But....the standard chemo/radiation/opioid protocol DOES work. All the time? No. But then again, neither does your approach.
Again ... on my blog and throughout this thread... I explain exactly what chemotherapy and radiation do by detailing a lived experience. I explained WHY it failed me, and why my cancer metastasized AFTER I completed the doctor prescribed regimen.
The approach I take requires real work. Do you know how difficult it was for me to tell my lies? Do you think others are willing to lose their families, reputation, and all of the things that their lies brought? What about a person with trauma... do you think that person really wants to unearth their suppressions?
It sounds so easy and simple... but expressing your deepest and darkest fears, trauma, and pain, and revealing your truth is much harder than receiving balloons, being called a fighter, and being loved for having cancer.
That is why most people die of cancer. They would rather take those suppressions to the grave. Me... I didn't want to die. I loved my family too much.
When I understood how this worked, I expressed myself, and lost everything. My reputation, friendships, and even family relationships were OVER. This was not a pretty process. I cannot explain how f'd up my life became after I expressed myself. Most people do not want the consequences of revealing their truth, so they take it to the grave.