**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Yes I can, because that is a completely separate thing. COMPLETELY. "No, they're basically the same, because... "

No they're not, on MANY levels. There are LEVELS of differences there. "Yeah but the assumption is..."


Yeahno. Unless you're ok with the following:

You secretly hate Lebron and wish he would die a terrible death and that's the only reason you're interpreting these things this way. You hate him and you want everyone else to hate him. I have a brain and I know what people truly mean, so I know that this is your actual motive. I'm that smart. You can't deny it, and what you say about what you meant is less important than what I think you meant. I'm saying that I know that you hate Lebron and you think he's worse than Hitler and because I have a brain and I know what people mean, what you meant doesn't matter. What I think you mean matters.

Silly, right?

You said that, not him.

It will never cease to amaze me how loyal people are to their interpretations. Look, I interpret things. I don't commit to them, though. "No, this is DEFINITELY real, mot an interpretation. What I think isn't a maybe, it's a FACT, because I have a brain."

No, it's not. I realize that.

Thanks for spilling my secrets on the internet.

Again I am with you 100% on the subjects concept you are portraying. It’s what’s wrong with the new twitter age generation of jumping on any comment someone makes. I really do agree with you completely. Misinterpretation could happen to any of us and then you have a mob after you. I get it.

This just isn’t that situation, from my experiences and data analysis of said persons handling of the situation relative to how outspoken he has been about other things (proving he’s not shy to speak up). That’s all.
honestly the grizzlies are out of our league. i would be pleasantly SHOCKED if we win today.
It would be an absolute shocker if we beat them.

A slashing scoring guard
2 7 footers
Large wings, young and athletic

Literally the exact type of team we struggle against.
Oooooh, the whole "Well when you say THIS, it sounds like you're in THAT group" flawed line of thinking.

I see.

Like it's really hard to just take what is said... and... discuss it. No assumptions. No group think. Just listen, and talk, and listen, and talk.

It's easier and more convenient to think Lebron is playing dumb; harder to actually discuss what he said.

Yes, I've noticed no one has actually discussed what he said. On the 'People have forgotten about colds and the flu' comment he made, I asked "What false thing did he say?", and... nothing. Too hard. Mudslinging through interpretations is way easier. That's all this is.

I don’t look to Lebron to make sense of Covid or China human right abuses for me

Nobody should. He’s just a person. There are so many better sources for information

But the youth who are too naive to know any better sadly are affected by pro athletes’ words and stances on political issues
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the youth who are too naive to know any better sadly are affected by pro athletes’ words and stances on political issues

On today's topic, which is Lebron saying people have forgotten about colds & the flu, what false thing did he say that could damage my 14-yo son? I am a father of one of today's youth. What damage did Lebron do to today's youth with that statement?


On today's topic, which is Lebron saying people have forgotten about colds & the flu, what false thing did he say that could damage my 14-yo son? I am a father of one of today's youth. What damage did Lebron do to today's youth with that statement?


I was speaking more generally on athletes’ views. It’s all in how the reader interprets his words unfortunately. Political party aside, his post reflected the frustrations a lot of Americans have.

But to me, it’s pretty obvious the Covid virus is not the same virus as a common cold or flu. I don’t know where he was going with that one, that’s why it’s just easier to not pay attention to an athlete/entertainer/politician etc view and just focus on the science and subject matter experts
But to me, it’s pretty obvious the Covid virus is not the same virus as a common cold or flu. I don’t know where he was going with that one
It seems obvious to me as well. I would agree with you in that I don't know where he was going when he said that, if he said that. The thing is, he didn't say "Man, covid is just a common cold or the flu."

He said people have forgotten about colds and the flu. Collectively, that's true.

My son has had a sore throat since Saturday, and was really fatigued Sat/Sun. As soon as I mentioned it to a friend at work, "Yeah, this new variant ain't no joke." Ummmm... he has been out of school on Xmas break for 2 weeks. We definitely do our part staying at home. We're not eating out, going to the movies, none of that, but we mask up when we do go grab groceries or something. Thursday, it was 40 degrees and we were outside playing basketball a couple hours, in shorts. Sure, not very wise, but... he got a little cold. To be sure, yes, I took him to get a covid test Saturday. Negative. But on Sunday, at work, without knowing that I already did a covid test on him, without knowing that my son is in contact with almost no one, without knowing we played basketball in 40 weather, ONLY knowing 'sore throat, little tired', the initial response was "Yeah, this covid." People have forgotten about colds.

That is exactly what I take from what Lebron said, and it fits, perfectly.

He's not saying covid is just a cold or a flu. He literally didn't say that. What he literally said was that those 2 things haven't gone away, but people have forgotten about them. From experience, that's true. And simple.

It seems obvious to me as well. I would agree with you in that I don't know where he was going when he said that, if he said that. The thing is, he didn't say "Man, covid is just a common cold or the flu."

He said people have forgotten about colds and the flu. Collectively, that's true. My son has had a sore throat since Saturday, and was really fatigued Sat/Sun. As soon as I mentioned it to a friend at work, "Yeah, this new variant ain't no joke." Ummmm... he has been out of school on Xmas break for 2 weeks. We definitely do our part staying at home. We're not eating out, going to tune movies, none of that. Thursday, it was 40 degrees and we were outside playing basketball a couple hours, in shorts. Sure, not very wise, but... he got a little cold. Yes, I took him to get a covid test Saturday. Negative. But on Sunday, at work, without knowing that I already did a covid test on him, without knowing that my son is in contact with almost no one, without knowing we played basketball in 40 weather, ONLY knowing 'sore throat, little tired', the initial response was "Yeah, this covid."

That is exactly what I take from what Lebron said, and it fits, perfectly. People have forgotten about colds.

He's not saying covid is just a cold or a flu. He literally didn't say that. What he literally said was that 2 things haven't gone away, but people have forgotten about them. From experience, that's true. And simple.

Your friend at work is an idiot. Just like Lebron
It seems obvious to me as well. I would agree with you in that I don't know where he was going when he said that, if he said that. The thing is, he didn't say "Man, covid is just a common cold or the flu."

He said people have forgotten about colds and the flu. Collectively, that's true. My son has had a sore throat since Saturday, and was really fatigued Sat/Sun. As soon as I mentioned it to a friend at work, "Yeah, this new variant ain't no joke." Ummmm... he has been out of school on Xmas break for 2 weeks. We definitely do our part staying at home. We're not eating out, going to tune movies, none of that. Thursday, it was 40 degrees and we were outside playing basketball a couple hours, in shorts. Sure, not very wise, but... he got a little cold. Yes, I took him to get a covid test Saturday. Negative. But on Sunday, at work, without knowing that I already did a covid test on him, without knowing that my son is in contact with almost no one, without knowing we played basketball in 40 weather, ONLY knowing 'sore throat, little tired', the initial response was "Yeah, this covid."

That is exactly what I take from what Lebron said, and it fits, perfectly. People have forgotten about colds.

He's not saying covid is just a cold or a flu. He literally didn't say that. What he literally said was that 2 things haven't gone away, but people have forgotten about them. From experience, that's true. And simple.

Your friend at work is an idiot. Just like lebron

We won?
Russ contact is super interesting because it’s a 44 million dollar expiring deal next year.
I doubt he re-signs for anything more than 15 million a year. That’s a crazy fall off.
Vet minimum
He will be older and less athletic and probably still will think he’s a starter and star level player. Will have to accept a lesser role ie Carmelo
You guys think Russ is a China / vet minimum player level already? I think he gets 8 digits a year at least just based on his name.
Russ contact is super interesting because it’s a 44 million dollar expiring deal next year.
I doubt he re-signs for anything more than 15 million a year. That’s a crazy fall off.
47 mill next year that he will likely pick up so he’ll be a free agent summer of 2023. At that point he will likely be a 10-15 mill player (mostly bc cap going up)

that’s expected. Not shocking
He’ll be 35 years old. With no jump shot and less quickness and athleticism. More turnover prone as he gets older too. But he’ll play and act like he’s still a top dog. What team will want that?
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