[:: LAKERS 2014 THREAD | POLL: Who Should Coach Next Year? ::]


  • Mike _'Antoni

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stan Van Gundy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Byron Scott

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • George Karl

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jerry Sloan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kurt Rambis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nate McMillan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doug Collins

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • College Coach (Mention Name and School)...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
the disrespect towards synchronized swimming 
You act like Mitch said no to that Turner deal.. Again, Sixers wanted a third team involved, and we couldn't find one in time. That happens all the time, and a team swooped in with a better deal.

We'd have to dump Kaman & Hill to get under.. Those deals were not there. Hill to the Nets was the only trade where there was a salary dump, and that would have had us sending picks out, all of the others had similar value salaries coming back. We weren't going to get $8+ mil off the books. It wasn't going to happen. It was a pipe dream, and one that the Lakers didn't even set for themselves.

You keep saying he failed, but by a metric YOU set, not one that the Lakers set.

Seriously CP, you are just as bad as all the people you say you block. You just happen to be searching for something else to blame.

seriously essential you are starting to sound like damage control in here

you do not have to defend every stupid move this franchise has done

just admit this franchise **** up their master plan and is now just doing dumb **** after dumb ****

i would think after dwight howard took a dump in you and every other laker fan who guaranteed he would stay throat you would learn not to trust this regime but you still defend this franchise

buss and mitch is turning this franchise into a destination for bums and young undrafted players to get seasoned and sign to other teams all at the expense of this franchises future

and the word is they are going to do this again next year?

then what?

if love or any other player signs elsewhere?

a third year of being a farm system for other teams?

just admit this franchise **** up and it isnt looking good

sign mike brown. check

trade for dwight who didnt want to re sign. check

get chris paul trade revoked and fail to get it done after that. check

trade odom for nothing. check

fire mike brown and instead of hiring phil jackson, what the fans and players wanted. buss ego gets the best of him and hire antoni instead the guy universally hated.


phil would have got dwight to stay but instead keep antoni giving dwight more incentive to bolt to houston besides the child support laws. check

give old *** kobe a 48 million extension even though he hasnt come back from his major injury. check

trade blake god for no reason. check

fail to trade pau,hill, kaman, and let kaman and hill rot on the bench yet still play pau assol. check

now we are going to do this again next year?

and kobe saying assol gonna get re signed next year too?

i wouldnt put it past these dudes to trade this years first rounder for horace grant
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i want you to admit not signing phil jackson and instead signing antoni was a huge mistake for this franchise
To lighten things up... I was at the LA Marathon Health and Fitness Expo today and had to stop by and take a picture with the GOAT PG. Never had the chance to so this so give me some slack you Staples heads :lol:

View media item 847629

Also took one with Chick Hearn. Dope statues. LA Live is sick I wish I could come down more often.
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Noble, I'm upset with the FO, but I don't blame them for Mike.

I prefer Phil, sure, who wouldn't? But the trend of the league is heading towards offensive efficiency, 3 point shooting, PG dominance, spacing etc. They had multiple reasons they wanted to avoid Phil, and went with Mike. His personality, his salary, the Triangle, they just wanted a different direction.

I wish it was Phil, but Mike is a big upgrade over Brown, so I don't pin that one on Mitch, Jim, Jerry, whoever.
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