laney XIV? lol...wut?

there was def something laney goin on with the OG 14s, sorry but there had to be....dont think they were thinkin "do the right thing" back in'98.
Originally Posted by Untitled

Originally Posted by veGAtts

A. but space jams dont say "space" anywhere, guess we better stop saying that.
space jam XI's say "jam" on the tongue instead of "jordan"
So I guess we should start calling them Jumpman Jams
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

One of the slickest pair of OG 14s i have. To answer the OP question, i do believe that these might have been inspired by "laney". I state my argument because in the Ultimate Jordan (20th Anniversary Three-Disc Collector's Edition) he stated that he always wanted shoes inspired by his high school colors, this Jordan 14 model was tried to capture that laney inspiration. The laney 5s were a success in being the high school colors but I do believe that these were to, to each of his own





i concur
hot damn those are some ugly XIV's. I remember when these came out. I was in high school. No one EVER referred to these as the laney XIV's. In fact noone ever referred to these period. These are f-in UGLY and should be referred to as so, lol!!

laney colorway : Sure
laney nickname: Negative on the sparrow
wow, i just remembered how much i wanted a pair of these. anyway, i think these were laney inspired when JB made the colorway decisions, but obviously not manysneakerheads knew what the laney colors were back then until the laney V retro card came out. i know i didn't since all the HS pics of MJ i ever saw werealways in B/W. man, i don't know. thats a tough call...
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