Kanye West Assaults 18 Year Old For Extremely Racist Remarks...

What's messed up is that no one said anything to the kid except Kim, and the fact that people just let him sit there and still get served after he obviously verbally assaulted Kim.

That's wwwwaaaaayyyyyy worse than what Kanye did to him.  How do you serve a client that's verbally accusing a woman?  In a massage parlor of all places?
This wouldn't fly if we did something like this, I'm thnking the police will probably be more harsh on West because of his past incidents/celebrity status.
This should be interesting to watch.

Edit: Kim or the business owner should have called the Police first.
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The dumb kid was trying to get under Kim and Kanye's skin, why give him the satisfaction? Why give TMZ the satisfaction of running "Kanye assaults 18-year old" headlines all week?

Run your mouth like that and you have it coming... but sometimes it's better to let it go
"his best hit in years"

Just FYI.

I didn't use the word kid to in any way absolve him from any responsibility or wrong doing in the matter. Didn't mean to hint at any type of excuse for his behavior.

I called him an 18 year old kid because of how ignorant and immature he sounded.

But he is grown enough to get repercussions for his behavior, and he did.
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"kid" did this on purpose he's tryin to get paid

****** loser

And get paid he probably will. My guess is they will settle out of court because any legal team worth a damn will play Kanye calling himself na n"*****" in his own music (****** In Paris) and ask why it's ok for him to call himself that and not ok for his fans to call him a *****/******?

I agree that dude should've gotten socked up, but his move seems like an obvious attempt to get Kanye or his girl heated and then cash in.
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The dumb kid was trying to get under Kim and Kanye's skin, why give him the satisfaction? Why give TMZ the satisfaction of running "Kanye assaults 18-year old" headlines all week?

Run your mouth like that and you have it coming... but sometimes it's better to let it go

Call it ego but I couldn't stand by and let someone blatantly disrespect my wife like that.
I don't care what anyone says. That 18 yo crossed the line. Come at Ye all you want. But to drag a man's fiancé into it with such a disrespectful comment is something you can't overlook.

In before 1000 pages.
Forget what all you guys say the kid is the winner here. Kanye might have punched him but the kid is bout to punch out some extra bills from his atm.. Hard to believe someone as young as 18 in Cali is still getting that kinda deep indoctrination with racism.  The ****** lover comment makes he think he got the wrong message from that Chapelle skit
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