**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Hope Rondo is ok!!!!
Damn he possibly hurt again? Tell him stop messing with CP3, his injury prone disease must have rubbed off when they got into that fight.

I didn't watch the game will catch the replay over the weekend though.
God, I love Lance :lol:
Did you ever think you would say that as a Laker fan? In a controlled environment dude is NICE, I saw that in those Pacer/Cavs series. When he is locked in dude can ball, but he can't lead a team long term. That was evident when he went to Charlotte for the big payday.
I can never wear something like that, it's cool but not for 350.

Also: I TOLD YA'LL NOT TO PANIC. Lance did his thing, KEEP THAT MAN that energy is much needed in the Playoffs- man was clutch too.
I can never wear something like that, it's cool but not for 350.

Also: I TOLD YA'LL NOT TO PANIC. Lance did his thing, KEEP THAT MAN that energy is much needed in the Playoffs- man was clutch too.
I don't even know if I would wear them just have them in the house. Down the road probably look back and say this about where shoes took a giant step forward in technology.
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