I’ve shared stuff on this website that I have actually built that speak for their own merit and have shown my face. Like a man is supposed to, I stand on my own 2 and deal with the consequences.
You’ve called me white and I’ve proven I’m not that.
You’ve called me a bible thumper, I have media that shows that I am not.
After that all that was cleared up, the opportunity to have a genuine discussion about what I have presented exists and he’s never been willing to engage.
It speaks for itself. I just wanted to give some context in case people were wondering why he is the way he or she is.
Noticed how I pointed at the core of his belief is the resurrection of patriarchy yet he deflects with childish insults.
I was 21 years old. I’ve grown since then. I take it you were perfect in your 20’s and never did anything you look back on and cringe. I’m grateful I’m not 40+ on a website full of men still pushing that. I know it’s not acknowledged a lot around these parts but it’s called growth and being honest with ones self.