Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Really? Seem to be doing alright.
If it wasn't obvious I mean they are far more than well off.
I can feel bad for both parties in either situation. My empathy isn't capped.
Sure you can feel anything. That's not what I was talking about.
I don't know if you guys are saying that money is a good surrogate for love/affection and a normal childhood but that's how it's sounding.

Didn't say I feel bad for her because she doesn't have nice kicks. I feel bad because she's likely gonna have a weird time with parents like KK and Kanye.
That's not what I'm talking about either.

You seem to think Ye and Kim as parents is something to feel bad about. I'm saying that ain't anything to worry about.

If it wasn't obvious I mean they are far more than well off.

Sure you can feel anything. That's not what I was talking about.

That's not what I'm talking about either.

You seem to think Ye and Kim as parents is something to feel bad about. I'm saying that ain't anything to worry about.

They're definitely much more well off. I'm just saying there's no financial bench mark that creates a substitute for good parenting.

It's unfortunate that North got stuck with two massive narcissists as parents and is gonna probably have a really abnormal upbringing because of it. That's all really.

"I feel bad" was taken way too literally I think. I'm not losing sleep over it.
Y’all laughing
this sounding like an OJ similar situation to me

ye nuts, I wouldn’t be surprised if some crazy Stan of Kanye actually hurts Pete over this goes to jail and Kanye gets implicated

this man need help
"until you have a daughter, that's what I call karma, and you pray to God she don't grow breasts too soon."
I can't believe that dude l thought was so cool in 04 is goin out sad like this.
Losing his mom is a large reason he's acting out like this. He's an only child like me and I'm certain l somewhat understand his thought process.
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