Knicks hire D'Antoni....

I just don't understand why we'd drop $24 million on a coach who is going to lose for the next few seasons.

Especially D'Antoni. I lost all respect for dude after Phil Jackson sonned him. Someone post the .gif.
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

I don't see how anyone, Knicks fans especially, can complain until this plays out. Consistently getting 50 wins in the west should count for something. I hope this will work out. The east needs a team with that run and gun offense. For some reason I expected him to end up in Chicago.
I never understood the hype around this guy. OK he won 50 games consistenly in the west but the regular season doesnt really matter. Flip Saundershas done that with Detroit. In the NBA the regular season and coaching I DONT think matter that much. Coaches need to be able to excell in the playoffs andadjust. IMO i dont the Mike has done that nor he is capable of doing that.

Also he had some really good players. A pg who was pass first and still could shoot,penetrate, and score. A stud in Amare. And then outside shooters. Mostanalyst i've listened to have said the suns the last couple of years has been like organized chaos with Steve Nash running the point ( calling the shots). Then in the playoffs where things get serious mike hasnt really made those adjustments to call plays or emphasise defense. For example this year when he gotshaq he had no idea what to do. That was a 50 win team again and another playoff exit.

Im not saying he isnt going to work, cuz i think they'll recored will improve cuz players respond when u get a new coach, but the east has some up andcoming teams and I just dont see New York making any real noise. Because Mike D will not get you guys to a championship or even an ECF.
All we can do is merely speculate, we'll see how it plays out in 6 months.

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I lost all respect for dude after Phil Jackson sonned him. Someone post the .gif.

Some of you act like the Knicks need a coach to win them a title soon.


I could care less about what he's done in the playoffs right now...we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
WOW...... RIP knicks.... If this franchise wasnt dead already this is the "nail in the coffin"

seriously what the !%%! is the point in bringing in a high priced coach? why not get an unknown for cheap? not to mention dantoni SUCKS....

Good lord if any knicks fan or nba fan for that matter thinks this is a good sign i seriously would check you into a mental clinic....
Yeah an unknown commodity sounds great to me when we're trying to rebuild...

"Well, look at Larry Brown"

Well, there wasn't a plan in place and trigger happy Isiah isn't runnin the show anymore.

And why should Mark Jackson have been the guy? Just cause he's a NYC guy has "NY Pride"

@$!*, I bet everyone woulda been against a kid from Boston who was a rival to St. John's in 1985

Reported that D'Antoni will be bringing his own assistants.
I haven't seen you this optimistic about the Knicks in a while allen.

I'm still not, but I do see a plan starting to take shape now...and this also should mean quite a few guys are out the door at some point

and I'm waitin for Gr8..I know he is upset, to say the least
oh gosh. not a good day.
only way to balance this out is if we get derrick rose or somehow get the 1st pick.
I don't see why Knicks fans are complaining. Your team is garbage, straight up. Laughing stock of the league. The coaching change IS important but what iseven more important was getting rid of Isiah and hopefully soon gutting the team of its under-achieving, ill-fitting players and getting some hard-working,hustling players who play the game with dedication and passion...
and I'm waitin for Gr8..I know he is upset, to say the least

u know son has been typin' out his response since the news broke around 2:00 today.....

over/under for paragraphs written by Gr8 set for 9....
Originally Posted by TrueBlack88

I don't see why Knicks fans are complaining. Your team is garbage, straight up. Laughing stock of the league. The coaching change IS important but what is even more important was getting rid of Isiah and hopefully soon gutting the team of its under-achieving, ill-fitting players and getting some hard-working, hustling players who play the game with dedication and passion...

Completely agree.

Walsh + D'Antoni seems like a pretty solid foundation.

Patience is the key.
I feel you...but then again I thought Isiah had a plan.

Hopefully we can turn this organization around with D'Antoni at the helm. He's a solid coach, I was just high on Avery Johnson. If we can sit back andlet contracts expire, I'll be happy.

This team is going to be absolutely horrible next season, though. Do we keep our first round pick next year? I think we still owe Utah a pick.
And GR8 is about to slow down the server drastically with his rant. I remember w hile back son headed his post with "I'll try to keep this short"and it was still like 10 pages of solid text.
I feel you...but then again I thought Isiah had a plan.

That's true
...I just think with these guys now...theygota better grasp on things. We'll see.

I think Walsh's goal is to let the contracts run out and open cap space...and D'Antoni's system does make it a more attractive place for FA's.

I wana say we do owe Utah that pick
What I am upset about is the stupidity of hiring an expensive coach. Its not my money, but whats the point?

Its going to take a few seasons to finally be under the cap and rebuild....but why, WHY bring in a high-priced coach to coach losing seasons.

Unless they draft Derrick Rose and he all of a sudden becomes Chris Paul in year 2, and they somehow get rid of 2 out of 3 of these contracts(Zach/Curry/Crawford), and Marbury's contract expires after next season, then fine, we'll see. But other than that, this signing makes no sense.

Its whatever, I'm just glad Walsh is here with the goal of getting under the cap, which is what Isiah should have done from day 1. Having a goal/plan forthis franchise brings optimism knowing they can't be any worse. Knicks will just have to take the L this decade, it HAPPENS.

And yes we still keep a #1 pick after next season, but I believe in 2010 we don't. Sad isn't it.
Good to hear we keep next years..

I agree, giving that much money..just is kinda dumb...but, we'll see how he takes to rebuilding and developing and improving players...which I think he dida pretty good job of. (although he never really had rookies to work with)
Barbosa and Diaw played very well as relatively young players under D'Antoni.

Honestly, I'm kind of starting to warm up to D'Antoni. He's been very successful in the west coast which isn't easy.
Its going to take a few seasons to finally be under the cap and rebuild....but why, WHY bring in a high-priced coach to coach losing seasons.

Whats this talk about playoffs and stuff. We have a long way to go before we will be good again, regardless of who is coaching.

D'Antoni isn't my first choice, because I would rather have had a defense first coach.

But look what happened with Larry Brown, even though I still think if we had given him more time we would've seen results.

I hope D'Antoni knows now that you can't win with an offensive mentality though.
Knicks fans are ridiculous, why are you people high on Avery Johnson in anyway? Johnson was given a finals contender and has done nothing but ruin them. Atleast D'Antoni has dealt with a new struggling team before ..
Even if the Knicks don't get Rose they can always get Bayless/Mayo who would both be the perfect fit for them .. And atleast Mike has the sense to get Z-Bothe hell out and play David some more.
I can understand being upset because you think D'Antoni just isn't a very good coach...

But being upset because they paid money to get a guy they felt was best suited to make the franchise relevant again? Come on... You'd really be happierwith a less-proven, inexpensive coach just because the franchise might need a couple more years to rebuild? I think everyone knows how I feel about MikeD'Antoni, but for all D'Antoni's short-comings, he made Phoenix relevant again. He was a major asset in building that team. Worry about his playofftrack record when you actually get close enough to sniff them again...

You'd rather have Mark Jackson or someone along those lines?
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