**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Maybe this is a 4D chess move and the organization is doing their best to make Westbrook uncomfortable and unhappy so that he will opt out of his contract next year. If he really and truly hates it here, he can always walk away, right? 🤷🏿‍♂️
Would get the Lakers $20M under the cap.
I don't think it affects our future to get people. People will forget. It's just not a good look and makes us look bad as fans.

How does it make us look bad as fans?

That could have been a heckler.

But what I do know is this...you make 41 mil. Your having a terrible year and instead of trying to improve yourself, you are going at the fans and IMO trying to distract everyone from your horrible season.

He has to go. Go back to OKC where they don't have expectations. But don't come to LA, stink up the joint and expect people to feel sorry for you.
Would get the Lakers $20M under the cap.

I know it's a pipe dream but Westbrook opting out would be the best case scenario for us. That being said, short of the organization trying to murder him, I don't see a way that he walks away from $47m next year. The way things are going, he likely won't see that much money over the course of the rest of his career, much less one season.
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I wanna say there's no way he declines $47 million but who knows. He can probably still get $20 mill from somewhere and maybe that'll be ideal enough for him to play elsewhere.
I have no problem with a human letting people know how he feels.

Each individual draws their own line in the sand and if he feels that people are crossing it, I fully support him... especially when he tells you what it's doing to his family.
I know it's a pipe dream but Westbrook opting out would be the best case scenario for us. That being said, short of the organization trying to murder him, I don't see a way that he walks away from $47m next year. The way things are going, he likely won't see that much money over the course of the rest of his career, much less one season.
If he was good enough but just not a good fit I coulda seen him opting out to get a 3/60 or 4/50 type deal elsewhere. But he’s so bad right now that he would be giving up 1/47 for a 3/9 type of deal LOL
I wanna say there's no way he declines $47 million but who knows. He can probably still get $20 mill from somewhere and maybe that'll be ideal enough for him to play elsewhere.
Nobody is opting out of $47 million guaranteed... unless there's a deal in place.

Doesn't make sense
If he was good enough but just not a good fit I coulda seen him opting out to get a 3/60 or 4/50 type deal elsewhere. But he’s so bad right now that he would be giving up 1/47 for a 3/9 type of deal LOL
Why would you opt out of of $47 million in one year to make 50 over four?

He can literally get his bag next year and play on a minimum to make more than that :lol:
Crossing the line and saying stuff about a players family, making threats etc should never be tolerated under any circumstance.

But booing and heckling is ultimately something which comes with the game. Westbrook didn’t do himself any favors with his indifferent attitude toward things at times during interviews either where it came off as he really didn’t care much about all this basketball stuff as long as he goes home at the end of the day. To be fair I don’t blame him if he feels that way, but he’s probably better suited just giving some scripted answer to the media when it comes to his struggles. But when you’re making $40 million a year, playing like crap and coming off in interviews as indifferent to it. I can see how that can rub fans off the wrong way.

As for the westbrick stuff. Saying all that is only going to get more people to say it. Especially during road games.
I feel for him on the kids and family front.

But his main excuse is that his FAMILY NAME is being shamed. That reason is one I don’t care for.

So if people call lebron “lebronze” that’s shaming his name? I guess it is technically but not something that needs to be told to the media. And if he feels like it does then he’s soft. Nothing wrong with being soft. But he is that If so. Can’t have it both ways
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