**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

no way we lose tonight

no way
Why the coaching staff still allows AD to offensive rebound I have no idea. It compromises the entire defense when he doesn't get the rebound.
Opposing team constantly getting offensive boards and 2nd chance points?

Me during the timeout if I were head coach: "Let's put an end to that bs and go 2-Big with Hayes, AD and slide Rui to the 3 and Prince to the 2 with Vincent at the 1. Get in the game Jaxson and replace AR."

Ham: Hands in pocket.....thinking......thinking......thinking........thinking......
Ima keep saying it for the millionth time: AD ain't no gotdam center.

AD can't even box out and body Nurkic


This soft xxx Lakers squad is getting spanked by a Suns team missing the Killer B's.
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