[::LAKERS vs. MAVERICKS THREAD |Mavs sweep Lakers, Congrats Mavs Fans::]

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

We still don't have Caron, and we're 3-0 against the defending champs.
i'd leave Caron on the bench. i like Caron, but he can be a ball stopper. unless he takes over the 8 minutes that Deshawn plays, I wouldn't play him

Carlisle has a solid rotation. IMO, the best thing to happen to the Mavs have been the injuries to Roddy and Caron.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

We still don't have Caron, and we're 3-0 against the defending champs.
i'd leave Caron on the bench. i like Caron, but he can be a ball stopper. unless he takes over the 8 minutes that Deshawn plays, I wouldn't play him

Carlisle has a solid rotation. IMO, the best thing to happen to the Mavs have been the injuries to Roddy and Caron.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Dallas is not a contender. They are too old. Dirk doesn't have pieces around him. Kidd is too old. Tyson is too small. Tyson gets abused to much. Dirk isn't the best PF in the League. Dallas doesn't have the best bench in the League. Lakers in 4, 5, and maybe 6. The Mavericks are soft. Dirk is soft. Dirk isn't clutch, the Mavericks aren't clutch. We're the 2002 All-Star Team.

5 straight wins. Yet to lose @ home.

Dallas kept it's composure, Lakers were scrambling the ENTIRE game. This game actually should have been a lot bigger margin. We missed a CRAPTON of WIDE open shots.

Lakers played with swag, but Dallas just kept working their %##@+ of. If we end up winning it all this year, that's what's going to get it done for us.

Can we please shut up now that we aren't contenders, weren't contenders.

Can we please shut up that Dallas isn't built to try and match the Lakers, personnel wise?

Kidd and Peja are trying to get revenge for the years of anguish that the Lakers caused them.

Dirk has been the best player in the post-season.

Oh and did I mention we haven't even seen our potentially second best player, and definitely our second best scorer, Caron Butler?

If we make it to the Finals, and Caron Butler is back, we aren't losing if we play the Heat.

We got disrespected ALL year, and I just always said, lets wait till the Playoffs and we'll see what happens. We get balked at saying how we can't win anything in the Playoffs. Well, we may not win it all this year, but we have the defending champs with their backs to the wall, and will have Home Court in the WCF if we make it...

Also, I'm not even going to say this series is over. Lakers can just treat this like they have 4 game 7's in a row, and win each of them. I'm not counting them out like everyone else is.

Dirk passes out of a shot and Kidd hits a game winner

Book it.

Didn't let it get to that.

As for the game itself, Bynum straight murdered us. I really like Kobe's approach to this game. He was very selective with his shots, and was very efficient.

Now get Kobe back in w/ Bynum before the bench screws this up. Between Blake, Brown, and Barnes, there should not be more than 2 of them on the floor at the same time.

That's why I said earlier in this thread that this game would be rough for LA, they just aren't deep enough with Artest.

Dirk's first question.. "Do you feel like you are playing your best basketball?"

His first response, "As a team?" That's a ball players answer.

Pau in means a Dallas run on the horizon.

...LAL still wins comfortably, though

First time you've been wrong.

Dirk wants this, bad.

Hungriest man in the Playoffs.

Artest would not allow this **** to get 4 open 3s

He would have brought out a chainsaw and ran wild on everyone.

I don't believe we'll get the sweep, but if it happens..

I kind of want to drag this out a little bit, I feel like if we win early, we'll come out with rust and lose G1 of the WCF, which we CANNOT do.

People called Memphians crazy for not liking him, but his play didn't represent the city.

What the hell is a Memphian.

Play of the game was Jason Terry saving the ball inbounds.

Dallas has hustled more than the Lakers this entire season, that's all it's come down to.

No offense to the mavs but no other team in the NBA will give them so many wide open 3pointers if they advance.

That's what Portland said. But when you double Dirk, it's GOING to happen. Is there a reason why we're making so many threes a game throughout these Playoffs? Yeah, you wanna double Dirk, he'll get the ball to the open player. As soon as Dallas gets doubled on Dirk, the guards line-up along the perimeter, and we see quick passes to the corner.

Chandler and Haywood have made a huge difference for the Mavs, I remember when they had the likes of Bradley, Dampier, Diop .

We won't get no credit for it though....

I'm not showing any respect to dallas and their fans on here. %+%$ being classy, ya'll still some herbs, ain't %!!$ gonna change.

Wouldn't be anything new.

I can only imagine how Dallas fans are feeling right now.

It feels great, Lakers fans have hounded us for years talking about how we ain't nothing. I kept on saying, I'd love to play them, just for the chance at having a great series. First time it happens in 22 years, and we are kicking butt and taking names. But, beating the Lakers doesn't mean our job is over. If we get that 16th playoff win, that's when our job is over.

As far as my own analysis goes, JET has probably been the most consistent Maverick, yeah he had a bad game 2, and a bad game 4 in Portland, but the guy has been very efficient with his shooting, and has been taking very good care of the ball.

Also I hope people saw what Dirk has been criticized for pretty much the past four years. You saw you wanna double Dirk? Go ahead, we'll have JET or Peja hit a WIDE open three. You want to go ahead and have single coverage on Dirk? He'll torch you.

This series is doing a LOT to cement Dirk's legacy. Against the defending champs, no one expects anything from Dirk and the Mavs, they expect an easy series, and Dirk is shooting lights out. Dirk puts forth same effort we saw tonight, this might be a sweep. 56% FG shooting, 70% 3 point shooting, and 93% FT shooting against the two-time defending champs with probably the best possible players capable of stopping Dirk. Pau, no. Bynum, no. Odom, no. Artest, no. Not dissing Rose, he's done a hell of a job carrying his team, but Dirk has been THE guy thus far.

And as someone else said, CP, NK, and a lot of you other Lakers fans, props for staying classy. I mean that honestly. I really like the Lakers, and wish them the best, but just not against my team.
, so I just want to make it as peaceful as it can be. Yall talk a lot of trash when you're winning, but as long as yall are respectful when that ain't happening, you guys are cool in my book.

All year, Mavs got trashed on. When we were healthy, people said "Do it in the Playoffs." Caron got hurt and we were completely discounted by EVERYONE entering this Playoffs.

We still don't have Caron, and we're 3-0 against the defending champs.

Not bad for a team that ain't contenders, eh?

Onto game 4.

Good luck yall.

(Realize it's hella long, but I wanted to make sure I went and read every post).

Now see, thats where you went wrong and stopped makin' sense. 
Miami is winning the chip, You going to witness

I do tip my hat to you for taking out the Lakers and their miserable fans 

This is my last time responding to you but, "miserable fans"?
your a fake Miami fan, you guys need to FAN UP!
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Dallas is not a contender. They are too old. Dirk doesn't have pieces around him. Kidd is too old. Tyson is too small. Tyson gets abused to much. Dirk isn't the best PF in the League. Dallas doesn't have the best bench in the League. Lakers in 4, 5, and maybe 6. The Mavericks are soft. Dirk is soft. Dirk isn't clutch, the Mavericks aren't clutch. We're the 2002 All-Star Team.

5 straight wins. Yet to lose @ home.

Dallas kept it's composure, Lakers were scrambling the ENTIRE game. This game actually should have been a lot bigger margin. We missed a CRAPTON of WIDE open shots.

Lakers played with swag, but Dallas just kept working their %##@+ of. If we end up winning it all this year, that's what's going to get it done for us.

Can we please shut up now that we aren't contenders, weren't contenders.

Can we please shut up that Dallas isn't built to try and match the Lakers, personnel wise?

Kidd and Peja are trying to get revenge for the years of anguish that the Lakers caused them.

Dirk has been the best player in the post-season.

Oh and did I mention we haven't even seen our potentially second best player, and definitely our second best scorer, Caron Butler?

If we make it to the Finals, and Caron Butler is back, we aren't losing if we play the Heat.

We got disrespected ALL year, and I just always said, lets wait till the Playoffs and we'll see what happens. We get balked at saying how we can't win anything in the Playoffs. Well, we may not win it all this year, but we have the defending champs with their backs to the wall, and will have Home Court in the WCF if we make it...

Also, I'm not even going to say this series is over. Lakers can just treat this like they have 4 game 7's in a row, and win each of them. I'm not counting them out like everyone else is.

Dirk passes out of a shot and Kidd hits a game winner

Book it.

Didn't let it get to that.

As for the game itself, Bynum straight murdered us. I really like Kobe's approach to this game. He was very selective with his shots, and was very efficient.

Now get Kobe back in w/ Bynum before the bench screws this up. Between Blake, Brown, and Barnes, there should not be more than 2 of them on the floor at the same time.

That's why I said earlier in this thread that this game would be rough for LA, they just aren't deep enough with Artest.

Dirk's first question.. "Do you feel like you are playing your best basketball?"

His first response, "As a team?" That's a ball players answer.

Pau in means a Dallas run on the horizon.

...LAL still wins comfortably, though

First time you've been wrong.

Dirk wants this, bad.

Hungriest man in the Playoffs.

Artest would not allow this **** to get 4 open 3s

He would have brought out a chainsaw and ran wild on everyone.

I don't believe we'll get the sweep, but if it happens..

I kind of want to drag this out a little bit, I feel like if we win early, we'll come out with rust and lose G1 of the WCF, which we CANNOT do.

People called Memphians crazy for not liking him, but his play didn't represent the city.

What the hell is a Memphian.

Play of the game was Jason Terry saving the ball inbounds.

Dallas has hustled more than the Lakers this entire season, that's all it's come down to.

No offense to the mavs but no other team in the NBA will give them so many wide open 3pointers if they advance.

That's what Portland said. But when you double Dirk, it's GOING to happen. Is there a reason why we're making so many threes a game throughout these Playoffs? Yeah, you wanna double Dirk, he'll get the ball to the open player. As soon as Dallas gets doubled on Dirk, the guards line-up along the perimeter, and we see quick passes to the corner.

Chandler and Haywood have made a huge difference for the Mavs, I remember when they had the likes of Bradley, Dampier, Diop .

We won't get no credit for it though....

I'm not showing any respect to dallas and their fans on here. %+%$ being classy, ya'll still some herbs, ain't %!!$ gonna change.

Wouldn't be anything new.

I can only imagine how Dallas fans are feeling right now.

It feels great, Lakers fans have hounded us for years talking about how we ain't nothing. I kept on saying, I'd love to play them, just for the chance at having a great series. First time it happens in 22 years, and we are kicking butt and taking names. But, beating the Lakers doesn't mean our job is over. If we get that 16th playoff win, that's when our job is over.

As far as my own analysis goes, JET has probably been the most consistent Maverick, yeah he had a bad game 2, and a bad game 4 in Portland, but the guy has been very efficient with his shooting, and has been taking very good care of the ball.

Also I hope people saw what Dirk has been criticized for pretty much the past four years. You saw you wanna double Dirk? Go ahead, we'll have JET or Peja hit a WIDE open three. You want to go ahead and have single coverage on Dirk? He'll torch you.

This series is doing a LOT to cement Dirk's legacy. Against the defending champs, no one expects anything from Dirk and the Mavs, they expect an easy series, and Dirk is shooting lights out. Dirk puts forth same effort we saw tonight, this might be a sweep. 56% FG shooting, 70% 3 point shooting, and 93% FT shooting against the two-time defending champs with probably the best possible players capable of stopping Dirk. Pau, no. Bynum, no. Odom, no. Artest, no. Not dissing Rose, he's done a hell of a job carrying his team, but Dirk has been THE guy thus far.

And as someone else said, CP, NK, and a lot of you other Lakers fans, props for staying classy. I mean that honestly. I really like the Lakers, and wish them the best, but just not against my team.
, so I just want to make it as peaceful as it can be. Yall talk a lot of trash when you're winning, but as long as yall are respectful when that ain't happening, you guys are cool in my book.

All year, Mavs got trashed on. When we were healthy, people said "Do it in the Playoffs." Caron got hurt and we were completely discounted by EVERYONE entering this Playoffs.

We still don't have Caron, and we're 3-0 against the defending champs.

Not bad for a team that ain't contenders, eh?

Onto game 4.

Good luck yall.

(Realize it's hella long, but I wanted to make sure I went and read every post).

Now see, thats where you went wrong and stopped makin' sense. 
Miami is winning the chip, You going to witness

I do tip my hat to you for taking out the Lakers and their miserable fans 

This is my last time responding to you but, "miserable fans"?
your a fake Miami fan, you guys need to FAN UP!
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

We still don't have Caron, and we're 3-0 against the defending champs.
i'd leave Caron on the bench. i like Caron, but he can be a ball stopper. unless he takes over the 8 minutes that Deshawn plays, I wouldn't play him

Carlisle has a solid rotation. IMO, the best thing to happen to the Mavs have been the injuries to Roddy and Caron.
If we had Beaubois of last year playing for DeShawn, it'd be Beaubois tearing up the Lakers on the inside and torching them from outside.

He just needs room to grow. He hit his sophomore slump.

As for Caron, I agree, but I'd still love to have him back for 10-12 minutes a game. Enough to make an impact, in the same way Peja does.

As for those who have hated on Peja or whatever, I don't blame you. We're utilizing him the only way we can. Getting the dude open, high quality shots.
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

We still don't have Caron, and we're 3-0 against the defending champs.
i'd leave Caron on the bench. i like Caron, but he can be a ball stopper. unless he takes over the 8 minutes that Deshawn plays, I wouldn't play him

Carlisle has a solid rotation. IMO, the best thing to happen to the Mavs have been the injuries to Roddy and Caron.
If we had Beaubois of last year playing for DeShawn, it'd be Beaubois tearing up the Lakers on the inside and torching them from outside.

He just needs room to grow. He hit his sophomore slump.

As for Caron, I agree, but I'd still love to have him back for 10-12 minutes a game. Enough to make an impact, in the same way Peja does.

As for those who have hated on Peja or whatever, I don't blame you. We're utilizing him the only way we can. Getting the dude open, high quality shots.
Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by enrique23

i'm not even talking about the Lakers in my post, yet you bring them up to cover up the stupidity of your post? ok.

again, how does the Lakers being down 3-0 guarantee the Heat a championship? Prove it to me
i'm goin to keep postin it till you get it in your head 




Do you think bolding and making the front size any bigger? You seriously sound like your 12, you hopped on a bandwagon once you heard lebron was going to Miami. And at the end of the day you bring up the lakers who have won back to back champions while your boyfriend Lebron needs his older brother wade and his ******ed cousin Bosh to help him win which he wont
I sound like i'm 12?
GOOD.  I'm feeling young and ready to gooo 

I just hopped on the bandwagon? 

Think whatever you want to think, but i'm going to put a FACT in your head till you REALIZE and SEE.











its easy as 1+1.  Understand ittt, just understanddd

Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by enrique23

i'm not even talking about the Lakers in my post, yet you bring them up to cover up the stupidity of your post? ok.

again, how does the Lakers being down 3-0 guarantee the Heat a championship? Prove it to me
i'm goin to keep postin it till you get it in your head 




Do you think bolding and making the front size any bigger? You seriously sound like your 12, you hopped on a bandwagon once you heard lebron was going to Miami. And at the end of the day you bring up the lakers who have won back to back champions while your boyfriend Lebron needs his older brother wade and his ******ed cousin Bosh to help him win which he wont
I sound like i'm 12?
GOOD.  I'm feeling young and ready to gooo 

I just hopped on the bandwagon? 

Think whatever you want to think, but i'm going to put a FACT in your head till you REALIZE and SEE.











its easy as 1+1.  Understand ittt, just understanddd

yea Caron being out>> Trust we rather have him shooting at the end of games with at least someone who can defend like Artest, rather than Pau on Dirk
yea Caron being out>> Trust we rather have him shooting at the end of games with at least someone who can defend like Artest, rather than Pau on Dirk

I won't stop attacking the rim, you can't guard meee

Bye bye Laker fans I'm pulling the life support on your last words :tongue:

I won't stop attacking the rim, you can't guard meee

Bye bye Laker fans I'm pulling the life support on your last words :tongue:
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

i'm goin to keep postin it till you get it in your head 




Do you think bolding and making the front size any bigger? You seriously sound like your 12, you hopped on a bandwagon once you heard lebron was going to Miami. And at the end of the day you bring up the lakers who have won back to back champions while your boyfriend Lebron needs his older brother wade and his ******ed cousin Bosh to help him win which he wont
I sound like i'm 12?
GOOD.  I'm feeling young and ready to gooo 

I just hopped on the bandwagon? 

Think whatever you want to think, but i'm going to put a FACT in your head till you REALIZE and SEE.











its easy as 1+1.  Understand ittt, just understanddd

Im just going to quote this for future reference
. Wait to bust it out after Heat losing to Celtic or Bulls
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

i'm goin to keep postin it till you get it in your head 




Do you think bolding and making the front size any bigger? You seriously sound like your 12, you hopped on a bandwagon once you heard lebron was going to Miami. And at the end of the day you bring up the lakers who have won back to back champions while your boyfriend Lebron needs his older brother wade and his ******ed cousin Bosh to help him win which he wont
I sound like i'm 12?
GOOD.  I'm feeling young and ready to gooo 

I just hopped on the bandwagon? 

Think whatever you want to think, but i'm going to put a FACT in your head till you REALIZE and SEE.











its easy as 1+1.  Understand ittt, just understanddd

Im just going to quote this for future reference
. Wait to bust it out after Heat losing to Celtic or Bulls
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

We still don't have Caron, and we're 3-0 against the defending champs.
i'd leave Caron on the bench. i like Caron, but he can be a ball stopper. unless he takes over the 8 minutes that Deshawn plays, I wouldn't play him

Carlisle has a solid rotation. IMO, the best thing to happen to the Mavs have been the injuries to Roddy and Caron.
If we had Beaubois of last year playing for DeShawn, it'd be Beaubois tearing up the Lakers on the inside and torching them from outside.

He just needs room to grow. He hit his sophomore slump.

As for Caron, I agree, but I'd still love to have him back for 10-12 minutes a game. Enough to make an impact, in the same way Peja does.

As for those who have hated on Peja or whatever, I don't blame you. We're utilizing him the only way we can. Getting the dude open, high quality shots.
i like Beaubois a lot. Injuries caused him not to really find his mode this season. I just think its hard to find minutes for 3 shoot-first guards under 6-2 and an old jason kidd.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

We still don't have Caron, and we're 3-0 against the defending champs.
i'd leave Caron on the bench. i like Caron, but he can be a ball stopper. unless he takes over the 8 minutes that Deshawn plays, I wouldn't play him

Carlisle has a solid rotation. IMO, the best thing to happen to the Mavs have been the injuries to Roddy and Caron.
If we had Beaubois of last year playing for DeShawn, it'd be Beaubois tearing up the Lakers on the inside and torching them from outside.

He just needs room to grow. He hit his sophomore slump.

As for Caron, I agree, but I'd still love to have him back for 10-12 minutes a game. Enough to make an impact, in the same way Peja does.

As for those who have hated on Peja or whatever, I don't blame you. We're utilizing him the only way we can. Getting the dude open, high quality shots.
i like Beaubois a lot. Injuries caused him not to really find his mode this season. I just think its hard to find minutes for 3 shoot-first guards under 6-2 and an old jason kidd.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Do you think bolding and making the front size any bigger? You seriously sound like your 12, you hopped on a bandwagon once you heard lebron was going to Miami. And at the end of the day you bring up the lakers who have won back to back champions while your boyfriend Lebron needs his older brother wade and his ******ed cousin Bosh to help him win which he wont
I sound like i'm 12?
GOOD.  I'm feeling young and ready to gooo 

I just hopped on the bandwagon? 

Think whatever you want to think, but i'm going to put a FACT in your head till you REALIZE and SEE.











its easy as 1+1.  Understand ittt, just understanddd

Im just going to quote this for future reference
. Wait to bust it out after Heat losing to Celtic or Bulls
Save it please, so when we win, you know who said it first 
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Do you think bolding and making the front size any bigger? You seriously sound like your 12, you hopped on a bandwagon once you heard lebron was going to Miami. And at the end of the day you bring up the lakers who have won back to back champions while your boyfriend Lebron needs his older brother wade and his ******ed cousin Bosh to help him win which he wont
I sound like i'm 12?
GOOD.  I'm feeling young and ready to gooo 

I just hopped on the bandwagon? 

Think whatever you want to think, but i'm going to put a FACT in your head till you REALIZE and SEE.











its easy as 1+1.  Understand ittt, just understanddd

Im just going to quote this for future reference
. Wait to bust it out after Heat losing to Celtic or Bulls
Save it please, so when we win, you know who said it first 
ATL don't play no defense. How you let the 1 drop 44? they gave him a red carpet to the rim

Miami is going to war with the Bulls. No sweep though.
ATL don't play no defense. How you let the 1 drop 44? they gave him a red carpet to the rim

Miami is going to war with the Bulls. No sweep though.
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