Knicks hire D'Antoni....

Jdiddy sounds a mike d'antoni's ex boyfriend
Walsh + D'Antoni seems like a pretty solid foundation.
Patience is the key

I guess he's right.

This will take years, just accept some more losing seasons the next 3-4 years (unless we get a high impact player out of the draft).
still not gonna help, though.

How do you figure, you build your team around them.

If you mean "immediately" then of course, this is going to take a few years.
i don't think knicks are trying to win rings as of rignt now necessarily.

but mike will bring more fans to the game and sell more tickets.

fans like when teams score alot lol.

very good move by the knicks.
Why do people keep bringing up Eddy and Zach (in the media more so than on here)

If anything it signifies that they'll be gone rather quickly...which is what everyone was callin for to begin with.

Everyone wanted the roster overhauled, now a coach is here that will force that matter...and he doesn't "fit"

Damned if you do.

Damned if you don't.
im not a knicks fan by any stretch of the imagination, but i AM a ny'er. and what i do know is obvious, knicks fans will follow their team to the grave. ifthis move bringing in d'antoni is part of the "4-year" rebuilding plan, then i really don't see how you can knock this move right now.everyone knows the knicks needed a plan, they brought walsh in to direct and implement it, and who knows. in 3-4 years, this team might be a contender. one canonly imagine how well ron artest fits into an uptempo system. man he would be great in ny, always liked the guy
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Why do people keep bringing up Eddy and Zach (in the media more so than on here)

If anything it signifies that they'll be gone rather quickly...which is what everyone was callin for to begin with.

Everyone wanted the roster overhauled, now a coach is here that will force that matter...and he doesn't "fit"

Damned if you do.

Damned if you don't.
Trading those two is much easier said than done...
Originally Posted by checkoutmygrill

im not a knicks fan by any stretch of the imagination, but i AM a ny'er. and what i do know is obvious, knicks fans will follow their team to the grave. if this move bringing in d'antoni is part of the "4-year" rebuilding plan, then i really don't see how you can knock this move right now. everyone knows the knicks needed a plan, they brought walsh in to direct and implement it, and who knows. in 3-4 years, this team might be a contender. one can only imagine how well ron artest fits into an uptempo system. man he would be great in ny, always liked the guy

I scratched my head after reading your sigs.
Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Trading those two is much easier said than done...

i dont buy the Curry= untradable stance

i mean sure he is fat and lazy and doesnt play D. But the center position is very scarse in the NBA. And when you have a guy who is 7 ft and weighs godknows how much, plus c an maybe have some potential being regarded as Shaq x2 out of HS it says something. Yes i know his stock is not high like it was lastyear (when we should have traded him), but lets not forget this guy averaged over 19 ppg last eason and shot over 50% as well as leading the NBA in points inthe paint, sure he is flawed, and just a terrible basketball player overall who had an awful year but also our whole team is in disaray so you cant just pinthat on him.
All im saying is that is contract is a little high but much more reasonable than Zachs and i know there are teams that will be looking for apost presence, and if they see that if they can get Eddy (who is still young) for a very cheap price I KNOW there will be teams that will take the risk. I knowhe ucks but teams will not sleep on that season he had last year (although it was a fluke in my eyes).

and i know Zach has gotten some looks, i remember Milwaukee was interested earlier, sure he is fat and plays D, but at least Zach hustles and has a verytalented and diverse offensive game. We can maybe trade hhim for a few larger contracts that are soon expiring and maybe some 2nd round picks or somethingbecause i would like some 2nd round picks in this draft.

EDIT: and allen i agree with you as i said in my previous rant. people keep throwing Zach and Eddy innto the equation, but this moves shows Walsh saying thatour new look will be a running team. We are trash right now, we need a new look, and he chose what he wanted and he got the man for what he wanted even if hehad to pay extra. $ is never an issue with Walsh and he knwew he wasd going to have to pay to outmatch Chicago. But he wants the new look of the Knicks to bea running teeam and D'Antoni is one of the beginners of that new look in the NBA.

I agree if anything this move means ach and Eddy wil be out. Cause Walsh is not dumb like Isiah he knoews he cant just get a coach and boom his team changeslike Zeke tried with Brown that was another throw a bunch of *%%! in the wall and it will stick plan. Walsh knows in order for a coach to work he needs a teamthat he can coach with success. With that being said i expect Walsh to find some way form Z bo and Curry out by next season. I do not buy that either one isuntradable... especially Curry because of his contract being friendlier and that he is a young center, but than again Z Bo is the more talented one
^ Please don't gravedig threads just to add a freaking emoticon, or something else minor and insignificant.
It's an emoticon.

Forget a representation.


A stoneface represents a lot more than just a stoneface. But it's still just a stoneface.

It's funny that the Knicks hired D'Anphony and now The Rooster.


Don't gravedig just to post something as insignificant as 'Ha ha! You suck!'
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