Kyle Cured Cancer ... 4/1/19

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I believe this. Definitely need to make sure you body has a proper pH balance of ~7%. What you eat and drink is going to drive that number.

Y'all seen this dude before? He's out there, but I do think he kicks some facts. I find myself both a believer of modern medicine and also a believer in some of the natural ways of healing (primarily, what you eat and drink).

Actual pH of the human body ranges from 7.35-7.45. A person with a pH of 7 is in acidosis, not alkalosis. In fact, if your pH is 7 flat you’re most likely dead or on a vent and a sodium bicarb drip.

Alkaline diets are ******** and futile. Your kidney and lungs will keep your acid/base balance in check despite your efforts to manipulate it and if your body can’t do that on it’s own you have serious issues and probably belong in the ICU.
Actual pH of the human body ranges from 7.35-7.45. A person with a pH of 7 is in acidosis, not alkalosis. In fact, if your pH is 7 flat you’re most likely dead or on a vent and a sodium bicarb drip.

Alkaline diets are bull**** and futile. Your kidney and lungs will keep your acid/base balance in check despite your efforts to manipulate it and if your body can’t do that on it’s own you have serious issues and probably belong in the ICU.

You know a ton more about this than me considering your profession, but I've had blood work done in the past that has suggested my PH was well below 7. Other than that (which I've since brought up but is still below 7 I'm sure) and high cholesterol, I'm gucci.
i think that it’s cruel to keep the cure for cancer out the hands of people who cannot afford it or don’t have an amazon account. OP would be doing the world a great service if he made the book available for free.
I believe this. Definitely need to make sure your body has a proper pH balance of 7-8%. What you eat and drink is going to drive that number.

Y'all seen this dude before? He's out there, but I do think he kicks some facts. I find myself both a believer of modern medicine and also a believer in some of the natural ways of healing (primarily, what you eat and drink).

P.S. I do not believe he injected himself with Chuck's blood.

Anything you eat or drink becomes acidic. Your stomach is full of acid.
lmaoooo people that think you cant cure cancer from herbs and other natural remedies. My best friend is now cancer free from Dr. Sebi's approach and methodology. I've been to the doctor visits seeing the diagnostic sheets and everything else. You better understand that cancer is nothing more than mucus. Clear the cells of it and you'll be fine. Also there is NO MONEY IN THE CURE. It's a TRILLION dollar industry. They dont care who dies it's all about the money.

******* can **** around and think herbs and remedies will cure their cancer as if every cancer is the same. This is the type of pseudoscience BS that I hate. What works for one may not work for anyone else.
I said what I said. The cure is out there. Knowing many many people in my personal life that have died from cancer, its the ones who have refused chemo therapy and cured themselves using natural methods I already posted that are still alive. Out of everyone that I know that underwent chemo, I only know one woman who survived the chemo process and is still alive today. Of course, my own experience doesn't reflect the entire population I understand that, however I personally follow my own intuition when it comes to this subject. I'm also part of many private groups with people curing themselves using these techniques all around the country/world. There might not be no magical cure in the world of modern medicine which everyone seems to only care about nowadays in our society of toxic bodies, but in the world of holistic healing and natural methods, there is. If you don't want to believe , thats fine.
Hey aren't you like 16?
******* can **** around and think herbs and remedies will cure their cancer as if every cancer is the same. This is the type of pseudoscience BS that I hate. What works for one may not work for anyone else.

Cleanse the body disease will cease to exist. People can't be this clueless
There’s a whole Vegan documentary full of Doctors that say the same thing Dr Sebi is saying.

The Protein Brand Orgain which is vegan is made by a Doctor who had cancer and recovered. He switched to a plant based diet as well.

If y’all are listening to these fools here downplaying real food, then do you.

I’m gonna continue feeling great everyday.

Eat you fast food, use your flouride toothpaste.
There’s a whole Vegan documentary full of Doctors that say the same thing Dr Sebi is saying.

The Protein Brand Orgain which is vegan is made by a Doctor who had cancer and recovered. He switched to a plant based diet as well.

If y’all are listening to these fools here downplaying real food, then do you.

I’m gonna continue feeling great everyday.

Eat you fast food, use your flouride toothpaste.
Provide proof Sebbi won a Surpreme Court trial

I provide proof that no such trial occurred.
******* can **** around and think herbs and remedies will cure their cancer as if every cancer is the same. This is the type of pseudoscience BS that I hate. What works for one may not work for anyone else.

It's like that doctor that went on a Rogan Podcast and said brachial hanging from a bar would cure every shoulder ailment :lol:
Hey aren't you like 16?
My age doesn't matter
Thats all thats need. It's elementary. Now go fill your prescription thats doing nothing for you. Wan gwan get de herbs.. Healing of the nation.

This is why they cant grasp it. It's so simple they don't believe it. Just fasting alone and letting your body detox/rest can help heal so many ailments and diseases. It really is basic, but I guess too basic for some. They rather stay ignorant than see/test/look into it themselves.

Survival of the Fittest. I'll choose to live my life of vitality over deterioration
Just fasting alone and letting your body detox/rest can help heal so many ailments and diseases.

"Can" being the keyword.

Just like ingesting CBD "can" cure so many mental heal ailments.

Don't think anyone really denied that. The issue is applying it universally.
My age doesn't matter

This is why they cant grasp it. It's so simple they don't believe it. Just fasting alone and letting your body detox/rest can help heal so many ailments and diseases. It really is basic, but I guess too basic for some. They rather stay ignorant than see/test/look into it themselves.

Survival of the Fittest. I'll choose to live my life of vitality over deterioration
Your age does matter when you're immature and ignorant. You demand people just take your word for everything, and you refuse to provide proof. If I made some absurd claims, you wouldn't believe me If I didn't provide proof.
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