Kyle Cured Cancer ... 4/1/19

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There needs to be YEARS of clinical trials backed by scientific method and empirical data before you can say "hey! I cured cancer!" :lol:

And this isn't hate at all. It would simply be irresponsible to blindly apply treatment X to patient X. There are too many variables involved. It comes off as snake oil like the CBD crowd.

It's dangerous to sell it to impressionable people without going through the appropriate avenues.

You asked how can you break through to the masses. The first step would be attaching some legitimacy to it.
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I have a CT scan. Clear psychological evaluations. Two published book telling you exactly how I did it using your Western Medicine terminology.

What else can I do?
Correlation != causation, and most people with a background in science know this. I drink coffee everyday of my life and I haven't had the flu in 10 years. Did coffee make me immune to the flu?!?!! No.
This isn’t true. Many people that stay rich off of making people sick would be furious.

Think about the food we eat, and how it’s processed. why do it to people if it isn’t to make us sick ?
Rich people still get cancer. I'm sure they would still want a cure if they got cancer.
lmaoooo people that think you cant cure cancer from herbs and other natural remedies. My best friend is now cancer free from Dr. Sebi's approach and methodology. I've been to the doctor visits seeing the diagnostic sheets and everything else. You better understand that cancer is nothing more than mucus. Clear the cells of it and you'll be fine. Also there is NO MONEY IN THE CURE. It's a TRILLION dollar industry. They dont care who dies it's all about the money.
Correlation != causation, and most people with a background in science know this. I drink coffee everyday of my life and I haven't had the flu in 10 years. Did coffee make me immune to the flu?!?!! No.

Are you a programmer?
How is this not true? What "scientific proof" do you need?
It's not true because there is no evidence to support that claim. But, people can feel free to provide scientific evidence to support their claims. If you don't understand what I mean by scientific proof in this context, you probably aren't qualified to be discussing cures for cancer.
It's not true because there is no evidence to support that claim. But, people can feel free to provide scientific evidence to support their claims. If you don't understand what I mean by scientific proof in this context, you probably aren't qualified to be discussing cures for cancer.[/QUOT

It's not true because there is no evidence to support the claim? you mean the paperwork people presented before and after Sebi's treatment.? well over 40 plus people. I'm not going to go out my way to make you a believer. Just go to one of sebi's FB groups and just search the word cancer..... All the proof you need. Proof is in the diagnostic sheets... Especially if you're of african/aboriginal descent. This is something we've knew and practiced for thousands of years., we already know this is true. I have family members that have HEALED colon cancer.
lmaoooo people that think you cant cure cancer from herbs and other natural remedies. My best friend is now cancer free from Dr. Sebi's approach and methodology.

Your best friend is one sample though. That doesn't mean that his doctor's treatment is the end all be all.

There are hundreds of types of cancers and people aren't all genetically identical. There are thousands of variables involved.

Like I said before, it would probably be unethical to just start applying treatment x to patient x following the positive feedback of one or a few or even dozens or hundreds of people.

There needs to be years and years of clinical trials with scientific method applied by qualified people.
Your best friend is one sample though. That doesn't mean that his doctor's treatment is the end all be all.

There are hundreds of types of cancers and people aren't all genetically identical. There are thousands of variables involved.

Like I said before, it would probably be unethical to just start applying treatment x to patient x following the positive feedback of one or a few or even dozens or hundreds of people.

There needs to be years and years of clinical trials with scientific method applied by qualified people.

Here we go with this lol. Just a sample but people were just saying it's not possible. Who are the QUALIFIED PEOPLE? FDA? Doctors? C'mon now. This is African Biomineral healing. WE already know it's true, we've had the thousands of years of trials and also success stories. The other side wants to claim herbalist are quacks because they are paid too.

*EDIT* to be honest doctors arent qualified to even have this discussion on herbal methodogy. They only spend maybe 20 hours of their whole 10 years of study on herbs. While sebi has had over 30 years of training and study. So who's more qualified?
It's not true because there is no evidence to support the claim? you mean the paperwork people presented before and after Sebi's treatment.? well over 40 plus people. I'm not going to go out my way to make you a believer. Just go to one of sebi's FB groups and just search the word cancer..... All the proof you need. Proof is in the diagnostic sheets... Especially if you're of african/aboriginal descent. This is something we've knew and practiced for thousands of years., we already know this is true. I have family members that have HEALED colon cancer.
As I said above, correlation != causation.
Here we go with this lol. Just a sample but people were just saying it's not possible. Who are the QUALIFIED PEOPLE? FDA? Doctors? C'mon now. This is African Biomineral healing. WE already know it's true, we've had the thousands of years of trials and also success stories. The other side wants to claim herbalist are quacks because they are paid too.

I personally never said it's not possible. I believe it could be a viable option for a certain population. Just like any other medical treatment.

I just think there should be some controls in place so that an impressionable individual doesn't pick up a book and start experimenting and wind up unintentionally giving himself an adverse reaction.


I said what I said. The cure is out there. Knowing many many people in my personal life that have died from cancer, its the ones who have refused chemo therapy and cured themselves using natural methods I already posted that are still alive. Out of everyone that I know that underwent chemo, I only know one woman who survived the chemo process and is still alive today. Of course, my own experience doesn't reflect the entire population I understand that, however I personally follow my own intuition when it comes to this subject. I'm also part of many private groups with people curing themselves using these techniques all around the country/world. There might not be no magical cure in the world of modern medicine which everyone seems to only care about nowadays in our society of toxic bodies, but in the world of holistic healing and natural methods, there is. If you don't want to believe , thats fine.
tbh i know a girl who's 25 and figured out she had breast cancer on her bday, 2 months ago. her cancer was aggressive, i think it went to stage 2 in a couple of weeks. thankfully her mom works at some hotel-looking hospital in chicago, she literally got the best doctors for breast cancer on her case and **** nationwide, her doctor aunt from canada came thru to administer estrogen shots and freeze her 17 eggs or whatever, they chemo'd her and put that **** into remission. she's cancer free now (yay, connections and money)

anyways, long story short, i say all this to say that ONE of the things the hospital prescribed her is CBD oil (which is something that I did not believe in because I was at a weed conference top of October, and some guy was saying that he had cancer in January and doctors told him he had a couple weeks to live, and basically gave up on him.. his family went to buy some CBD oil and gave it to him. i don't know if he's "cured" of cancer, but he's still alive.. but i also DON'T know if the docs told him he only had 2 weeks. anyways, when i hear stories like that, I'm super skeptical and conclude it as BS... but then when the chi-town girl mentioned CBD oil... i was like HMMMM..... i don't think it's a cure-all oil like ppl praise it to be... but i can no longer ignore it. this girl literally had the best doctors for her **** and cured her cancer, so take that how u will. she's cancer-free for like a week now)

Yeah I'm not knocking CBD oil at all. I'm talking specifically about the MLM CBD folks that are treating it like magic potion that cures every ache, pain and mental illness in the DSM-5 simply because it alleviated their symptom.
Cancer doesn’t survive in a alkaline environment

I believe this. Definitely need to make sure your body has a proper pH balance of 7-8%. What you eat and drink is going to drive that number.

Y'all seen this dude before? He's out there, but I do think he kicks some facts. I find myself both a believer of modern medicine and also a believer in some of the natural ways of healing (primarily, what you eat and drink).

P.S. I do not believe he injected himself with Chuck's blood.

I said what I said. The cure is out there. Knowing many many people in my personal life that have died from cancer, its the ones who have refused chemo therapy and cured themselves using natural methods I already posted that are still alive. Out of everyone that I know that underwent chemo, I only know one woman who survived the chemo process and is still alive today. Of course, my own experience doesn't reflect the entire population I understand that, however I personally follow my own intuition when it comes to this subject. I'm also part of many private groups with people curing themselves using these techniques all around the country/world. There might not be no magical cure in the world of modern medicine which everyone seems to only care about nowadays in our society of toxic bodies, but in the world of holistic healing and natural methods, there is. If you don't want to believe , thats fine.
Do you see how dangerous it is for him to write books and pass it off as science? Especially when he has no medical background and hasn’t even applied his techniques to anyone else but him.
Not to mention he went through traditional cancer treatments before he found his “cure”.

My father had leukemia. He went through extensive chemotherapy. He is now leukemia free.
So this anecdotal evidence goes against what you and op is saying.

Every situation is unique. We are all different. Our biological makeup is not the same. Medicine affects everyone different. Every cancer is different. Even the same types of cancers are different from eachother.
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