
Apr 15, 2004
● AP Photo

Kobe Bryant Slammed For Refusing to Back Trayvon Martin

By: Daniel Flynn (Breitbart)

Kobe Bryant has his own opinion. Some people don’t like it—the opinion and the fact that it’s his own.

The injured Los Angeles Laker told the New Yorker’s Ben McGrath that the Miami Heat collectively taking Trayvon Martin’s side in the George Zimmerman case represented a reflexive racial reaction. The team posed for a provocative picture in hoodies in homage to the slain Florida teenager two years ago.

“I won’t react to something just because I’m supposed to, because I’m an African-American,” Bryant told the magazine. “That argument doesn’t make any sense to me. So we want to ad***** as a society and a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we’ve progressed as a society? Well… then don’t jump to somebody’s defense just because they’re African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won’t assert myself.”

Bryant, who grew up in Italy before playing high school basketball outside of Philadelphia, has endured a torrent of online abuse stemming from his refusal to take up the cause of seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin, a basketball fan killed on his way back to watch Kobe Bryant in the second half of the 2012 NBA all-star game.

Jim Brown tells the New Yorker, “[Kobe] is somewhat confused about culture, because he was brought up in another country.” Jamilah King at Colorlines lambasted Bryant for this “stingy insistence on clinging to a ‘post-racial’ identity, this very old, conservative notion that black people should not be treated differently in this country—despite all of the evidence, like Martin’s death, that they are.”

A piece at The Urban Daily (ellipses in original) declared, “Over the span of Kobe Bryant‘s career….we’ve seen him do and say some very smug, cavalier and even cornball things at times but the comments that he made regarding the Miami Heat’s support after Trayvon Martin was killed…by far takes the cake!”
Umm thats kobe doe, he gets pass cause hes the G.O.A.T.

But really who cares, its just an opinion.
I agree with him - People expect him to have an opinion because he is African American - but he has a right to NOT have an opinion about it as well.

Whatever reasons he has - he does not wish to publicly endorse or (un-endorse?) - The Martin movement - and he has every right to do so.
Lol I know but he was on a talkshow last nite and dudes was goin in on him on the radio this am

Thats the EXACT answer I expect from kobe
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That's a misleading article headline name.
 “I won’t react to something just because I’m supposed to, because I’m an African-American,” Bryant told the magazine. “That argument doesn’t make any sense to me. So we want to ad***** as a society and a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we’ve progressed as a society? Well… then don’t jump to somebody’s defense just because they’re African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won’t assert myself.”
He never said he didn't support African-American perspective on the Martin case, he just didn't like that he was "supposed to." Same thing when you assume all black people vote for Obama because he's black. 

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I just picked an article but yea thats the jist of it.
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Jim Brown tells the New Yorker, “[Kobe] is somewhat confused about culture, because he was brought up in another country.” Jamilah King at Colorlines lambasted Bryant for this “stingy insistence on clinging to a ‘post-racial’ identity, this very old, conservative notion that black people should not be treated differently in this country—despite all of the evidence, like Martin’s death, that they are.”
Jim Brown is 100% correct.  Just more confirmation that Kobe is all aboard the **** train. 
I have no problem with this. He believes in justice. I think people are missing the point. And don't try to say this isn't a race thing. Just because you are black doesn't mean you have to stand up and shout when something happens to someone or your ethnicity. How about you be concerned about when things happen to people of all races. It is stupid and comes off extremely unintelligent.
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But the sad thing is that he is making the comments, and taking this psuedo-intellectual stance after the fact; we know that Treyvon Martin WAS racially profiled, victimized, and murdered in cold blood. These ARE THE FACTS. Sure, Zimmerman was acquitted--because of a dubious technicality, mind you--but this is by no means proof of his innocence.

That Kobe Bryant is actively affirming a position that has been rendered baseless, given the facts, is really what's disturbing. Maybe he'd have a point if this was the Jena Six case, but not here--not with the Trayvon Martin case.

He thinks he's "aware" but he is not. His comments simply betray the fact that he lives in a fantastical post-racial bubble, compliments of his celebrity and 1% status.

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He's entitled to an opinion. I mean regardless of what he said, the justice system is gonna have the final say. And we see what they said :smh:
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