Kevin Samuels Thread

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There are many countries being run by female prime ministers/presidents right now that have proven to be more stable than the male elected officials we have in this country.
I mean if we are only considering "male elected officials we have in this country" when comparing, that is a very low bar :lol:

But post examples of these countries and also explain what makes them more stable.
You never said you got it from the videos in your original post. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

yea, I said academia. I've been exposed to educated women with doctorates my entire life, from my mother, to college professors to colleagues. I think my experiences hold a lot more weight than some dude who watches YouTube videos. :lol:

You do realize this isn't the deusarvertat thread right?
I mean if we are only considering "male elected officials we have in this country" when comparing, that is a very low bar :lol:

But post examples of these countries and also explain what makes them more stable.

You right :lol: :lol: :lol:

With that being said, I'd still trust a female president to run this country over a male one for several reasons.

1. I trust that a female elected official will actually be qualified. Men (especially white ones) tend to get away with getting into high places no matter how unexceptional or unqualified they are (word to Trump).
2. Men are more volatile and less nurturing. Not entirely their fault, you can blame their socialization for that.
You never said you got it from the videos in your original post. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

yea, I said academia. I've been exposed to educated women with doctorates my entire life, from my mother, to college professors to colleagues. I think my experiences hold a lot more weight than some dude who watches YouTube videos. :lol:

Okay, Quick question.

Do the majority of those women you see in academia get married before, during, or after they get their highest degrees (whatever that degree is)? and if it wasn't before or during how soon after they receive their degree they get married?
You right :lol: :lol: :lol:

With that being said, I'd still trust a female president to run this country over a male one for several reasons.

1. I trust that a female elected official will actually be qualified. Men (especially white ones) tend to get away with getting into high places no matter how unexceptional or unqualified they are (word to Trump).
2. Men are more volatile and less nurturing. Not entirely their fault, you can blame their socialization for that.

I can't disagree with either one of those opinions but you could also argue that a woman in THAT position would take on a more "Volatile and Less Nurturing" approach having worked their way through the levels of the US Government.

Also, there would be other factors to consider than to say, "I would trust a woman more than a man."

It would depend on who the woman and the man presented themselves to be.

But I get your general idea.
Okay, Quick question.

Do the majority of those women you see in academia get married before, during, or after they get their highest degrees (whatever that degree is)? and if it wasn't before or during how soon after they receive their degree they get married?

It varies. My sister had a kid during medical school and got married a few years after residency. My mother had me and my siblings and got married right after medical school. I know several women who got married DURING their training.

It's their decision, I have no opinion on the appropriate time frame to get married or whether to get married at all. :ohwell:
I can't disagree with either one of those opinions but you could also argue that a woman in THAT position would take on a more "Volatile and Less Nurturing" approach having worked their way through the levels of the US Government.

Also, there would be other factors to consider than to say, "I would trust a woman more than a man."

It would depend on who the woman and the man presented themselves to be.

But I get your general idea.

I think in this country it would differ across party lines. But all things equal Im taking a woman. I'd rather Ocasio-cortez or Stacy Abrams be president than Joe Biden.

Yea I think this country is a bad example. We got crazy Qanon female elected officials running wild. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Man get out of your feelings Im just responding to nonsense like everyone else. If you have nothing else to say just keep it moving. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Shame, Insults, Guilt, and the Need to be Right.

This is what I meant by men with feminine traits putting feelings where facts should be.

Cant even admit you don't know what you're talking, making everything about you and your POV, quick to throw childish comments / insults around...then deflect.

Insecure indeed.

Do your thing Fam.
Shame, Insults, Guilt, and the Need to be Right.

This is what I meant by men with feminine traits putting feelings where facts should be.

Cant even admit you don't know what you're talking, making everything about you and your POV, quick to throw childish comments / insults around...then deflect.

Insecure indeed.

Do your thing Fam.

I dunno when people say dumb sh$# I call them out on it, it's nothing personal. I've answered most questions asked in here respectfully, if you feel like I'm attacking you that sounds like your problem :ohwell:. You are using the word "facts" a little loosely there chap.

I was being sarcastic when I brought up feelings, because your insecure behind brought it up several times in this thread which I find ironic based on your recent responses. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Pull your skirt up B >D
Man...less than a week ago I had no idea who Derrick Jaxn or Kevin Samuels were but I got in on the Jaxn thread when it was posted and someone mentioned how KS was similar. Kept seeing this thread growing and on the first page and finally decided to go through it over the course of the past few days and sheesh :rofl: The conversation in here is now much bigger than Kevin Samuels. A few things I wanted to touch on:

1. First Date Spending Limits

IMO, I don't think that's a big deal but again, I think it depends on the person's situation. I don't want to use the term "It ain't tricking if you got it" but in all honesty, if it's within your financial means then I don't see it as a big deal but you should plan accordingly based on what type of vibe/tone you want to set for any relationship you may have with that woman moving forward. My friends and I used to call it simple Expectation Management."

2. Working if your wife is CEO
My wife is a CEO but I just got fired from dollar tree.... I’m a cashier...

Why am I even working anywhere, if my wife is a CEO???

This is a real thing. One of the top execs (CEO of a division) at my company made just shy of $5MM this year (her salary is published in the proxy statement since she was one of the 5 highest paid named executive officers) and for reference, she made $3.5MM and $10MM the previous years. Her husband is a mid-level manager at the company so they have to disclose his salary in the proxy too....he makes $160K!!! I just bring up that example to say, it's not absurd for a man to work when his woman is pulling in big bucks.

3.The Concept of High Value Men and Women in Relationships
I said it before and I'll say it again, the problem is people got a list of superficial **** they looking for in a mate like they going grocery shopping. People got it in their head what THEY want, and its just a matter of checking off boxes when meeting people and determining if they are a suitable match to fulfill their own desires. It aint about meeting someone, seeing them for who they are as a person and falling in love with said person. Its about what do I get out of it, what do they bring to my table, how does this person contribute to my own fragile self image. How do they reflect on ME. Did I win by "obtaing" this person, or am I taking an L. Me, me, me. Very rarely if ever is it about the person, or love, unless you count love of self. And it is eventually exposed when the inevitable problems creep in. Dam this person that I invested years with, children, marriage. Nope, I can do better and I want better.

All this talk about a high value man, ok he makes six figures, is built, got no kids, owns a home and 3 cars. Now when you find out hes a lame, or he cheats on you, or beats you then what? You didnt get into a relationship with a solid individual, you got into a relationship with a list of attributes.

This is what I personally don't understand about these folks who call in is that aside from their weight, looks, salary, etc. the conversation is always about the tangible, physical attributes of they look for in a man or woman but never about intangibles or traits that might help them unlock more value for themselves. I say that only because I'm reminded of my past two relationships, both of which lasted four years. Sure, they may hate my guts but in both instances it is indisputable that we came in high value (relatively speaking) then left the relationship with significantly greater value. And it's ***NOT*** (didn’t proofread before posting :lol: :smh: )because we had foreigns, degrees from top schools, high salaries, etc but because we made sure that we truly complimented each other.

It's kind of like roster construction in a sport. I don't understand why in addition to his current message he doesn't preach more to both men and women about looking for a partner that will help them unlock their greatest value as well. I think that's important because we've seen it on TV, in movies and in real life that there are situations where **** can go south and that high-paying job can disappear, cars can be repossessed, homes can be foreclosed and then what? You're up ****'s creek without a paddle if you both haven't done anything to increase your collective value during the relationship.

4.The Concept of Needing a Woman/Man

I think what was going on here was a semantics debate but I got lost on what was actually being argued after a few pages, to be honest. I guess my take on it, using my personal experience and taking the word "need" at face value, is that it's not mandatory. I am extremely grateful for everything my exes helped me with and I owe part of my success to them because they were in fact metaphorically shooting with me in the gym. Having said that, do I think I would be any less successful without them? No, not really. The means may have been slightly different but I am certain the ends would remain the same. Maybe even a little less drama tbh :lol:

But again, I don't know if the conversation was talking about needing women in terms of romantic relationships, sexual relationships or their existence period.

5. Random Thing That Bothered Me

I wear suits regularly and tweet pissed me the **** off. If my girl tweeted something like that, I'm breaking up with her immediately. That's shameful and embarrassing to both her and her man.
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4.The Concept of Needing a Woman/Man

I think what was going on here was a semantics debate but I got lost on what was actually being argued after a few pages, to be honest. I guess my take on it, using my personal experience and taking the word "need" at face value, is that it's not mandatory. I am extremely grateful for everything my exes helped me with and I owe part of my success to them because they were in fact metaphorically shooting with me in the gym. Having said that, do I think I would be any less successful without them? No, not really. The means may have been slightly different but I am certain the ends would remain the same. Maybe even a little less drama tbh :lol:

But again, I don't know if the conversation was talking about needing women in terms of romantic relationships, sexual relationships or their existence period.

Comments were previously made about men being insecure.

Some folks opinions are that men are more insecure than women....whatever that means.

In my mind it takes a certain level of confidence to admit that we as humans "need" other humans.

Admitting "need" is more than semantics...its is a sign of a deeper understanding of interpersonal relationships and shows an openness to cooperation.

When women say "I don't need a man" it sounds rather masculine, competitive, and insecure.

What exactly are we trying to prove here? Words are powerful.

The video I posted speaks to this notion.

If independence is a sign of strength then dependence is a sign of weakness for some folks...but how does this work in relationships?

As evidenced by low marriage rates, the fact that women initiate roughly 80% of divorces, and men bear the brunt of the financial ruin after divorce, while the kids suffer the most, it seems this way of thinking has some rather serious consequences.


‘Cooperation’ exists when individuals work together to accomplish shared goals. When a situation is cooperatively structured, individuals' goal achievements are positively correlated; individuals perceive that they can reach their goals if, and only if, the others in the group also reach their goals. Thus, individuals seek outcomes that are beneficial to all those with whom they are cooperatively linked.

‘Competition’ exists when individuals work against each other to achieve a goal that only one or a few can attain. When a situation is structured competitively, individuals' goal achievements are negatively correlated; each individual perceives that when one person achieves his or her goal, all others with whom he or she is competitively linked fail to achieve their goals. Thus, individuals seek an outcome that is personally beneficial but detrimental to all others in the situation. ‘Individualistic efforts’ exist when individuals work by themselves to accomplish goals unrelated to the goals of others.

This is way beyond simple semantics, at least to me.

We at least "need' to be on the same page and "need" each other to cooperate for the good of the family unit.
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That suits comment is idiotic :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Apparently her man has like zero lounge clothes and just goes to bed in a 3 piece suit.

People would look at me funny if I ever wore a suit to work. My first day of work during my training I got called out for wearing a tie.
Hopefully this recent video helps clear up some of the confusion and misconceptions about Kevin Samuels and women being educated in here.

Hopefully this recent video helps clear up some of the confusion and misconceptions about Kevin Samuels and women being educated in here.

A few minutes in an it's the same BS

"That's not a woman's purpose on this planet" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I think it goes back to what I said earlier, a lot of people making these comments don't actually work with or know these women. Son said what about your holidays? Your family?

Dudes really think successful women do NOTHING but work.
A few minutes in an it's the same BS

"That's not a woman's purpose on this planet" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I think it goes back to what I said earlier, a lot of people making these comments don't actually work with or know these women. Son said what about your holidays? Your family?

Dudes really think successful women do NOTHING but work.

You said “a few minutes in”.....I posted this video as of now 7 minutes ago....your response was 3 minutes ago. The video I posted is 8 minutes and 17 seconds long. Did you watch the video in it’s entirety??
What would you say should be their end game?

Legit question.
To be completely independent of any patriarchal identity, then also moving completely away from from any abrahamic identity. Have children as you wish, date as you will. Be free.
Another interesting thing about this thread, why aren't we talking about good looking successful women? A lot of the comments in here seem to be focusing on the ones who may not be fit. There are plenty of doctors, PhDs and CEOs etc who are absolutely gorgeous. Is it ok for those ones to ask for a 6ft5 man who makes 500 grand a year and drives a Maserati? >D Would it be asking for too much in that situation?
To be completely independent of any patriarchal identity, then also moving completely away from from any abrahamic identity. Have children as you wish, date as you will. Be free.

So basically women should PREPARE to be single?

Not saying I disagree but I think this mentality can alleviate wild expectations some might have.
Another interesting thing about this thread, why aren't we talking about good looking successful women? A lot of the comments in here seem to be focusing on the ones who may not be fit. There are plenty of doctors, PhDs and CEOs etc who are absolutely gorgeous. Is it ok for those ones to ask for a 6ft5 man who makes 500 grand a year and drives a Maserati? >D Would it be asking for too much in that situation?

He speaks on this as well.

He says good looking / successful women are ALSO competing for the same Top Shelf dudes.

This ties into his idea of the career success of a woman not being a determining factor on whether or not a man decides to get into a relationship with a woman.

In short, he doesn't think her job matters that much.
You said “a few minutes in”.....I posted this video as of now 7 minutes ago....your response was 3 minutes ago. The video I posted is 8 minutes and 17 seconds long. Did you watch the video in it’s entirety??

I knew you would ask this so I finished watching the BS. :sick:

LOL dude basically tried to say all successful women are fat and ugly and don't get their hair done. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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