Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

I know you're not supposed to kick a man when he's down........but this is a special occasion.

F Koonye!!!!
Moms was cheating on Robert with his close friends. You better believe OJ was probably digging that out too.
Ahh, poor little billionaire businessman, fashionista, musician that's been in exponentially more world experiences and tough boardroom conversations and power moves than most of us. Let's be empathetic and speak on his behalf despite his clear ability to be able to do it successfully enough for himself.
and some kid was on here trying to tell me he was better off at nike cause of the resell price of the air yeezy's :lol:
one day it will click
Irreparable damage, conspired with Trump to turn an election :lol: :rofl: :rofl:

Just five years ago he wasn't important enough to demand his own shoe now he's turning elections & furthering white supremacy, SWIFTLY.
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