Kendrick Perkins- Let me get this straight... Vol: Ejection.

Perkins is a # # # # #. The second one was definitely warranted, he pulls that crap every time the whistle blows.

^ This. I'd take the first one back and keep the second.
Perkins is his own worst enemy as he certainly acts up after every fould called against him but this is the Eastern Conference Finals.

The game was poorly officiated but didnt cost the Celtics the game in my opinion.
An accident? Have you guys never seen Perkins play? The elbow was on purpose, although IMO it wasn't that serious. I would've just stepped in with a "boys, play nice," and then the next person to do something got the T, but again, it's Eddie F Rush and Joey Crawford.

The Rondo T was warranted, or certainly no surprise. You don't backtalk Joey Crawford. Joey just told him you've been warned and to go to his bench and Rondo turns back around and says something to him. What the hell did you think quick trigger Joey would do?

Bob Delaney was letting them get away with that +*@@ last game, but not Joey.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Perkins is his own worst enemy as he certainly acts up after every fould called against him but this is the Eastern Conference Finals.

The game was poorly officiated but didnt cost the Celtics the game in my opinion.
This.  People act like Lewis and Nelson didn't show up tonight. 

But I will give you Perkin's 2nd T...  And that Rondo T was more than warranted.  You can't mouth back right after a warning.  But I'll chalk that up to frustration due to the ejection.
And that Rondo T was more than warranted.  You can't mouth back right after a warning.  But I'll chalk that up to frustration due to the ejection.
Why was he given a warning in the first place? He was asking a different official about a call when Crawford decided to step in and make himself the center of attention, as he so often does.
Originally Posted by JD617

And that Rondo T was more than warranted.  You can't mouth back right after a warning.  But I'll chalk that up to frustration due to the ejection.
Why was he given a warning in the first place? He was asking a different official about a call when Crawford decided to step in and make himself the center of attention, as he so often does.
100% agree. Jackson and Van Gundy were spot-on when they called out Crawford for this. $+%* was he doing, babysitting for the other ref?
Clearly Perkins should not have been ejected...if I am going to see a starter in the ECF get ejected, he better have EARNED THAT @#%#. And Perkins did not. He tried to control himself after initially reacting towards the ref, and he walked away.
hold up, yall honestly believe that elbow was an accident?! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ... and im glad he got the second one ... whiney baby running up the court cursing ... #++!%
That first technical was justified. Perkins was trying to be slick and elbowed Gortat while making it look like his grip slipped. Celtics players do %#!% like that constantly. Especially Garnett. They're always giving those extra elbow shots and jabs while something else is going on either during play or when when people are huddle up close to one another after a play. Then they act like they're completely innocent.

The second technical was completely bogus. The refs are celebrities now. They want their time to shine. They should be shining shoes instead.

While there's no justification for the second call, I've never seen a whinier, more bit.chass team than the Celtics. Crying over every call made against them and begging the refs to make every call go in their favor.
I agree, that elbow was intentional
but I'm not sure if I would've gave him a tech for it.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Perkins is his own worst enemy as he certainly acts up after every fould called against him but this is the Eastern Conference Finals.

The game was poorly officiated but didnt cost the Celtics the game in my opinion.
And there we have it.
Not that players should have too, but they must realize they have to adjust to the personality of the certain refs.
i hate the celtics and love seeing them fail, but i love seeing them fail in a legit way, not by seeing 2 refs with a history for being well know poopy heads try and takeover the game and od off any little call.

stupid refs need to realize people pay to see the players play, not some egotistical clowns with a ref who feel they need to extend their minimal tv exposure and get their names known. think about this in the 1980's and 1990's it was rare that you knew the names of referees, now we know almost every refs name and their "habits"

stern wants to run his mouth about wishing he woulda suspended phil and pat riley for complaining about the refs, he should be running his mouth about how he plans to fix the referee situation in the league.

how joey crawford still has a job in the league is beyond me after that tim duncan incident back in 2007.
Same topic (questionable technicals), but diffeent Confeence Finals. Game 1 or 2 of the WCF, I'm still amazed at Grant Hill's technical. He's guarding Kobe, gets called for a foul, and... from what I can see... WALKS AWAY AND WAVES THE REF OFF. Like... that's all I saw. No talking. No staring/mean mugging.

Just... *referee whistle*
*Grant pauses w/ his hands on his hips*
*Grant walks away and waves his hand in the ref's direction out of protest*
*another whistle, for a T*

Y'all remember? Did I miss something else? Y'all remember who the refs were, or who that one was?
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I can't believe all these softies that think the first tech was justified.

*looks at sig*
you either gotta be dumb or a celtics fan to think he didnt do that on purpose....

the 2nd one was maybe a quick trigger.... but he does that !*!% after every play that doesnt go his way, he pouts and runs up the floor.

When you have a reputation in the League, its gonna follow you.
I think there's a difference between whether or not the first tech was justified, or whether it was an "accident".

Perkins did that on purpose, no doubt about it.

And there's also a difference between people wanting the NBA to be a more physical tougher game and those people would have ignored the elbow and not given the tech. However we're not playing in that league anymore and just because we want the league to be tougher, doesn't mean it is. The refs will and often calls techs like that and Perkins knew full well what he was doing.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Same topic (questionable technicals), but diffeent Confeence Finals. Game 1 or 2 of the WCF, I'm still amazed at Grant Hill's technical. He's guarding Kobe, gets called for a foul, and... from what I can see... WALKS AWAY AND WAVES THE REF OFF. Like... that's all I saw. No talking. No staring/mean mugging.

Just... *referee whistle*
*Grant pauses w/ his hands on his hips*
*Grant walks away and waves his hand in the ref's direction out of protest*
*another whistle, for a T*

Y'all remember? Did I miss something else? Y'all remember who the refs were, or who that one was?

I also noticed this, and thought it was bogus. You get guys like the entire Celtic or Cavs team (no offense to them, but these are the ones that I notice the most), that whine and $%%!* after every call or non call, and get away with it, and compare that to Grant Hill, a class act on and off the court, making one small gesture, and gets called for it.

I mean, its not like he flipped the ref off. He just waved it away. Sure players are entitled to their opinion, and at times can express it in certain ways. I thought that was one way that he could still show he didn't agree without repercussions (walking away as well mind you).

Absolute garbage. Every game thus far in the playoffs has been horribly officiated; it might not be noticeable for one team, but its just inconstancy throughout the entire league. Its gotten to a very VERY frustrating point. Either let them all whine, and tech up the abusers like Sheed, or don't let a single thing slide. One of the two. Quit with this inconsistent crap.

PS - anybody else notice that as soon as Grant got that tech, he didnt play another minute till the next game?
If that first lil elbow was a tech D Howard should be suspended a game dude has a history of throwing elbows believe me the elbow that hit big baby in the mouth was no mistake
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Perkins did that on purpose, no doubt about it.

I disagree. I think there's a lot of doubt about it. I mean: faking a hand slippage while picking a teammate up off the ground to give Gortat an elbow that barely even grazed him? Why would anyone risk a tech for that?

And the Vince Carter tech from earlier in the series was BS as well, but at least he didn't get ejected. Although, that might have helped the Magic.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I can't believe all these softies that think the first tech was justified.
Boston is filled with softies. Elbow was intentional, but shouldn't been a T though
Regardless of Dwight's history, that was unintentional. He was coming down and wasn't even looking at Davis. He didn't swing it irregularly, he just was coming down strong.
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