff in there. Special effects were on point though...

That is all.
favorite part was the end
Spoiler [+]
how they restarted in Africa was so dope to me
one of the worst movies i've ever seen ... i mean the part w/ the dog running over the wires, movie was a str8 comedy ... the speed part when the trailerjumped the gap, dude dying 2x and making it ... it goes on and on ....
Originally Posted by platanohead22

yea for real ...never seen it and i know it sucks

besides the fact that is like 4 hours long, the movie is cheesy and just wayyy over the top, after a while it was just straight up comedy.
Any way we can all tweet Ed Lover to do a Cmon SON! episode dedicated to this movie alone?
i'm military and have the skinny on some of the underground installations built by our government, if you're interested in some info on the goldentickets you'll need to gain access into one, just pm me.

Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

i'm military and have the skinny on some of the underground installations built by our government, if you're interested in some info on the golden tickets you'll need to gain access into one, just pm me.


cRazy dav0 wrote:
one of the worst movies i've ever seen ... i mean the part w/ the dog running over the wires, movie was a str8 comedy ... the speed part when the trailer jumped the gap, dude dying 2x and making it ... it goes on and on ....
i didn't say that there weren't any cliche' action formulas, i thought i pointed that out. but chiwetel ejiofor's character made the film. this kinda of ties in with the "matrix-thread" what do we really "know"? for those of you who saw the movie, i'd hope you'd agree that the writers did his job and scared me with what a billion dollars can buy for who and how all the woody harelson characters that we disregard in our lives that really know the truth. we write these people off as quacks chasing conspiracy theories. from a epistemology stand point, that movie was sniped by critics (or by the government for the message it sent) months before it hit theatres.

Spoiler [+]
think about the kitchen scene when amanda pete's character didn't listen to her her ex husbandwarnings even after what she'd been through the night before because "the media" (which is controlled by the goverment) said EVERYTHING IS OK. he said THAT'S WHEN YOU SHOULD PANIC!!! then how john cusak's book only sold 500 copies but the brightest scientist in the country thought it was worth saving with earth's history for future generations. then how the indian scientist and that discovered the catastrophe was left for dead without a second thought and they didn't even who he was and we watched his family die.
everything that's close to the truth we choose not to believe. ABC's V remake is another show that has a hidden message about of government.howcan movies like the titanic win dozens of academy awards and oscars but 2012 is written off?....america is cold blooded and calculative in it's aimless"pusuit of happiness". we're just the gears that keep the machine running, fueled by MTV and an abyss of useless consumer goods we can'tafford to impress people we don't even like.
Originally Posted by Kakashi

cRazy dav0 wrote:
one of the worst movies i've ever seen ... i mean the part w/ the dog running over the wires, movie was a str8 comedy ... the speed part when the trailer jumped the gap, dude dying 2x and making it ... it goes on and on ....
i didn't say that there weren't any cliche' action formulas, i thought i pointed that out. but chiwetel ejiofor's character made the film. this kinda of ties in with the "matrix-thread" what do we really "know"? for those of you who saw the movie, i'd hope you'd agree that the writers did his job and scared me with what a billion dollars can buy for who and how all the woody harelson characters that we disregard in our lives that really know the truth. we write these people off as quacks chasing conspiracy theories. from a epistemology stand point, that movie was sniped by critics (or by the government for the message it sent) months before it hit theatres.

Spoiler [+]
think about the kitchen scene when amanda pete's character didn't listen to her her ex husbandwarnings even after what she'd been through the night before because "the media" (which is controlled by the goverment) said EVERYTHING IS OK. he said THAT'S WHEN YOU SHOULD PANIC!!! then how john cusak's book only sold 500 copies but the brightest scientist in the country thought it was worth saving with earth's history for future generations. then how the indian scientist and that discovered the catastrophe was left for dead without a second thought and they didn't even who he was and we watched his family die.
everything that's close to the truth we choose not to believe. ABC's V remake is another show that has a hidden message about of government.how can movies like the titanic win dozens of academy awards and oscars but 2012 is written off?....america is cold blooded and calculative in it's aimless "pusuit of happiness". we're just the gears that keep the machine running, fueled by MTV and an abyss of useless consumer goods we can't afford to impress people we don't even like.

at the end of the day, money is what makes the world go round, if you have it then you are blessed. If you dont have it, then live happy with what you do haveand stop worrying yourself with conspiracy theories that you cant do jack about.
i hear they're doing a television series about life after those event. 2013.

and i am not kidding.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

at the end of the day, money is what makes the world go round, if you have it then you are blessed. If you dont have it, then live happy with what you do have and stop worrying yourself with conspiracy theories that you cant do jack about.

I think my man kakashi sensei is putting more thought into this film than the actual creators
Originally Posted by Julian Wright

Y'all are trippin. This movie was

Maybe cause I
before though
naw cuz I was
in the movie theaters with my boy and Iswear the weed made the movie so intense, but as far as thought provoking....naaaah homie. You want thought provoking check out [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"The Man From Earth"[/color] and watch that while
thoughts shall arise like no other
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