Kevin Samuels Thread

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I don't think we're taught what attractiveness is I think its just ingrained in our dna from when we were feral. Like Will Smith is a handsome guy, when he had that allergic reaction in Hitch that turned him ugly it was an indication that something was wrong. If you ever look at mad little babies look at how they interact w/ good looking compared to the average looking, and then compared to boogerwolves. Even dogs bro, I've seen it. This man. He was hard on the eyes and this medium sized dog was dead petrified of him. Had no issues w/ anyone else, but him, and him being a boogerwolf was the only rational reason for this.

Yea but our association of being less attractive with intelligence is definitely learned, but that is changing. There are universally attractive traits like height for men which are indeed ingrained in our dna.

The days of a nerd being that fat short dude with bad acne are over. That's what was pushed in popular cinema in the 80s and 90s when a lot of us were growing up.
Oh, when guccishades made his comments on the does nt have a problem with women thread, she showed his pic to her very well off Black female friends. They all called me stupid for even attempting to talk to a fat, nasty, funky looking idiot like him.

:rofl: :rofl:
So your wife's millionaire friends think it is ok to body shame??
So your wife's millionaire friends think it is ok to body shame??
After this comment?

You mean in regards to abortions? Or what are you referring to women don’t control their own body? If I get an erection on the subway I cannot simply have sexual inter course with any random woman I choose, they have control of that. Not that that’s something I would ever do but I’m just stating an obvious example

A resounding YES.

I'll never forget the discussion. It spoke to his privilege, and the fact that even as he looks as he does, he still felt entitled to women.
After this comment?

A resounding YES.

I'll never forget the discussion. It spoke to his privilege, and the fact that even as he looks as he does, he still felt entitled to women.
"Women hold the access to sex. Men hold the access to marriage and relationships."

You know whp says that right?
This is od corny and unnecessary. Not even worth a response.
I wasn't sure if I was wrong or not for side eyeing that post b/c it read like he was & wasn't tryna play u at the same time. And please don't be upset w/ me for the following, but you responded. You responded twice in one reply.
Serious question: how often do y’all encounter women like the ones who call into the show in real life?
I was getting a grill once and the woman working their was like that. She started complaining to me about "******", and I had to sit listen b/c they kept ******* up my design that I already paid for half for it. She fit that boogerwolf mold. The customer service in that industry is horrible. Looked like she gave good top though.
I do remember one woman asking me this question, and all I could do was nod my head, because she had a point..."Do you think that a woman who was built like that, looking that careless, could post that sort of pic and then get away with it, or even get any likes? Really? Then to add to it, talk about men like they are supposed to like her, regardless if she looks like she stinks?!"

All I could do was agree. :lol:
Who is tommie lee?
A sexy unstable reality star.
Black folks genetically have smaller calves
He had a Thai mother for no reason,.I'd be salty to if I wasn't gifted those things :smh:

Tiger Woods couldn't, because he was cablinasian.

Maybe I missed it or maybe my interpretation is off. To any black posters on here with 5 or years more on (no new comers please) if a poster responding saying this, I translate to that of smoking weed or potentially smoking CRACK which isn’t out the realm of possible for @Mark Antony and drinking their way life away waiting on a black female to be their guiding light what other way is there to interrupt this direct message from @Mark Antony?? Holla at me young slacker.
My guy, you are wylin right now. How many millennials you smoke crack? Especially the Black ones, that **** is like the boogieman. You are beastin for no reason rn.
It’s long over due but I feel like this thread is probably the best place to give KHUFU KHUFU ’s point of view a context:

Before the ”conscious collective” became what it is today, there were/are subsets within the collective known for different things.

The Ausar Auset Society he represents were known for attracting feminine men. Some have defined them as betas, spineless etc. In all seriousness I only bring up it for context and mean no disrespect. A common issue people outside of the society have had has been the inconsistencies with the practices as opposed to the doctrine.

-For example, as you can see he advocates for Matriarchy when at the core of the mythology it is about the resurrection of masculinity as portrayed by Auset reassembling Ausar to give birth to Heru, the archetypical Masculine Messiah.

- A lot of the feminist rhetoric pushed by them doesn’t align with the law of gender that was brought forth by the deity Tehuti which states: “"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles Gender; manifests on all planes." This Principle embodies the truth that there is GENDER manifested in everything — the Masculine and Feminine Principles ever at work. This is true not only of the Physical Plane, but of the Mental and even the Spiritual Planes.

-Another Law of Tehuti states ”As above, so below; as below so above.”

This Principle embodies the truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life.

Every Primordial architect of the universe in Kemetic teachings is a Man. If it is man that builds up above,then it is the man who is the foundation of the family below.

Here is a member of his ilk just to give a visual representation, he is Brother Jabari. 2 minutes should be sufficient to form an opinion :

A few other things to point out, there is a psy-op going on that’s been so carefully crafted it’s become difficult to have conversations about what the consequences will be for future generations. To pull from the Kemetic teachings, Set (Satan) represents chaos and seeks to do the opposite of what ever the natural order of things are. Set seeks to make men women, and women men. Despite what mainstream media is pushing men and women are not equal and never have been.

Mathematically it doesn’t add up, XX =/= XY

In nature there is an infinite amount of examples that speaks to the necessary harmony between masculine and feminine energy to give birth to life. At the simplest level it takes the initiation of the phallus to start the process of creation. The feminine/receptive energy is brought to life when it is penetrated by masculine intent. Even on the mental plane a concept/idea has to penetrate the mind to give birth to action. This is observable in all aspects of life.

On some real stuff, I used to push the same stuff KHUFU KHUFU pushes in my earlier 20’s because I thought calling the black woman a goddess would get me the buns. Thankfully I’ve had proper guidance from Men and Women who showed me the natural order of things. If you wanna know where the strength is, look where the attack is. Black women have been “empowered” at the level they are so that the resurrection of Ausar doesn’t happen. Give her the idea of a “successful” career so that by the time she realizes she’s been hoodwinked she’s 40+

I fully expect him to come in here and say I’m a bible thumper, Misogynistic, White, toxic masculinity, insecure, or completely dismiss my post altogether. Nonetheless I felt it was important to share for anyone striving to make sense of the mind games being played. Lastly, An undisturbed Waterfall in a Forrest is pretty because it strives to be nothing but that which it is. It is no different for Man, Woman, and child. Like the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “Be Yourself and Accept your own.”

It’s long over due but I feel like this thread is probably the best place to give KHUFU KHUFU ’s point of view a context:

Before the ”conscious collective” became what it is today, there were/are subsets within the collective known for different things.

The Ausar Auset Society he represents were known for attracting feminine men. Some have defined them as betas, spineless etc. In all seriousness I only bring up it for context and mean no disrespect. A common issue people outside of the society have had has been the inconsistencies with the practices as opposed to the doctrine.

-For example, as you can see he advocates for Matriarchy when at the core of the mythology it is about the resurrection of masculinity as portrayed by Auset reassembling Ausar to give birth to Heru, the archetypical Masculine Messiah.

- A lot of the feminist rhetoric pushed by them doesn’t align with the law of gender that was brought forth by the deity Tehuti which states: “"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles Gender; manifests on all planes." This Principle embodies the truth that there is GENDER manifested in everything — the Masculine and Feminine Principles ever at work. This is true not only of the Physical Plane, but of the Mental and even the Spiritual Planes.

-Another Law of Tehuti states ”As above, so below; as below so above.”

This Principle embodies the truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life.

Every Primordial architect of the universe in Kemetic teachings is a Man. If it is man that builds up above,then it is the man who is the foundation of the family below.

Here is a member of his ilk just to give a visual representation, he is Brother Jabari. 2 minutes should be sufficient to form an opinion :

A few other things to point out, there is a psy-op going on that’s been so carefully crafted it’s become difficult to have conversations about what the consequences will be for future generations. To pull from the Kemetic teachings, Set (Satan) represents chaos and seeks to do the opposite of what ever the natural order of things are. Set seeks to make men women, and women men. Despite what mainstream media is pushing men and women are not equal and never have been.

Mathematically it doesn’t add up, XX =/= XY

In nature there is an infinite amount of examples that speaks to the necessary harmony between masculine and feminine energy to give birth to life. At the simplest level it takes the initiation of the phallus to start the process of creation. The feminine/receptive energy is brought to life when it is penetrated by masculine intent. Even on the mental plane a concept/idea has to penetrate the mind to give birth to action. This is observable in all aspects of life.

On some real stuff, I used to push the same stuff KHUFU KHUFU pushes in my earlier 20’s because I thought calling the black woman a goddess would get me the buns. Thankfully I’ve had proper guidance from Men and Women who showed me the natural order of things. If you wanna know where the strength is, look where the attack is. Black women have been “empowered” at the level they are so that the resurrection of Ausar doesn’t happen. Give her the idea of a “successful” career so that by the time she realizes she’s been hoodwinked she’s 40+

I fully expect him to come in here and say I’m a bible thumper, Misogynistic, White, toxic masculinity, insecure, or completely dismiss my post altogether. Nonetheless I felt it was important to share for anyone striving to make sense of the mind games being played. Lastly, An undisturbed Waterfall in a Forrest is pretty because it strives to be nothing but that which it is. It is no different for Man, Woman, and child. Like the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “Be Yourself and Accept your own.”

Man, you don’t know who I am, nor what I belong to. Take your conspiracy loving ignant’ behind somewhere, so you can blame the jews for your misery again.
just when I thought this thread couldn't get any crazier, the black Hebrew Israelite/Nation of Islam hybrid shows up :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :smh::smh::smh::smh:
It is hilarious!

He'll say that modern science is being manipulated by the jews, in order to make men spineless, so they can take over the world through their protégée LeBron James, of whom is being controlled by those same jews.
Was anything I said incorrect ? or is your dismissal your way of bowing out like you usually do when hit you with the irrefutable?

LOL I don't even know if your nonsensical rant can simply be described using correct vs. incorrect. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It was an impressive hodge-podge of magical thinking, pseudomathematics, misinterpretation of ancient mythology, and just plain old modern day ignorance. I'm impressed.:pimp:
It is hilarious!

He'll say that modern science is being manipulated by the jews, in order to make men spineless, so they can take over the world through their protégée LeBron James, of whom is being controlled by those same jews.

Hmm, are jews also controlling the science sending his messages through the internet. If that's the case I'm a need them to chill the f out.
LOL I don't even know if your nonsensical rant can simply be described using correct vs. incorrect. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It was an impressive hodge-podge of magical thinking, pseudomathematics, misinterpretation of ancient mythology, and just plain old modern day ignorance. I'm impressed.:pimp:
He no doubt reads those books that they sell on those tables on 125th.


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