Knicks hire D'Antoni....

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by paydirt83

...maybe bdiddy will opt out and come to the knicks .. then we can pray for beasley instead of rose

With what cap space are the Knicks going to sign Baron with?

I'm not a fan of D'Antoni but he better show some maturity and development with his coaching and develop a newer system that doesn't fail against good defenses in the playoffs. He also better talk about defense and make the Knicks somewhat respectable on that end.

Its going to be a long year.......

Thats a long laundry list of things you Mike to do
You may as well not have signed him

I mean, some Knicks fans are complaining about the money, but, it's not like it matters.

What's the difference whether whoever coaches the Knicks makes $1M a year, $10M a year, or in this case, $6M a year?

It's not like it affects the salary cap or anything.

Also, it's pretty safe to say that Donnie Walsh is one of the better basketball front office people in the league. He went after D'Antoni, so I thinkhe should get the benefit of the doubt.

People think that the Knicks are going to stink, so why bring in such a high profile coach. Mark Jackson hasn't proven anything to warrant being a coach,and like somebody said, Avery was given a championship contending type team, and Dallas fans will tell you, he hindered Jason Kidd's game. J-Kidd is bestin the open court, but, Avery stuck to his half court sets.

And like I've been saying, the Knicks just don't have a half court team, really. Avery would make them a halfcourt team.

Let D'Antoni implement his offense, and at the very least, the Knicks continue to lose, but it's fun to watch while waiting for contracts to come offthe books.

Or, D'Antoni implents his offense, and the Knicks show signs of improvement/competitiveness.

People talk about Randolph and Curry dying in an up and down style of play, but, if an over the hill Shaq can show signs of being worthwhile inD'Antoni's system, I'm sure Randolph and Curry can hang.

Finally, maybe he chose NY because of the money. Or maybe the flashing lights. Or maybe for the fact that they're going to get a high draft pick. Or forthe simple fact that Walsh > Paxon in terms of probably better manuervering to get players to fit his system.

Either way, Walsh + D'Antoni is clearly ten steps up from the Isiah regime.

Have some faith.
This is Oil & Water I tell ya....Oil & Water.

NY will CRUCIFY this man on some Isiah tip, terrible fit almost certain he won't be a success there.
People talk about Randolph and Curry dying in an up and down style of play, but, if an over the hill Shaq can show signs of being worthwhile in D'Antoni's system, I'm sure Randolph and Curry can hang.

Shaq being deemed "effective" in that Suns offense was questionable at best. The whole landscape of that team was altered after that trade was made.IMO, he WASN'T a good fit for the up-tempo type of offense that D'Antoni liked to run.

I just see a similar fate for both Curry and Randolph. There is no way for these two to do well in a up/down system. Both of them thrive in the 1/2 court, andtheir lack of conditioning will impede a lot of fast break and other things that D'Antoni would like to implement in the future. Just gotta wait for thosecontracts to expire, or cross your fingers that a sucker would be willing to at least take one of them off of your hands.

Like I said before, patience is going to be the key. I like the hiring for the long run, and I think that 30 wins should be a reasonable goal for next season.The D'Antoni hire isn't going to translate to immediate's going to take time. Isiah created a mess that is going to be hard to cleanup. Once D'Antoni gets the personnel that he wants in NY, then you can start the judgements. I'll give him 2-3 years before really passing a judgementon his coaching and the team record.
People talk about Randolph and Curry dying in an up and down style of play, but, if an over the hill Shaq can show signs of being worthwhile in D'Antoni's system, I'm sure Randolph and Curry can hang
shaq didng show #!%* in that offense
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by franchise3

Good hire.


I mean, really though.

If the Knicks hired Avery or Mark Jackson, a lot of Knicks fans would give the thumbs up, and say, 'good hire.'

If Larry Brown, one of the better coaches in the game couldn't do anything with this Knicks bunch (he also didn't really like to play younger players)what would a Avery Johnson (a lot of people now think he's overrated as a coach) or a Mark Jackson (who hasn't done anything close to indiciate heshould be a coach in the league) would accomplish? Isiah, a player's coach, didn't do much, either.

Maybe it's not so much a coach, but a style of play.

D'Antoni brings a different style of play. Will it work? Who knows, but whatever the Knicks have been trying for the past 3, 4, 5+ years clearlyhasn't worked.

Also, keep in mind that young guys like Diaw, Q-Rich, Joe Johnson, Barbosa developed to be solid players under his system.

D'Antoni implementing a fun style of basketball to watch in Phoenix, while winning in the process, and clearly developing players under his watch, is agood a sign of anything coming over to the Knicks.

It's not going to be an overnight job fixing that team, but the Knicks could've done a lot worse picking a coach.

I still think D'Antoni is a good hire.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

People talk about Randolph and Curry dying in an up and down style of play, but, if an over the hill Shaq can show signs of being worthwhile in D'Antoni's system, I'm sure Randolph and Curry can hang.

Shaq being deemed "effective" in that Suns offense was questionable at best. The whole landscape of that team was altered after that trade was made. IMO, he WASN'T a good fit for the up-tempo type of offense that D'Antoni liked to run.

I just see a similar fate for both Curry and Randolph. There is no way for these two to do well in a up/down system. Both of them thrive in the 1/2 court, and their lack of conditioning will impede a lot of fast break and other things that D'Antoni would like to implement in the future. Just gotta wait for those contracts to expire, or cross your fingers that a sucker would be willing to at least take one of them off of your hands.

Like I said before, patience is going to be the key. I like the hiring for the long run, and I think that 30 wins should be a reasonable goal for next season. The D'Antoni hire isn't going to translate to immediate's going to take time. Isiah created a mess that is going to be hard to clean up. Once D'Antoni gets the personnel that he wants in NY, then you can start the judgements. I'll give him 2-3 years before really passing a judgement on his coaching and the team record.

Early on, everybody said bad deal. Even myself.

But, Shaq started to get his groove in that system, and the Suns started winning.

Then, they lose in the playoffs.

Then there was people saying that D'Antoni should get a year to work Shaq into the system, instead of the month or two he had with him.

All I'm saying is, Curry and Randolph are younger than an over the hill Shaq.

I dunno if they will fit in the system, but I wouldn't completely rule it out, either.
Well, all Knicks fans will agree with me that:

a) It doesn't matter who coaches the Knicks in 08-09 as long as Zeke isn't on the bench. I'd let an inanimate object coach over Isiah.
b) It doesn't matter who coaches the Knicks in 08-09 if we don't get a top two pick.
c) It doesn't matter who coaches the Knicks in 08-09 if Eddy Curry AND Zach Randolph are still on the roster (Walsh, if you're such a good GM, get ridof one of them).
d) It doesn't matter who coaches the Knicks in 08-09 if we add on more insane contracts.
3) It doesn't matter who coaches the Knicks in 08-09 if we don't commit to signing Lee to an extended contract.

Now 09-10 is when it really matters. Thirty million will be shaved from our payroll (Marbury + Malik Rose). Quentin Richardson and Jerome James will be intheir final years of their respective contracts, and would make good trade bait. And of course, at the end of the season, the free agent pool is STACKED.

Walsh didn't hire D'Antoni thinking the Knicks will be a 50-win team next season. D'Antoni didn't take the job thinking the Knicks would be a50-win team next season. I agree that hiring an expensive coach to lead a losing team is a waste, but Walsh sees this as a four year plan. My take:

1: Rebuild and fine-tune. Develop our rookies. Extend Lee's contract. Hire THE GR8 as pre-game speech giver person. Win 32-37 games.
2: Shed contracts (Rose and Marbury), hopefully trade away Curry or Randolph, continue giving the young guys (Lee, Chandler, whoever we draft) the playingtime. Win 35-40 games. Resist temptation of signing other free agents (unless we get a bargain or if they take our players in a sign-and-trade).
3: Go after the free agents. Bron, Melo, Wade, Bosh, CP3, all available. Gel as a team. Maybe one of those teams will bite on a sign-and-trade for Randolph.Say sayonara to Jerome James and Q-Rich. Walsh's big decision will be is if he'd be willing to part with David Lee if a team wants him in return in asign-and-trade. Win 45-50 games.
4: Win 50+ games, be a possible contender, win back New York.

The Knicks tried everything. Trade for big-name players. Take on max contracts. Play veterans. Play youngsters. Hire big-name coaches. The one thing the Knicksorganization didn't try was REBUILD. Legitimately. The Knicks aren't under pressure anymore. They haven't won anything and are fifth, possiblysixth in line when it comes to NY sports (Giants, Mets/Yankees - not putting one ahead of the other, Jets, Rangers, Knicks).

So do I like the D'Antoni signing? Meh. On the fence.

over/under for paragraphs written by Gr8 set for 9....

Originally Posted by dreClark

Is GR8 still Typing????

He bout to body Yuku tonight....

Straight dissertation status....


But how could y'all not like this move?

Y'all would have liked Mark Jackson over D'antoni?!
Franchise and Nycknicks i wholeheartedly agree with what you both said, on first reaction im like
why hire him? But it really doesn't make a differenceseeing as how we won't be any good for a couple more years.

BUT, this caught me off guard:

1: Rebuild and fine-tune. Develop our rookies. Extend Lee's contract. Hire THE GR8 as pre-game speech giver person. Win 32-37 games.
I don't even care at this point.

Just pray for a top 2 pick (at least this draft is deep)...and be happy that the franchise is headed in a positive direction.
waste of money, cant wait until this blows up in their faces i feel sorry for knicks fans

People talk about Randolph and Curry dying in an up and down style of play, but, if an over the hill Shaq can show signs of being worthwhile in D'Antoni's system, I'm sure Randolph and Curry can hang.

shaq played like 20 games with the suns no way him curry or randolph make it through a whole season in d'antonis offense
What's buggin me..

Stephen A and a lot of people are now saying "What are they doing, they don't have the personnel.."

The SAME people who have been saying everyone on the roster needs to go....

Franchise summed up my thoughts..
I like the hire...time for the lottery.
Hopefully this works out well. D'Antoni is slightly better but still

And trust, Zo will be carried out of the arena in a stretcher at least 1 game cause of D'Antoni's playingstyle.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by dreClark

Is GR8 still Typing????

He bout to body Yuku tonight....

Straight dissertation status....


But how could y'all not like this move?

Y'all would have liked Mark Jackson over D'antoni?!
SMH yes....hell I would have wanted to see Tom Thibedau (sp) from Boston Celtics coaching staff to come back to the knicks
Originally Posted by allen3xis

What's buggin me..

Stephen A and a lot of people are now saying "What are they doing, they don't have the personnel.."

The SAME people who have been saying everyone on the roster needs to go....

Franchise summed up my thoughts..
I like the hire...time for the lottery.

Yeah I'm hearing Barry yapping about this right now...

It's a process, we're gonna suck at first, but it's all about getting rid of our contracts and developing the young talent. I'll put somefaith in Walsh, and now in D'Antoni.
over/under for paragraphs written by Gr8 set for 9....
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