**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

I think Christie’s minutes getting swooped by Gabe unfortunately. Other than a few young guy mistakes, thought he did great with the opportunity.

Deep team. Will come in handy when injuries come. Was not expecting HAM to love Prince/Reddish as much as he does.
D'Lo kept getting cooked in the playoffs so they wanted a defensive minded guard. Would have been better going after Caruso but maybe they'll still be able to do that now.
Gabe has a clear role on the team. Not sure how many more times I want to see Austin using all his game breaker juice to dribble/maneuver away from a defender 40 feet away from the hoop.
Also the championship banner for the in season tourney is sweet to me. First team to win and hopefully we can add a bunch of more years to the banner :pimp:

Max can sit on the bench. I love how he rebounds but keep his minutes lower so we can sign him to a better deal this off-season.

Gabe deserves a chance. He’ll play a great role for the Lakers this season.
Gabe does all the small things that D Lo is not gonna do, so I understand the signing.

I thought he played fine besides the three not falling.
How many players on this current season started the year slow but turned it around?


Practicing a little patience w/ Gabe, preseason I feel like he was fine… expecting his shot to come around and for him to be a positive contributor to the squad eventually.
Wanted to see AR torch Green again

Let’s win all 3 this week. Will be interesting to see how the squad responds to the first post IST game
Ham has blitzed Luka in the past (similar to Haliburton on Saturday). Kinda curious if he'll keep doing so and if the Lakers are up for the challenge.
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