Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Anti semitic conspiracies combine fake deepness with goofy dumb ****.
a combination that I personally can't stand.

for all the control the jews supposedly have they seem remarkably ineffectual

Jay Z did an entire album with Farrakhan samples Nation of islam references
and the NFL is happy to be partnered with him.

and tbh Kanye prob could have got all this off if he didn't use certain words.

everyday there are politicians, prominent media figures, former presidents
talking about "globalists" "rootless cosmopolitans" "european financiers"

basically as long as you don't literally say "jews control the media, finance and politics and are engaged in a conspiracy to destroy white/black people "
Jewish people are totally powerless to stop you.

Anti semitism goes unchecked like 98% of the time.
but somehow jewish people are in control of everything. its so dumb.

I think this post I posted earlier may be connected to what you’re saying. Would you say Jay-z/Farrakhan/Ye and those of that ilk are the synagogue of Satan with their antisemetic rhetoric?

I personally don’t understand why ADL won’t come out and clear this up for once and all.

I’ve sincerely done my best to understand this issue in a way that makes sense. For example, I thought the word Semetic had to do with the descendants of Shem in the Bible, but when I researched the definition this is what I found :

1. relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.

In this context I could understand why Ye may be perceived as anti-semitic because he’s made disparaging comments about "Afro-Asiatic" people like George Floyd but the narrative doesn’t seem like it’s formed around that issue specifically. It seems like this more about a group of Khazarian Jews who converted to Judiasm under the lead of King Bulan in the 8th century’s for political reasons and they are not happy about being grouped in as all bad for certain business practices. I could see why Khazarian Jews would be Angry for being stereotyped in mass. I do think it’s misleading and confusing when words are being used to describe an action that don’t actually align with the meaning of the word. Based off of the definition we have non-afro people saying that Afro people are being anit-afro towards non-Afro people.

If you have any reputable books or scholarly resources that helped you form view/perspective on the issue and perhaps could give further clarity on what semitic and anti-semitic means could you share?

I honestly don’t know. My understanding of the Bible is more esoteric/metaphysical.

From what I understand for Jews, specifically the Talmud/Torah is taken literally. If there is a prophecy within the confines of the faith that speaks about the return of a Messiah that is of the Hebrew faith that will destroy the synagogue of Satan, I think inquiring means and those outside of the faith desiring a better understanding should be able to respectfully ask questions pertaining to the faith.

Within our own sneaker community here at NT counterfeit sneakers and the conversations surrounding such aren’t tolerated, especially when the items are meant to deceive people into thinking it’s a real item. Because of that, there’s precautions in place designed to maintain the integrity of the forum. As protective as Jews are about their narrative, I would think it would be of upmost importance to lay out what a false Jew looks like and at least give a historical context for making the case. To my knowledge, there’s only one group I know that unanimously claims themselves as Jews on the planet. Just to have a better understanding of the situation I would like to see who they perceive as the “Synagogue of Satan” and how they arrived to that conclusion.
Whens the last time a public antisemitism case was actually straight up offensive? Meyers Leonard?

Djax tweet whoopis comments bron posting lyrics and now this really ain't that damaging unless they want it to be
Whens the last time a public antisemitism case was actually straight up offensive? Meyers Leonard?

Djax tweet whoopis comments bron posting lyrics and now this really ain't that damaging unless they want it to be
i know it's not the case these days but i don't think it's for you to deem it offensive or not
i know it's not the case these days but i don't think it's for you to deem it offensive or not
I know it just seems like the leash gets shorter and shorter. Not so long ago u even had Hollywood movies like Walk hard that made jokes like "those Jews control show biz". Sure it's an ignorant stereotype but equating it to straight up hate speech? Idk guess it's a slippery slope
Just started to listen to the Drink Champs podcast and immediately saw a N.O.R.E apologizes for Ye interview. I'm of the opinion the journalist shouldn't have to apologize for their guest statements, he stated Ye's opinions are Ye's opinions alone and that should be enough.
Just started to listen to the Drink Champs podcast and immediately saw a N.O.R.E apologizes for Ye interview. I'm of the opinion the journalist shouldn't have to apologize for their guest statements, he stated Ye's opinions are Ye's opinions alone and that should be enough.

Nah, as an interviewer you can also disagree or challenge your guest. If you say nothing, it says that you agree or you're giving a softball interview. Everyone knew what interview was going to be, with how he was going over the past month, so you can't be naïve about it. Nore wanted the attention and views.

You can also edit the interview for both you and your guest if you care. The fact that Nore edited out the salacious parts(Puff, George Floyd..) and promoted them is wild.

Tucker Carlson edited his and then the rest got "leaked"
Meant to post this in here lol

Its puzzling to me going on a major press run with no album dropping, not selling anything or having anything to announce. It seems like the sole purpose was to be generally offensive and controversial. He said a bunch nothing with all that press he was getting. Say he is on his hardcore antisemitic ****, why do a press run for the sole purpose of exposing yourself? Mans literally went on the biggest national news shows and podcasts within a couple weeks with no discernible objective or agenda, alienated himself from millions and lost all his deals for no apparent reason.

To the untrained it certainly seems he is going through some type of mental health crisis. If its really all that simple its baffling someone somewhere wasnt smart enough to prevent him from leaving all this money on the table.
Nah bruh. Kanye is just an a**hole. That’s it. Full stop. I always thought the “uhh they’re doing this because an album is about to drop” was a corny excuse. I feel like it a kind of denial that celebrities are just regular people with good *** jobs. Idk if this is some type of jab at white folks for making the mental health excuse for domestic terrorist or what, but this is not that. I understand mental health needs to be taken more seriously in the black community, but stop trying to turn him into some martyr for mental health. This man is an a**hole. The only he is going to realize it is if he hits rock bottom. You can’t save everyone, and thats ok. There plenty of other successful black men, contributing way more to the world to look up to. We can handle this L.
I think this post I posted earlier may be connected to what you’re saying. Would you say Jay-z/Farrakhan/Ye and those of that ilk are the synagogue of Satan with their antisemetic rhetoric?

I personally don’t understand why ADL won’t come out and clear this up for once and all.

I’ve sincerely done my best to understand this issue in a way that makes sense. For example, I thought the word Semetic had to do with the descendants of Shem in the Bible, but when I researched the definition this is what I found :

1. relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.

In this context I could understand why Ye may be perceived as anti-semitic because he’s made disparaging comments about "Afro-Asiatic" people like George Floyd but the narrative doesn’t seem like it’s formed around that issue specifically. It seems like this more about a group of Khazarian Jews who converted to Judiasm under the lead of King Bulan in the 8th century’s for political reasons and they are not happy about being grouped in as all bad for certain business practices. I could see why Khazarian Jews would be Angry for being stereotyped in mass. I do think it’s misleading and confusing when words are being used to describe an action that don’t actually align with the meaning of the word. Based off of the definition we have non-afro people saying that Afro people are being anit-afro towards non-Afro people.

If you have any reputable books or scholarly resources that helped you form view/perspective on the issue and perhaps could give further clarity on what semitic and anti-semitic means could you share?
Black people by marjority aren't culturally, majority, or ethnically "Jew".

Don't let people lie to you.
Black people by marjority aren't culturally, majority, or ethnically "Jew".

Don't let people lie to you.
Thx for looking out.

I never said they were and no one has taught me that so far. I”ll keep an eye out for it tho. I was just going by Webster’s definition of the word.

In reference to Revelations 2:9 who would you approximate is the real "Jew" and "The Synagogue of Satan"
I know it just seems like the leash gets shorter and shorter. Not so long ago u even had Hollywood movies like Walk hard that made jokes like "those Jews control show biz". Sure it's an ignorant stereotype but equating it to straight up hate speech? Idk guess it's a slippery slope
It's not an equivalency relationship; it's a cause-effect relationship. When left unaddressed, negative stereotypes lead to hate speech, which usually leads to targeted violence, and the end result is usually widespread conflict.
Thx for looking out.

I never said they were and no one has taught me that so far. I”ll keep an eye out for it tho. I was just going by Webster’s definition of the word.

In reference to Revelations 2:9 who would you approximate is the real "Jew" and "The Synagogue of Satan"
I don't think Rev 2:9 has anything to do with what Kanye is ranting about.
Nah, as an interviewer you can also disagree or challenge your guest. If you say nothing, it says that you agree or you're giving a softball interview. Everyone knew what interview was going to be, with how he was going over the past month, so you can't be naïve about it. Nore wanted the attention and views.

You can also edit the interview for both you and your guest if you care. The fact that Nore edited out the salacious parts(Puff, George Floyd..) and promoted them is wild.

Tucker Carlson edited his and then the rest got "leaked"

I agree you can disagree with your guest and challenge him. He chose to give him a platform to express his views whether the public agrees or disagree.

I still don't agree he needed to apologize for having the interview or not editing it. I didn't think Robin Roberts needed to apologize for the soft ball interview she gave Smollet, I do think Gayle King needed to address the biases and leading she brought to the Lisa Leslie interview.

At the end of the day, I see the NORE an unbiased look at what Ye is expressing. Outside of views and fame, I don't see NORE having a politic spin, intended or not, the same way an interview with Carlson, Rogan, or Owens would have. He didn't come in with an extended agenda, his agenda was it's a hot topic and no one wants to touch it, let's give him a platform.

Again, just my opinion on it.
Nah bruh. Kanye is just an a**hole. That’s it. Full stop. I always thought the “uhh they’re doing this because an album is about to drop” was a corny excuse. I feel like it a kind of denial that celebrities are just regular people with good *** jobs. Idk if this is some type of jab at white folks for making the mental health excuse for domestic terrorist or what, but this is not that. I understand mental health needs to be taken more seriously in the black community, but stop trying to turn him into some martyr for mental health. This man is an a**hole. The only he is going to realize it is if he hits rock bottom. You can’t save everyone, and thats ok. There plenty of other successful black men, contributing way more to the world to look up to. We can handle this L.
I think two things can be true at the same time. I think Kanye is an *******, but also a mentally ill *******.

Anyone with any kind of psych/medical training can see pretty readily that he demonstrates a lot of manic symptoms (pressured speech, tangential thinking, flight of ideas, etc.).

It’s not a way to excuse his statements or actions, just an acknowledgement of reality. It doesn’t make anything he’s said any better and he’s still deserving of the consequences he’s facing.
I’ve sincerely done my best to understand this issue in a way that makes sense. For example, I thought the word Semetic had to do with the descendants of Shem in the Bible, but when I researched the definition this is what I found :

1. relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.

In this context I could understand why Ye may be perceived as anti-semitic because he’s made disparaging comments about "Afro-Asiatic" people like George Floyd but the narrative doesn’t seem like it’s formed around that issue specifically. It seems like this more about a group of Khazarian Jews who converted to Judiasm under the lead of King Bulan in the 8th century’s for political reasons and they are not happy about being grouped in as all bad for certain business practices. I could see why Khazarian Jews would be Angry for being stereotyped in mass. I do think it’s misleading and confusing when words are being used to describe an action that don’t actually align with the meaning of the word. Based off of the definition we have non-afro people saying that Afro people are being anit-afro towards non-Afro people.

If you have any reputable books or scholarly resources that helped you form view/perspective on the issue and perhaps could give further clarity on what semitic and anti-semitic means could you share?

I think two things can be true at the same time. I think Kanye is an *******, but also a mentally ill *******.

Anyone with any kind of psych/medical training can see pretty readily that he demonstrates a lot of manic symptoms (pressured speech, tangential thinking, flight of ideas, etc.).

It’s not a way to excuse his statements or actions, just an acknowledgement of reality. It doesn’t make anything he’s said any better and he’s still deserving of the consequences he’s facing.
That may be true. Im leaning more towards the a-hole side. There are too many celebrities that people don’t find out they’re narcissistic until they’re aired out by someone with an encounter. Kanye kick the door open with that ****. But if you’re going to point at mental health, in fairness, you gotta keep that energy all across the board.
That may be true. Im leaning more towards the a-hole side. There are too many celebrities that people don’t find out they’re narcissistic until they’re aired out by someone with an encounter. Kanye kick the door open with that ****. But if you’re going to point at mental health, in fairness, you gotta keep that energy all across the board.
But again, that can be true but being an ******* doesn’t cause you to go on long, meandering, incoherent rants that don’t follow a linear train of thought. Mania will 100% do that though.

All I’m saying is this is multi-factorial and I don’t think it’s fair to dismiss one of the very obvious factors contributing to this.
This is how you interview Kanye West:

(3:50 mark = guess who?)
giphy (2).gif

Gets to Drink Champs and whole time, not a single "Ya gatta Relax Ye" was heard. :lol:

Talib Kweli interview was dope too...

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