**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

So if we miss out on kawhi does that impact AD re-signing with us?
Nah. He ain’t a ***** *** like kawhi. We have to have a competitive team around him but he is here with LeBron. That’s his boy and mentor and LeBron ain’t leaving
Final prediction time:

Short term prediction: Kawhi signs a 1+1 deal with Toronto. Runs it back with the team that took a chance on him (lol) and they just won a title. Also everyone is a free agent on that team next summer except Powell, OG. So tons of cap and these two assets to trade (Powell and OG). kawhi wants to see what comes of it next summer.

Long term prediction: next year they fizzle and get knocked out in 2nd round (since last year was a fluke). In typical fashion, nobody big wants to come to Toronto. They max Siakim, overpay for Van vleet. Kawhi sees writing on the wall of a (Siakim, van vleet and kawhi) core for the next 4 years while Philly bucks and nets rolling out multiple all stars/superstars. Kawhi bounces to LA but...to the clippers since the Lakers can’t afford to waste another year of LeBron by signing lame 1 year contracts. We won’t have cap but clippers still will since they aren’t contenders this year and can afford to “waste” a year.

Lakers still win title and we all visit kawhis house in SD and rub it in his face
Yeah chris said he THINKS he’ll announce tomorrow
Probably doesn’t want to take away from the holiday

Anyone tracking his flight? :lol:
If that fool doesn’t come back to the states today he probably never coming back
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Broussard has been spitting out predictions based on his "sauces".. CC has been giving updates about the process, without any details as far the final decision.

So we should know something by tomorrow since the AD trade needs to be completed by July 6th right?
2nd round at best next year for Toronto with Kawhi . Old fat Lowry, old slow Gasol. Philly stronger and Milwaukee still good.

I don’t get the appeal of the Raptors but to each their own
2nd round at best next year for Toronto with Kawhi . Old fat Lowry, old slow Gasol. Philly stronger and Milwaukee still good.

I don’t get the appeal of the Raptors but to each their own

Kawhi needs to think hard if he plans on staying with the Raptors. East literally stayed the same. Philly and Bucks improved and the lower seeded teams made some nice additions. Kawhi wore himself out and it showed the longer the playoffs got.
100% Kawhi should eat the most
This coming from a huge Bron fan :lol:

I want to see Bron go full Magic mode

But yeah bro I don’t know what they told him in the meeting but Toronto is just gonna conintue to degree while the East will improve
He beat Philly with 6 bounces on his buzzer beater then GSW was all injured
No GSW this year but they ain’t beating the Lakers bro hell naw
Cris Carter is a Kawhi insider because he says he’s known and been close with him and uncle Dennis since Kawhi was playing at SDSU.

Jalen is full of crap. He’s still a salty Laker & Kobe hater since he lost to them in the 2000 Finals and Kobe dropped 81 on him and the Raptors :lol:
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