Kevin Garnett - Profile in Courage

May 19, 2004
It had to be done, and somebody finally did it...

Edit: Now they updated the video with even more random acts of $*!*@-assness...
He's completely and deservedly earned the reputation of being a punk +%! %%@%*.

He's going to bark up the wrong person one day and that day I will be watching with glee as he gets his frail frame tossed around like a rag doll.That's as long a he doesn't back and run away like he usually does when actually confronted by someone.

Hope he does get his.
I cannot wait for the day KG gets into it with Big Ben..that would be a sight to enjoy
Originally Posted by ai3mac1

I cannot wait for the day KG gets into it with Big Ben..that would be a sight to enjoy
Oh man...

I still want to see him get in Darko's face... that man would destroy KG.

I know its stupid to say, but I hope KG somehow gets sight of this video and watches... Then again he wouldnt care.

He is the anchor of that Celtic team on defense, but there should be no room for punks like him in the NBA.
awesome vid

he knows who he can pick on, and he chooses his spots wisely. He's gonna get his...he's a hell of a player, but a P.O.S.
LOL at the wally szcerbiak clip. but nah, is it me but does any feel that KG is a bit racist?? dont forget he went after carrot top matt bonner once. hisantics are really uncalled for. and his so-called "emotion and passion for the game" is played out. KG needs to receive the same shank treatmentpaula pierced got to humble his scrawny %*%.
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