Justin Timberlake Thread: The 20/20 Experience Due 3/19, Link to "Suit & Tie" ft. Jay-Z on 1st Page

Went on the top iTunes albums chart, and 20/20 was on top in almost every country, and Suit & Tie was on top in almost every country. It seems that JT will be atop the Billboard 200 and Billboard Hot 100.
Well he did.

Right, funny you disappeared from the thread after people starting piling on you

Still never answered how those three Shock Value 3 singles did?

I didn't disappear champ, there was no need to argue with fools at the time.

In regards to Shock Value 3, i take it as a producer just making a fun album for myself and not trying to make an impact or statement.

Right because all pop stars sell 900k plus in a week

You disappeared, it's cool you don't like JT

And I love Timb as a producer but Shock Value isn't a "fun" album, he's trying to make impacts on the airwaves like SV1 and SV2
Last Timb song I remember that popped was 'The Way I Are', and that was back when JT made him relevant again.

Timb needs JT, it's not vice versa.

Of course, my opinion.
They don't NEED each other but they compliment each other nicely. JT is a big pop name and is starting to pop as an actor and will always be a sex symbol. Timbaland is a legendary producer.

Now, as for the sales. It's good to see a great album do this well. Let's not forget about all the promo that happened with this album though. Target and beer commercials. Jay Z feature and appearances. Hosting SNL and hosted a late night show for a whole week.

Lastly, Body Count SUCKS. It's weak as hell. Dress On is nice but it sounds like a bonus track because Timbaland didn't do the beat so it doesn't have the same vibe as the rest of the album. I like when artists work with one producer for the entire project, it has a cohesive sound and it's something I would like to see more often.
He'll put up numbers cuz he's a pop star but the music wouldn't be as good w/o Tim.

Sales are one thing but when your music begins to take on a life of its own, numbers cease to matter. We all know of his promo thus far, but I'm not referring to that. That vehicle is great for initial sales and pub, but after your album has been out for a month and the numbers have started to dwindle, can your music still permeate throughout to the masses? Become it's own vehicle without financial backing? I can easily foresee a number of these cuts being featured in TV shows, commercials, movies and a host of other cross-selling ads. Possibly spawning a game or two, or even it's own reality show. 20/20 nights at clubs and social events. Famous figures comfessing to hum along to its tunes. This is that kind of album. Accessible to all, with an infinite amount of replay value, and easily recognizable. The formula for a potential classic. What Adele did with 21 a few years back but to the nth power. The music took over and it was no longer Adele but that song and you knew it and couldn't escape it.

The very album produced wholly by Timbo. Yes, had JT recruited another producer or myriad of producers the product very well could have been better (I don't even see how that could be possible), but this album is the one we are bestowed. It's sonic awesomeness aside, it just has that feel of love, honesty, and serendipity that only two longtime friends and comrades could produce. It's about more than just the music.
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Never been a fan of JT (I always saw him as a MJ wannabe) or Tim, but I can't this lie, this album is really good. Upon one listen so far, I think the only misstep is 'Mirrors'.  You gotta love the whole throw back, heavy soul vibe of the album.  

And yes, this is the first time I've 'ever listened to a JT album.
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Sales are one thing but when your music begins to take on a life of its own, numbers cease to matter. We all know of his promo thus far, but I'm not referring to that. That vehicle is great for initial sales and pub, but after your album has been out for a month and the numbers have started to dwindle, can your music still permeate throughout to the masses? Become it's own vehicle without financial backing? I can easily foresee a number of these cuts being featured in TV shows, commercials, movies and a host of other cross-selling ads. Possibly spawning a game or two, or even it's own reality show. 20/20 nights at clubs and social events. Famous figures comfessing to hum along to its tunes. This is that kind of album. Accessible to all, with an infinite amount of replay value, and easily recognizable. The formula for a potential classic. What Adele did with 21 a few years back but to the nth power. The music took over and it was no longer Adele but that song and you knew it and couldn't escape it.

The very album produced wholly by Timbo. Yes, had JT recruited another producer or myriad of producers the product very well could have been better (I don't even see how that could be possible), but this album is the one we are bestowed. It's sonic awesomeness aside, it just has that feel of love, honesty, and serendipity that only two longtime friends and comrades could produce. It's about more than just the music.

He'll put up numbers cuz he's a pop star but the music wouldn't be as good w/o Tim.

That's ******ed. CD sales in the digital era has drastically fallen for the past few years, pop star or not. Look at someone like Rihanna who is a bonafide pop star, pisses out hit songs, but can't seem to sell her CDs the way she should be. Justin has always been on another level. After creating FS/LS and then that concert on top of that, he left people wanting and anticipating more which is one of the many reasons why 20/20 Experience will push close to a million, that along with the promo.

And I'm pretty sure the music would be good regardless, but I do agree with the notion that him and Tim have an undeniable chemistry and it shows.

Anywhooo I'm so happy for JT. Like I've said before in this thread, I've been a STAN for him since the days of Nsync and to witness his growth is amazing. I hope he reaches a million first week because he deserves it. I got up so early last Tuesday just in fear that it might sell out in Target lol. I was soooo tired at work but it was so worth it to own a JT cd after almost 7 years! Dress On is such a banger, that beat stays in my head, that would be a dope single if it became one. :smokin Body Count is terrible though, I might just delete it off my iPod because I can't deal lol.
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