Kevin Harlan/ "Charlie Sheen.......with no regard FOR HUMAN LIFE!"/Kevin Harlan vol. BasedSheenSwag

One of two things will happen, either he will be blackballed from Hollywood and his career will fall into obscurity, or his demands will be met and his return to Two and a Half Men will garner the highest ratings in the history of the series. This whole fiasco seems like a cry for help on one end and on the other it can very well be a publicity stunt, who knows?
Originally Posted by Joe Cool23

 the actor was tested on Saturday for a number of drugs, including cocaine, marijuana, opiates, amphetamines, alcohol and methadone and that the results show Sheen tested negative for every one of the tests.

Natural high. To be honest, as long as he is "clean" he's cool in my book, and he quoted "The Great Allen Iverson."




Originally Posted by Joe Cool23

 the actor was tested on Saturday for a number of drugs, including cocaine, marijuana, opiates, amphetamines, alcohol and methadone and that the results show Sheen tested negative for every one of the tests.

Natural high. To be honest, as long as he is "clean" he's cool in my book, and he quoted "The Great Allen Iverson."




One of two things will happen, either he will be blackballed from Hollywood and his career will fall into obscurity, or his demands will be met and his return to Two and a Half Men will garner the highest ratings in the history of the series. This whole fiasco seems like a cry for help on one end and on the other it can very well be a publicity stunt, who knows?
If Sheen does get blackballed inside the entertainment industry I feel he will become a martyr for people expressing themselves as freely as they can. If this does happen which I doubt because of his famous family I think he'll become one of those obscure legends people talk about a couple years from now sort of how James Dean kinda is (can't find a better person to relate charlies situation to at the moment).
If Sheen does get blackballed inside the entertainment industry I feel he will become a martyr for people expressing themselves as freely as they can. If this does happen which I doubt because of his famous family I think he'll become one of those obscure legends people talk about a couple years from now sort of how James Dean kinda is (can't find a better person to relate charlies situation to at the moment).
On TMZ, he's like, "f---- the world, I'm winning. I'd love to be interviewed by Nick Swisher in the Yankees Dugout cuz we're winners"
On TMZ, he's like, "f---- the world, I'm winning. I'd love to be interviewed by Nick Swisher in the Yankees Dugout cuz we're winners"
there is a huge difference between expressing yourself freely/being brutally honest and spewing out delusional diarrhea (albeit a passionate one). sheen is definitely of the latter. 
there is a huge difference between expressing yourself freely/being brutally honest and spewing out delusional diarrhea (albeit a passionate one). sheen is definitely of the latter. 

at my dude for asking for a raise after the show got pulled for half a season.

at my dude for asking for a raise after the show got pulled for half a season.
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