1. you said they were eggplants. his dumb #@+ can't read and comprehend.

2. who the %$%! goes on kicksonfire? son is using "im the owner of" like KOF is some sort of flightclub or some !!*+.

3. when he sends them back to you or whatever, i'll buy them off you.


Do these:

look remotely close to these:

Uh Yes!
So the first pic is the same as these?

Fam, you need a new camera.  Dude probably thought you were calling the royals "eggplants' by mistake.
tell me were you see the white swoosh that the royals have??

[Kat Williams]

"dont worry i'll wait"

take a picture of them w/ a flash bruh, see what you get.....


and finally if you read you would've seen that I used my blackberry tour, so.....yeah>
You said they were eggplants and he assumed otherwise...totally his fault. He's an idiot who probably thought he was pulling one over on you.....glad you didn't refund his money.
That guy was actually in my high school grad class. He's made a lot of money off that site, it used to sell fakes until he got sued by Nike.

Most likely he tried to get a steal, but money is definitely not an issue for this dude, and in this case I really can't side with him.

Reading is fundamental. a eBay, buyer matter of fact tried to pull a fast one a few hours ago with my shipping charges.
Lighting is bad but you obviously said Eggplant in the description.   $150???  thats super cheap!

and dam man... you already have your eggplants yellowed?

Dude does need to get fired tho.
Pics do suck but you clearly said eggplants and more then one time at that. Besides if you said they come with og box he should know royals come with an orange box. And the bottom of royals have blue on them and the logo is blue and white. Eggplants are black on the bottom and the logo is purple and black.
Color is just off in these pictures . But royals and eggplants are completely different. If he is willing to use the lawyers provided by Marc Jacobs powered network, then he deserves to lose his job. His creation of a post shows his immaturity as well. I mean lets be serious. How old is the guy? Clear abuse of his power. Just odd to be honest. I would just refund him his money. This is the type of buyer that every person that sells an item hates to deal with.
I don't have 20/20s, but I was able to spot this:


I wouldn't refund him.


this is why whenever I sell something, I take lots of MACRO shots of the item w/ flash and w/o flash - to avoid confusion in the end.
you sent enough pictures to distinguish the fact that they are egg plants, royals didnt have black pods, or a purple penny logo. dude doesnt know his foams obvi, his Loss, keep it movin koa....dude thought he was getting a steal or something and is salty his eyes played tricks on him.
the buyer is at fault, he thought he was getting royals in a eggplant box and though he was getting a great deal.  he was probably excited and overlooked the major details.

if they were in DS condition i would give him the refund just to keep things cool.  since they are used, let him deal with re-selling the kicks. 

and those threats were pretty hilarious.  first he plays the tough guy part and then comes with the " i am gonna sue" line.  all for a pair of used sneakers.

the judge would get thrown out the courtroom for launching the gavel at the kid!
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