Lakers at Rockets Game 6 Thread 5/14 6:30 pm Vol No Heart

Originally Posted by franchise3

No Eastern Conference team or Western Conference team that has eliminated the Rockets in rounds prior to the NBA Finals has ever gone on to win the championship.

The Lakers will be cursed if they go on and eliminate the Rockets, losing in either the West Finals or the NBA Finals.

1969 --- Atlanta, eliminated by LA
1975 --- Boston, eliminated by the Bullets
1977 --- Philadelphia, eliminated by Portland
1979 --- Atlanta, eliminated by the Bullets
1980 --- Boston, eliminated by Philadelphia
1982 --- Seattle, eliminated by San Antonio
1985 --- Utah, eliminated by Denver
1987 --- Seattle, eliminated by LA
1988 --- Dallas, eliminated by LA
1989 --- Seattle, eliminated by LA
1990 --- LA, eliminated by Phoenix
1991 --- LA, eliminated by Chicago
1993 --- Seattle, eliminated by Phoenix
1996 --- Seattle, eliminated by Chicago
1997 --- Utah, eliminated by Chicago
1998 --- Utah, eliminated by Chicago
1999 --- LA, eliminated by San Antonio
2004 --- LA, eliminated by Detroit
2005 --- Dallas, eliminated by Phoenix
2007 --- Utah, eliminated by San Antonio
2008 --- Utah, eliminated by LA

Good luck LA!

That is CRAZY.

Now where's my noose?
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by CP1708

Can the league rescind techs in the playoffs like they do in the regular season?

Any chance they rescind the one on Kobe last night? The one that shouldn't be given. When that real real tough guy Artest like he so loves to call himself ran away like Carmelo after getting a bump on his tongue. Will the league take that away?
Artest was smart enough to run instead of getting in the ref's/kobe's face about it. In case you haven't been watching the series, Artest has already been ejected twice.
*talkin about Ron here, not you*

Then don't tell me how hard you are, or what a tough guy you are all the time and then run like a girl. Know what I'm sayin?

Completely agree on the run away to keep from gettin in trouble, got ya, but then I don't wanna listen to you go in front of reporters and say "Don't you know who I am?" and "I'm Ron Artest" and I'm a tough guy and all that. And then be cryin, I gotta bump on my tongue and sh*^. That don't make sense. Ray Lewis don't gotta tell nobody how tough he is. Charles Oakley don't worry about informing everyone of how tough he is. Ron seems to feel the need to keep reminding everybody. Makes me wonder, ya know?
I'll agree with not having to tell everybody how tough he is. But Ray Lewis also plays football where hitting is condoned. And Charles Oakleyplayed in an era where hitting was permitted. I doubt Artest would have any problems clotheslining people if it didn't warrant a year suspension (probablyjust because it's him too lol).
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by franchise3

Lakers receive a lot of hate, sure, but people shouldn't front on Lakers fans themselves. You go back like 5-10 pages and you'll see Lakers fans debating with each other what went wrong and who to blame. It's not always automatically, Lakers lose, haters come out, thread gets prolonged. See for yourself.

A stat that's nuts that I'll find and post:

Since the Rockets moved to the WC, the team that knocks the Rockets out the playoffs, has NEVER went on to win a championship..
nope its always automatic that when we lose haters come out...its as automatic as reggie miller in the foul line

wow interesting stat...NEVER went on to win the title if they knock the rockets out in the western conference?

FIRST B0RN wrote:
Unlike a lot of my fellow Laker Haters, I won't come in to these threads talking sideways. I refuse to let my dismay for your squad fog my vision.
you sir are respectable because even though you hate a team yet you dont rant with nonsense and speak the facts
...but hey im not gonna hate on the Laker the words of kanye, "love your haters their your biggest fans"

Boss, they haven't lost yet....Cavs fans have every right to laugh/talk all they want.
being 8-0 in the playoffs doesnt mean squat...nope they can only talk when they win a i said these arent the real cavs fans unlike i know who the real cavs fans are---guys like belle and outtacontrol
They can talk because they've steamrolled the's not just in the playoffs either...the've hit their stride at the right time. Unlike the Lakers, when they see a "weaker" oppenent they go for the kill....

@ this talk about "they can only say anything when they win a championship." If that's the case, ONLY Celtics fans should be chiming in on anything involving this series. Post-Shaq, Lakers have just as many finals losses as the Cavs, so your point is moot....that is if you should even be "talking."

first off...i dont think i was talking about how we have the room to talk either we havent won since 2002...we havent won squat either am i going into cavsthreads and talk crap?...nope not ever not last year and def not this year not ever...what im saying is they sound like theyre the defending champs and theyhave the gold at our expense...hey the celtics CAN run their mouths they murked us and they are the defending champs...again 8-0 doesnt mean crap...but likeive been saying these arent real cavs fans i know who the real ones are
I hope you're not grouping me w. these Cavs "fans" that have been chiming in...I'm one of the biggest Cavs haters on the and OChave butted heads numerous times...however, I'll give them PLENTY of props for destroying the competition thus far. And yes...they do have room to talkbecause they don't play down to their opponents levels. That's the difference between the Cavs (come playoff time) and everyone else. They'vedominated.
Lakers fans sure do get salty, and always bring up the past, remind me of Yankees fans. Fact of the matter is, I live in the present, and presently, the Cavsare sitting at home waiting to play another game and have been since when Monday? Also presently, the Lakers are struggling with a team who have no big men,who's also playing without their their two best players. I don't have to be reminded that our past stink, cause I've been around for it, but thatdoesn't stop me from being able to say that the Lakers are a team of soft, heartless, weak-minded suckas. Did yall see Kobe slap Gasol in the side of thehead live on national tv? That's not a good look. Kobe can't get mad at his team, he's suppose to set the tone, and what did he do, come out 0-4cause of forced shots. Wake up Lakers fans, and stop being dilusional, cause presently and the recent past, yall haven't done nothing. By the way, been aCavs fan since Brad Daugherty,Price,Ehlo, Sanders, Nance, Bagley, Ferry,Kerr, Curry, Hot Rod, Peace.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I hope you're not grouping me w. these Cavs "fans" that have been chiming in...I'm one of the biggest Cavs haters on the and OC have butted heads numerous times...however, I'll give them PLENTY of props for destroying the competition thus far. And yes...they do have room to talk because they don't play down to their opponents levels. That's the difference between the Cavs (come playoff time) and everyone else. They've dominated.
did i group you? i said i know who the real cavs fans they dont come in and talk nonsense and talk crap...the "fans" comein and sound like theyve already won the whole thing...dont me wrong the cavs look great BUT these "fans" are just ridiculously ridiculous with whattheyve been posting lately
laugh.gif not a cavs hater either im just a haterof haters
...well maybe a celtic hater and definitely a warrior hater(wsup warrior fans
) but i dont come in and speak ridiculous commentsjust the facts
So allow me to make one. The front-running Lakers will probably win Game 7 at home. But even if they do, it won't change the facts. With two rounds now in evidence, the most talented team in the playoffs has also been the most poorly coached.

Phil Jackson has nine championship rings. He's co-written five books, a library of his opinions and reflections, from "Maverick" to "Sacred Hoops" to "The Last Season." He makes $12 million a year, considerably more than any coach in any sport. But this great basketball man is having one lousy postseason.

It would be nice and convenient to say that the undermanned, if admirable, Houston Rockets have exposed some of his Zen camouflage. But that's not the case. It was the Celtics who laid bare Jackson's team almost a year ago in the finals. In losing the last game by 39, the Lakers entered these playoffs with the burden of proof squarely on their shoulders. Yet they still play as if they are owed something. That's coaching, or rather, lack thereof.

The NBA's most prolific author is down to cliches. "Nobody stepped up," he was heard to say late Thursday at the postgame presser televised on NBA TV.

Then there was this gem: "You know, we're playing with a couple guys who are injured."

He was speaking of Andrew Bynum, who made it back from a bad knee before the season ended, and Lamar Odom, who's playing with a bruised back. What he failed to mention, of course, were the Rockets injuries.

The comparison doesn't flatter Jackson's squad. It's difficult not to root for the Rockets. They lost Tracy McGrady during the season. They lost Dikembe Mutombo against Portland. Then Yao Ming went down in the third game of this series. Houston shouldn't have won another game. It's as simple as that. But now they've won two.

While the Lakers start their pair of 7-footers, the Rockets are now smaller than a lot of college teams. They started a 6-6 center, Chuck Hayes, who played more defense than all the Lakers not named Kobe Bryant put together. (By the way, this one isn't on Kobe, who knew the Lakers wouldn't win Game 6 without a marked increase in intensity). Second-year forward Carl Landry came off the bench for 15 points, which was not only more than Bynum and Odom combined, but more than Mr. All-NBA, Pau Gasol.

Good coaches do two things consistently well. They motivate their players, and they make adjustments. To this point in the postseason, Jackson has done neither. After Game 1, he said of his team's lackluster start: "I don't know if we can play much worse, to be honest with you."

Turns out they could play a lot worse, as evidenced by Thursday's first quarter. Speaking of adjustments, there's Aaron Brooks. He's a good player, but the Lakers are giving him the confidence to discover just how good he can be. Six games into this series, Los Angeles still has no answer for Brooks.

Then again, the Lakers have more problems than a slight, second-year point guard. For all their talk of championships, they can't recognize a simple mismatch. Worse, for all their size, they don't defend the lane.

So what of Game 7? Jackson was asked.

It's a home game, he said. "There's nothing to worry about."

Perhaps that's good Zen. But it's not good coaching.

Coach's Zen approach not helping Lakers
by Mark Kriegel
Lakers fans say the haters make the thread 70+ pages but alot of the time its lakers fans saying how much their teams sucks. Granted haters do come in. Butwith laker threads, one hater makes a comment. 20 lakers fans jump in to defend them. as they should. So the post pile up.
Originally Posted by JordanLovah

So allow me to make one. The front-running Lakers will probably win Game 7 at home. But even if they do, it won't change the facts. With two rounds now in evidence, the most talented team in the playoffs has also been the most poorly coached.

Phil Jackson has nine championship rings. He's co-written five books, a library of his opinions and reflections, from "Maverick" to "Sacred Hoops" to "The Last Season." He makes $12 million a year, considerably more than any coach in any sport. But this great basketball man is having one lousy postseason.

It would be nice and convenient to say that the undermanned, if admirable, Houston Rockets have exposed some of his Zen camouflage. But that's not the case. It was the Celtics who laid bare Jackson's team almost a year ago in the finals. In losing the last game by 39, the Lakers entered these playoffs with the burden of proof squarely on their shoulders. Yet they still play as if they are owed something. That's coaching, or rather, lack thereof.

The NBA's most prolific author is down to cliches. "Nobody stepped up," he was heard to say late Thursday at the postgame presser televised on NBA TV.

Then there was this gem: "You know, we're playing with a couple guys who are injured."

He was speaking of Andrew Bynum, who made it back from a bad knee before the season ended, and Lamar Odom, who's playing with a bruised back. What he failed to mention, of course, were the Rockets injuries.

The comparison doesn't flatter Jackson's squad. It's difficult not to root for the Rockets. They lost Tracy McGrady during the season. They lost Dikembe Mutombo against Portland. Then Yao Ming went down in the third game of this series. Houston shouldn't have won another game. It's as simple as that. But now they've won two.

While the Lakers start their pair of 7-footers, the Rockets are now smaller than a lot of college teams. They started a 6-6 center, Chuck Hayes, who played more defense than all the Lakers not named Kobe Bryant put together. (By the way, this one isn't on Kobe, who knew the Lakers wouldn't win Game 6 without a marked increase in intensity). Second-year forward Carl Landry came off the bench for 15 points, which was not only more than Bynum and Odom combined, but more than Mr. All-NBA, Pau Gasol.

Good coaches do two things consistently well. They motivate their players, and they make adjustments. To this point in the postseason, Jackson has done neither. After Game 1, he said of his team's lackluster start: "I don't know if we can play much worse, to be honest with you."

Turns out they could play a lot worse, as evidenced by Thursday's first quarter. Speaking of adjustments, there's Aaron Brooks. He's a good player, but the Lakers are giving him the confidence to discover just how good he can be. Six games into this series, Los Angeles still has no answer for Brooks.

Then again, the Lakers have more problems than a slight, second-year point guard. For all their talk of championships, they can't recognize a simple mismatch. Worse, for all their size, they don't defend the lane.

So what of Game 7? Jackson was asked.

It's a home game, he said. "There's nothing to worry about."

Perhaps that's good Zen. But it's not good coaching.

Coach's Zen approach not helping Lakers
by Mark Kriegel

Good, glad to see I'm not alone in questioning Phil lately.
Another thing about is, before I'm a Cavs fan, I'm a basketball fan, and to me it's appalling the way the Lakers are playing. It's downrightdisrespectful to the game of basketball. I'm not taking anything away from the Rockets cause I have a lot of respect for them, but this series should beover. Another thing is, i've stated nothing but facts, read my posts again, everything in there is a fact, including when i say the lakers are soft suckas.Also, you can't come into a Cavs thread and talk *#@%, why, cause we winning PLAYOFF games by an average of like 18 points. Now go ahead and use the theEast ain't that good argument.
That's a good article blurb, Jordan.

Another thing is Phil's nonchalant attitude when it comes to timeouts. He rather let his players play through the momentum, as opposed to calling timeoutsto try and stop it. As a result, they went down like 17-1. 21-3. He's got too much ego and pride. Starting DFish continually is another thing too, as,Farmar has clearly outplayed him, and does a better job of covering Brooks. And then there's the whole thing he did, whatever he did to Bynum, renderinghim useless these playoffs.
Game 7 on Sunday....Kobe's documentary on Sunday also....This NBA is a joke. I'm starting to almost believe this hype around David Stern
Actually the documentary is on Saturday night, but will all these promotions coming out hyping Bron vs. Kobe I really would not be surprised if Cavs/Lakersmeet in June despite how piss-poor the Lakers are playing right now, one way or another $tern will make it happen.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Another thing about is, before I'm a Cavs fan, I'm a basketball fan, and to me it's appalling the way the Lakers are playing. It's downright disrespectful to the game of basketball. I'm not taking anything away from the Rockets cause I have a lot of respect for them, but this series should be over. Another thing is, i've stated nothing but facts, read my posts again, everything in there is a fact, including when i say the lakers are soft suckas. Also, you can't come into a Cavs thread and talk *#@%, why, cause we winning PLAYOFF games by an average of like 18 points. Now go ahead and use the the East ain't that good argument.

Maaaaan, get the F outta here with that BS.

Gimme a friggin break with you and your high horse routine.

It was disrespectful to watch the Cavs get swept out the finals 2 years ago. It was disrespectful to watch your franchise history for the last 30 years. Bethe hell quiet with this nonsense about disrespecting a game and all that. The Rockets get paid too. They played well too.

Where the hell were you when the Rockets lost by 40 the other night? Were you postin this same nonsense? Bet you weren't.

It was a game. We lost. We played bad. They played good. How the hell is that disrespectful?

I guess the Patriots were disrespecting football in the super bowl.

The Yankees are disrespectful when they lose.

Every single team who is favored and loses in the history of sports, is disrespectful.


Jesus Christ.

If the Lakers win on Sunday, I wanna see you talk about disrepect again. I wanna see that post. And if we lose, I'll be in here talkin about how theRockets wanted it more, we played bad, they played well, they beat us, we shoulda, coulda, woulda, but not one damn time will I or anyone else for that mattercome with "we disrespected the game of basketball."
, and to me it's appalling the way the Lakers are playing. It's downright disrespectful to the game of basketball.

I wonder if some of you people really some of the **%! ya'll type.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE


This team falling apart. LMAO at Pau Gasol.
its funny how Lebron/"cavs" fans come in here to talk crap...yall havent done squat yet

NyRapisBack wrote:
Fans of The Rapist can relax for now. No way in hell their shots are that off in game 7. The Rapist will set the tone early in the game and they'll win in a blow out.

But y'all def need to start worrying about Denver
rapist? that is so 2004 come up with something new
...the ironic thing is your sn looks like it says rapist

74 must be a Lakers loss

Homie I'm a fan of the game. Don't make this a Kobe vs. Lebron. Both are my favorite players.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by CP1708

Can the league rescind techs in the playoffs like they do in the regular season?

Any chance they rescind the one on Kobe last night? The one that shouldn't be given. When that real real tough guy Artest like he so loves to call himself ran away like Carmelo after getting a bump on his tongue. Will the league take that away?
Artest was smart enough to run instead of getting in the ref's/kobe's face about it. In case you haven't been watching the series, Artest has already been ejected twice.
*talkin about Ron here, not you*

Then don't tell me how hard you are, or what a tough guy you are all the time and then run like a girl. Know what I'm sayin?

Completely agree on the run away to keep from gettin in trouble, got ya, but then I don't wanna listen to you go in front of reporters and say "Don't you know who I am?" and "I'm Ron Artest" and I'm a tough guy and all that. And then be cryin, I gotta bump on my tongue and sh*^. That don't make sense. Ray Lewis don't gotta tell nobody how tough he is. Charles Oakley don't worry about informing everyone of how tough he is. Ron seems to feel the need to keep reminding everybody. Makes me wonder, ya know?

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Another thing about is, before I'm a Cavs fan, I'm a basketball fan, and to me it's appalling the way the Lakers are playing. It's downright disrespectful to the game of basketball. I'm not taking anything away from the Rockets cause I have a lot of respect for them, but this series should be over. Another thing is, i've stated nothing but facts, read my posts again, everything in there is a fact, including when i say the lakers are soft suckas. Also, you can't come into a Cavs thread and talk *#@%, why, cause we winning PLAYOFF games by an average of like 18 points. Now go ahead and use the the East ain't that good argument.

Maaaaan, get the F outta here with that BS.

Gimme a friggin break with you and your high horse routine.

It was disrespectful to watch the Cavs get swept out the finals 2 years ago. It was disrespectful to watch your franchise history for the last 30 years. Be the hell quiet with this nonsense about disrespecting a game and all that. The Rockets get paid too. They played well too.

Where the hell were you when the Rockets lost by 40 the other night? Were you postin this same nonsense? Bet you weren't.

It was a game. We lost. We played bad. They played good. How the hell is that disrespectful?

I guess the Patriots were disrespecting football in the super bowl.

The Yankees are disrespectful when they lose.

Every single team who is favored and loses in the history of sports, is disrespectful.


Jesus Christ.

If the Lakers win on Sunday, I wanna see you talk about disrepect again. I wanna see that post. And if we lose, I'll be in here talkin about how the Rockets wanted it more, we played bad, they played well, they beat us, we shoulda, coulda, woulda, but not one damn time will I or anyone else for that matter come with "we disrespected the game of basketball."

see the ridiculous crap these "fans" are saying doublej?...this what i was talking about the nonsense...disrespectful to the game just cause we losthahahahahaha
...yehh you can be a cavs fan but dude you're not a basketball fan ifyou think we disrespected the game
...and if you read my prior post...iclearly said i never posted in a cavs thread last year or this year and i never will next year or the year after that to talk crap and nonsense like this
roll.gif lost your credit as a fan period...disrespecting?

CP, add him to the looooooooong list of ppl who post after a Laker loss
I'm just saying, All the praises showered upon the Lakers aren't justified, and they are disrespecting basketball with their complete lack offocus, toughness and hunger to win in the playoffs. Lakers have too many advantages to play how they've been and yall know it, if you don't, well maybeyou don't have a competitive nature or know the game of basketball. In game 7, if the Rockets keep their turnovers below 13, they will have a great chanceat winning as the Lakers offense is suspect in the half court against the Rockets defense.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

I'm just saying, All the praises showered upon the Lakers aren't justified, and they are disrespecting basketball with their complete lack of focus, toughness and hunger to win in the playoffs. Lakers have too many advantages to play how they've been and yall know it, if you don't, well maybe you don't have a competitive nature or know the game of basketball. In game 7, if the Rockets keep their turnovers below 13, they will have a great chance at winning as the Lakers offense is suspect in the half court against the Rockets defense.
I thought your first post was the dumbest I had ever read.

Then you posted again.

Seasoned Vet, come on, it ain't even like that. I ain't salty over Ron, just wonderin about how he loves to talk how tough he is. Thas all. I got noproblems with the Rox.
Of course my posts are going to look dumb to delusional people. There is no way I'm wrong about what I'm saying, yall just saying so cause i'm nota Lakers fan. I've watched every game, and the Lakers play with no heart. They thrive off turnovers, look at the games they've won, Rockets had 20+turnovers. Rockets keep TO's down and they can steal game 7.
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