**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

I remember reading something about Dragic the other day and the Heat may be looking to offload him into space?
That was before the Whiteside trade tho
They needed to clear cap for Jimmy
But they may or may not still want to do a solid by goran and trade him
If he signs a 2 year deal with intention to supermax later, he better be ok with staying at a location for 7 years
Yeah wherever he signs it’ll either be 2+1 to opt out after 2 and get 10 year super max
Or straight up 4 years lol
If we smart, just offer him 2 or 4 years with no trade clause and 5 mill dollar trade kicker
You been saying that for 4 days :lol:

You got some inside info you wanna share lol


Just realized DLo a splash rodent now.

Boogie for the min you take it. But man achilles no joke.

Kawhi plz
Until Comrade RDA is proven wrong, we should wait. I'm new to this Laker fan thing but RDA is showing me the ropes.
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