
Kobe's wife aint white, shes mexican. 
im gonna assume your favorite color is not white

Kobe's wife isn't Mexican...

...she's American.
He said nothing wrong, on any issue you shouldn't automatically jump to a defense without facts.
I think all the Trayvon tributes are self-serving at this point. The kid is gone, and yes he was an innocent kid that didn't have to die. But George Zimmerman is still walking around and there a lot of others like him who are itching to kill. I wish we could stop all the black hoody wearing and Trayvon shout-outs and fight racism head-on instead of pointless marches and cute symbolism. Posing with a hoody isn't going to accomplish anything when the guy that killed him is signing autographs in a Golden Corral parking lot. I feel sorry for Trayvon that he died and all he got was a million people wearing his hoody. If that was me I'd rather have no following or remembrance at all and just ONE person out there who would at least throw a rock at the back of George Zimmerman's neck on my behalf. All the kid got was a bunch of fluff. Don't take this the wrong way but it would be much better if everyone wore "KILL GEORGE" t-shirts. And that's not to encourage the actual killing of him but rather this racist movement we have in America today. It should be challenged it aggressively.
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I will have to read the entire article to get the complete context but from the piece posted in the OP. Kobe statement doesn't sound like he is saying "We need to wait for the facts"
He may be right in a general sense but he's wrong because of the situation he is trying to apply it to. There was more than enough info in the Trayvon Martin case to make an educated assumption of Zimm's guilt.

The hilarious thing is I'm 100% sure that he benefited from what he is preaching against when he was accused of rape.

F Kobe btw

Check the second to last sentence of the second full paragraph Rust.

That doesn't wash away what comes before it brah.

At the time the Heat did that I believe the facts that Trayvon was unarmed, shot by someone who followed him and the police/DA were showing zero urgency in charging the shooter (I could be wrong about the timeline)

And after all that Kobe want to criticize the Heat for "supporting Trayvon just cause he black" :rolleyes. Nah brah, can't rock with that. But like I said I gotta read the entire article
He may be right in a general sense but he's wrong because of the situation he is trying to apply it to. There was more than enough info in the Trayvon Martin case to make an educated assumption of Zimm's guilt.

The hilarious thing is I'm 100% sure that he benefited from what he is preaching against when he was accused of rape.

F Kobe btw

This soooooooo much.

This is a good point. Furthermore, if he took the time to think about his own situation, and how he was viewed during that point, he would have tempered his response. But yeah, he's on some pseudo intellectual BS and he needs to stop it before he says anything even more dumb.
That's a misleading article headline name.


He never said he didn't support African-American perspective on the Martin case, he just didn't like that he was "supposed to." Same thing when you assume all black people vote for Obama because he's black. 



I understand what Kobe is saying, but that's a statement very few black people in his position would make, in any context. Society is too PC for that. He had to be bracing himself for the backlash from this.
How did I forget about the rape accusation?

That just changed everything.
Racist black kid who got killed by another racist. Under the law, Zimmerman is not guilty.

This is a passive way for Kobe saying, "Yeah, Zimmerman should be free based on our laws".
Y'all boys are hillarious. :lol:

There's a lot of reaching going on here. Don't turn this thread into this fellas
Never liked Kobe. Still don't. Sometimes it's almost as if he goes out of his way to be an *** hole, but I think he really is that bad. I find that the people that are still arguing for Zimmerman are the narcissist type that always need attention. Just want to get a rise out of people.
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