Kobe X Official Thread Elite Series ‘Elite Team’ April 18th, ‘Elevate’ May 15th, ‘Rose Gold’ June 5

Resellers wouldn't exist without someone to sell to. Blame those who pay resell.

I think it goes both ways. If no one is willing to pay resale prices then resellers won't buy up the whole stock to resell. Then Nike sees the line selling out. It's all connected.
I'll say it again, resellers make money off the extremely wanted and/or limited kicks and colorways. Look at ebay, most are flooded with kicks of regular colorways thay nobody wants to buy for absurd prices.

The bubble will burst, that's all I'm saying.
I'll say it again, resellers make money off the extremely wanted and/or limited kicks and colorways. Look at ebay, most are flooded with kicks of regular colorways thay nobody wants to buy for absurd prices.

The bubble will burst, that's all I'm saying.

Nike is hurting the resellers already with the $275 and $250 price tags on these shoes.
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I'll stop beating a dead horse but I never buy shoes for full retail anymore. With discounts and coupon codes it's not even necessary.

I will say I wonder how long before the Kobe Retros start coming out. That'll be dope, get some kicks I've missed out on over the years
I'll stop beating a dead horse but I never buy shoes for full retail anymore. With discounts and coupon codes it's not even necessary.

I will say I wonder how long before the Kobe Retros start coming out. That'll be dope, get some kicks I've missed out on over the years

Depending on size and availability, it is necessary sometimes.
Just everyone stop and think....

The first Kobe 9 to be released... Close your eyes and picture it.

Now picture the first Kobe 10 to be released..... LET DOWN RIGHT.....
Without resellers many folks wouldn't have gotten any Kobe Preludes? Some shoes don't drop in every state. Montana for instance gets nothing. The only people hurt by reseller prices are thoughs who can't afford them. If you refuse to pay resell on some moral or protest grounds then that's on you. I have all the sneakers I want. Resellers don't stop me.
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It's crazy to think the Kobe IV which had the same set up as the Kobe X will retailed for $120 and this will retail for $180

What is that? Like 50 percent inflation?
Without resellers many folks wouldn't have gotten any Kobe Preludes? Some shoes don't drop in every state. Montana for instance gets nothing. The only people hurt by reseller prices are thoughs who can't afford them. If you refuse to pay resell on some moral or protest grounds then that's on you. I have all the sneakers I want. Resellers don't stop me.

You keep trying to make this an issue of personal finance :lol:

If someone tells me they have beachfront property in Kentucky I'm not gonna run and buy it just because I have the money. Some people are fine with that and that's cool.
With all the pricing/inflation/etc. talk going on, we tend to lose sight of a few things:

A. The shoes are not priced for people who buy 2+ pairs a month.

B. They are priced for folks who probably buy one or two pairs of athletic shoes per year. Maybe more, but you get the point.

C. We are the anomaly - we spend a disproportionate amount of income on sneakers, compared to the average person.

D. Sneakerhead/resell purchasing only effects a small fraction of all models released, and even in comparison to the amount of pairs released in total of any given shoe, the amount that goes up for resale is small

E. It's a LUXURY hobby. Should be self explanatory.

F. Those with enough money to indulge this expensive hobby will continue, those who don't, won't. Or at least will cut back and be more choosy.

G. Prices will not go backwards. If they are too high, just don't buy from the people (brands) who price above what you think the product is worth.

H. It's not food or gas or water or medicine. See E. above.

I would rather pay less, don't get me wrong. But I don't expect this to change. And I'm not quitting. So.
Maybe I'm skewed because I've worked at a car dealership before and the object of the game was to get as much money as possible from your customer regardless of the actual worth of the product and the more ignorant and willing the customer was, the better. Again I'm not trying to knock anyone else's decision I'll just leave it at that
With all the pricing/inflation/etc. talk going on, we tend to lose sight of a few things:

A. The shoes are not priced for people who buy 2+ pairs a month. 

B. They are priced for folks who probably buy one or two pairs of athletic shoes per year. Maybe more, but you get the point.

C. We are the anomaly - we spend a disproportionate amount of income on sneakers, compared to the average person.

D. Sneakerhead/resell purchasing only effects a small fraction of all models released, and even in comparison to the amount of pairs released in total of any given shoe, the amount that goes up for resale is small

E. It's a LUXURY hobby. Should be self explanatory.

F. Those with enough money to indulge this expensive hobby will continue, those who don't, won't. Or at least will cut back and be more choosy.

G. Prices will not go backwards. If they are too high, just don't buy from the people (brands) who price above what you think the product is worth.

H. It's not food or gas or water or medicine. See E. above.

I would rather pay less, don't get me wrong. But I don't expect this to change. And I'm not quitting. So.
A is an assumption, E is absurd (LUXURY? Nike has made you believe this), G is another big assumption (prices will not go backwards? really? and does that mean it cannot go backwards?). 

The main issue is with principle and your conclusion sums up why Nike will continue to do what they do and get away with it (and G ties into it perfectly)

If everybody that has a gripe jumps ship to another brand, but there are a thousand more cats that think like you, then there is no incentive on Nike's part to change things

I have the money to indulge in this hobby, but i'm cutting back anyway cause Nike looking like some strong arm pimps out here if you're not cognizant 
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A is an assumption, E is absurd (LUXURY? Nike has made you believe this), G is another big assumption (prices will not go backwards? really? and does that mean it cannot go backwards?). 

The main issue is with principle and your conclusion sums up why Nike will continue to do what they do and get away with it (and G ties into it perfectly)

If everybody that has a gripe jumps ship to another brand, but there are a thousand more cats that think like you, then there is no incentive on Nike's part to change things

I have the money to indulge in this hobby, but i'm cutting back anyway cause Nike looking like some strong arm pimps out here if you're not cognizant 

A. Possibly an assumption, but I said some casual folks may buy more. It's kinda like a Big Mac is not calorically geared towards people who eat 5 or 6 a week.

E. Not absurd, collecting sneakers IS a luxury hobby. Please explain to me how it is not a luxury hobby - it's expensive, and no one needs the amount of sneakers I have.

G. Not really an assumption either. You seen a lot of big sportswear or clothing manufacturers roll back prices to the 80's? Or 90's?

And thinking "a thousand" more of us, coming or going, effects a company this size is overestimating what 1,000 consumers effect. A $20 dollar price hike on sneakers really doesn't effect a person who buys a pair - it effects the person who buys 4, or 6 or 8 pairs a month.

Regardless, my point was and always will be, "vote" with your dollars. It's all you can do. Or not do.
You keep trying to make this an issue of personal finance :lol:

If someone tells me they have beachfront property in Kentucky I'm not gonna run and buy it just because I have the money. Some people are fine with that and that's cool.

That's all it is. A issue of personal finance. If your not willing to pay then you don't want them. Period. The complaints about price would be like me going to a Lambo forum and complaining about the price of the car. It's out of my range. I'll work harder until it's not.

I see people saying I guess I'm not buying any 10s because of that price. Instead of I'll find a way to get the 10s I want. I'm just wired different I guess. See it, want it, buy it, own it.

You wouldn't buy a beachfront in Kentucky if you didn't want it. If you did and had the money you would. That's my point.
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Pretty Funny when Cats want to take time to break down Corporate/Consumer Economics, then show they clearly don't know ONE THING About It.

Just because it logically makes sense in your head, doesn't mean that's what they're doing. Just making up stuff as you go along.
I'll be honest, I'm starting to get a little more interested in this pair. I was thinking of ordering one more elite 9 ID with some NDC gift cards, but I could just use them for these. I'm hoping they are lighter weight, I went from wearing mostly Nike Free running shoes and compared to those, the Kobe 9 EM felt like cinder blocks initially. I may have to look into these and try them out.

I'm also a sucker for blue shoes. Like the EM, I think one pair of these would hold me over until we see the elite models.
I truly think Nike maybe pushing the resellers down with this strategy! I look at the WTK 9 as my example: Nothing special about it compared to the other elite highs but comes with a 50 dollar increase, why? --------But this actually kept most successful resellers, that I know, away from them and wannabe sellers are now hung up on them! Can't give them away! Yeah Nike came out better than anyone, but if you missed out it was because you really couldn't have tried to hard for them! I think the increase bought the people who really wanted them some time to get on the sites and actually purchase them for retail!

So you pay- Nike, FTL, etc.... 275 but if the shoes would have been 225 bots would have ate them up and I think the resell would have been in the 325-350 range! This is all just food for thought but it makes a lot of since to me! It seemed the same way with the retro 4s this weekend as well but not real sure how sought after these 4 was especially after coming off the 11 release!

And if they want to release the X for 180 and discount it the same day like the Lebrons, I'm good with that too! Its keeping resellers down and shoes in the sites! Sorry for the long post!
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Pretty Funny when Cats want to take time to break down Corporate/Consumer Economics, then show they clearly don't know ONE THING About It.

Just because it logically makes sense in your head, doesn't mean that's what they're doing. Just making up stuff as you go along.:x

Dudes busting out powerpoints to prove why it's ok to pay 190 for plastic shoes :lol:

The buffoonery
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