**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Putting Jaxon in the starting lineup? Jokic? He ain't making a difference there anyway. They actually outrebounded DEN. Add to that he isn't making a difference for you offensively at all so you've handicapped yourself even further.

Jokic is dominant offensive player. They way to slow them down is to go right at them. Put them in as much action as you can and try to get them in space and force them to not only guard, but expend energy doing so. Jokic is a cardio king. He sits in drop and takes what you give him. AD plays right into his hands floating around the perimeter and lately has struggled scoring inside against him. If AD doesn't take his head out of his *** it won't matter what you do. He has to step up. AD is a walking mismatch every game, and even with him complainIng about playing the 5, it's his best position. He usually has an advantage on his matchup everynight gets to the line because of it.

Jokic doesn't even sniff foul trouble when they play. That is a MAJOR ISSUE.
One game in and my boy on FB just posted that he's ready to trade AD to the first offer we get. 😂

He was born in 2000. 🤣
I'ma tell you why I'm mad son

This right here, they was disrespectful all off-season you heard it and you no-show, put up a whole donut in the 2nd half. I don't like to overreact but damn.
For the life of me I have no idea how you guys respond to these clowns.
Actually, You even funnier for buying a size 14 pair of playoff 8s when your TTS according to you is a 15


Either you like wearing clown shoes at sz 15, which is a full size up and way bigger than your real TTS 14


You really a sz 15 and you copping a 14 for FOMO so bet your feet are all jacked up from squeezing into that mess 😂😂
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Putting Jaxon in the starting lineup? Jokic? He ain't making a difference there anyway. They actually outrebounded DEN. Add to that he isn't making a difference for you offensively at all so you've handicapped yourself even further.

Jokic is dominant offensive player. They way to slow them down is to go right at them. Put them in as much action as you can and try to get them in space and force them to not only guard, but expend energy doing so. Jokic is a cardio king. He sits in drop and takes what you give him. AD plays right into his hands floating around the perimeter and lately has struggled scoring inside against him. If AD doesn't take his head out of his *** it won't matter what you do. He has to step up. AD is a walking mismatch every game, and even with him complainIng about playing the 5, it's his best position. He usually has an advantage on his matchup everynight gets to the line because of it.

Jokic doesn't even sniff foul trouble when they play. That is a MAJOR ISSUE.
What Jaxson would do is make Jokic expend energy.

Watch the tape
I'ma tell you why I'm mad son

This right here, they was disrespectful all off-season you heard it and you no-show, put up a whole donut in the 2nd half. I don't like to overreact but damn.

AD always been soft.

Only chance Lakers have vs Nuggets is start a 2-Big lineup and play more Hayes-AD lineups.

You know it, I know it, SORIANOTRON SORIANOTRON knows it, meanwhile the rest of the clueless Lakers fan on here are like "if it's broke, don't fix it cause we like doing the same gotdam xxxx over and over again expecting differentt results."

Ain't nothing new.
When +/- doesn't work just use twitter quotes
Yup, to show you that most people agree with me and not you.

Keep using YOUR weakxxx bs lineups vs DEN, pretty soon you'll be 0-8 against the Nuggs. You already 0-5.

I'm sure you remember the WCF when I kept saying Dum Dum Darvin shoulda been using Thompson the whole series vs Jokic.

Instead Ham keeps using Rui's smurfxxx vs Joker and netting the same result 😆 😂

"If it's broken, don't fix it"
Unless you tryna put some more money up I'm not going back and forth with you :lol:
You finna owe me 3K next July. The more the Lakers can't beat DEN with a 1-Big lineup, the more Ham becomes wiser strategically like me.

Oh btw, who said I only use plus/minus when its working for Jaxson? Goes both ways big dog....

Looks like Your 5th starter Prince didn't do xxxx for AD in the win column 😂
You finna owe me 3K next July. The more the Lakers can't beat DEN with a 1-Big lineup, the more Ham becomes wiser strategically like me.

Oh btw, who said I only use plus/minus when its working for Jaxson? Goes both ways big dog....

Looks like Your 5th starter Prince didn't do xxxx for AD in the win column 😂
You're incredibly smart and I respect your opinion
I’m fine with last night.

offense could find grooves. And kept mounting comebacks. Just have a bit more movement and be more tactical and there would be less bad stretches.
DLo’s defense was better. Still some things to fix up, but was better.
Reaves and DLo had bad shooting nights inside the 3.
AD had a bad shooting night.
Rui gave very little.
Gabe was awful.

If Gabe was just average. And between DLo, Reaves and AD shooting closer to averages and it’s a different game altogether.

Just keep chipping away and Lakers depth would be where you look to wear Denver down.
Lebron is still the Lakers best offensive player, I can recall in the 1st and 4th quarters when he sat the offense was non-existent and Nuggets went on runs… BUT year 21 the Lakers need to be careful with his minutes so it is what it is.

DLo/Austin can’t do anything with Murray defensively, so Cam being able to at least challenge him a bit on that end was a nice discovery.

Every loss is disappointing but this wasn’t discouraging at least to me it wasn’t. The regular rotation guys that played just have to play up to their normal level. And the new guys… Cam was decent, Prince was great, Gabe looked more comfortable as the game went on after a slow start, Wood gave some decent minutes in the second unit. Hayes was trash 😂

Who entered the game for Lebron during that substitution? Hmm… so if your best player can’t sub in and give the old man a 2-3 minute breather what are we even doing here?
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