Last Official DMP post...Petition included!

lowballer and cheap is one thing..................$500-600 is just greedy for US people......i paid $500 because no chance for me to get
"yao know what i ming"
I think my area still has some left. I'll check around, might decide to resale. :pimp:
Why are we still talking in here?

Cut this crap out, if y'all can.
[table][tr][td] Keep Your Hood Safe[/td] [/tr][tr][td]START SNITCHIN'[/td] [/tr][tr][td] E-mail: [email protected][/td] [td] AIM: S50H[/td] [/tr][/table]​
We're still talking about this because Jordan Brand has violated us. Much respect? Yeah right. JB is straight disrespecting. Maybe it will be the DMP or maybe a release years down the road, but one of these days there's going to be a release where people wake the hell up and realize that JB is using us. They don't give us what the we want and give us crap and the run around instead and we've been eating that stuff up like it was air. General release?? Oh no limited release! Urban account release. Some top secret super duper rare release!! OMGHi2U. :/ Let's camp for days or weeks? How about a month straight on the street?? We can play pretend to be homeless and make believe that we are cool and try to convince others of the same and for WHAT??? A pair of shoes. Straight lame. But this stupid bs with releases can't last for ever.

Gentry and his cronies are sitting in their ivory tower wallowing in their pools of money for now but one day when people finally used realize that JB doesn't give a crap about anything except fattening their own wallets then the money will dry up. That will be the day. And I hope and pray that that day draws closer because I'm tired of this crap. And I'm sure other poeple are tired of it too.

FYI I got my pack. I'm still very disgruntled.
it's over yall......noone is talkin about the DMP anymore. so hyped up man I couldn't stand that @#%$. I'm glad I got mine, but now hopefully prices will drop and you guys that couldn't get it can get it for non-bape prices

good luck to yall
That's Jeezy, if that matters

If you have any 11.5-13 shoes (especially Jordan) for sale, email me at [email protected]
THE release itself is ok because as said the package was limited.. what I didn't like was how footlocker employee reserve 75% of the entire package run that were supposely for sale that day. I hope footlocker goes out of business.. they been violating rules set by JB and continue to violate then
There is gonna be no re-release on these I dont gotta be a JB represenitive to know this but there is no re-release on the DMP
JB just trying to make money and they are succeding
Any J's Size 9.5-10 holla at me
AIM: AirAJ23
Email: [email protected]
I finally got the word that my pack is on the way. What a pain in the, well, you know. :b

Hype - Excessive publicity and the ensuing commotion: the hype of the DMP release.

I got my DMP from the swap meet, the guy was not selling any at all (he had like 8 packs) so i checked to see if they was Real or fakes, they was real, so i started to break his ***** and i got him to let a size 10.5 got for $150!, sold them on ebay for over $500 and went back the next week and he still had 7 packs along with various other nikes and reeboks. So i bought a pack for my self and a pack for my bro, 2 for $325, its good to live where nobody cares for Jordans!

mber No.58[/b]​
Hey Hey I just got my second pack a 9.5 from champs sports and the XI had JORDAN on the lace holes. Wouldnt that make these pretty rare? All of the 10 New DMPs that came into the store on Monday, had it as well.
Arent u guys noticing what is happening all the regular 11s with out jordan on the side sold out and now jb is bringing out the recalled ones for whoever did not get them. I think that is very shady they are selling the shoes that it took them from november to january to fix. THATS WRONG.
The right shoe on my DMP XI's has a strap under the laces and above the tongue at the very bottom (for support I assume), but not on the left shoe. That happen with anyone else??
Sorry, no digicam
man you guys are pityful and funny at the same time so because you weren't able to cop the DMP you want them re-released smh, if you miss out you miss out just take the L, wish the Cool grey XI's would re-release since i missed out on those. If you want the DMP that bad go on Ebay and cop, prices are ok shissh all your paying is an extra $150 dollars but if you're a die hard Jordan collector that really shouldn't be an issue. How would you guys like that everytime a hot Jordan sells out and people weren't able to cop JB re-released them, then all of you guys would complain that everybody and their moms has a pair and that JB mislead costumers. All this is part of the sneaker culture you gotta take your bumps & bruises i want some Mushroom Air One's & September blue VI's but i doubt i will ever own a pair.
@ son that wants them re-released because people cut in front of him, whose fault is that Jordan Brand, thats your fault for being soft dun.
^ disagree, It was the way stores released the pack, not the release itslef. If stores/ MALL SECURITY used comen sence and handed out wrist bands or used some sort of # system when they saw over 150 ppl ouside rather then just opening the doors and making a complete mess. ALSO spending over $250 over retail does not decide if you're a "die hard collector" anyway- I signed the petition I hope it will work but idk...
Guy's i need a opinon, Okay first as we know it was hard to get the DMP, Now i got my Pair but a 9.5 i was thinking of selling them to get a Size 8 but since i got the "J-O-R-D-A-N" one on the XI's im not sure if i wanna sell them because they are rare so , would you guys sell them to get your size or keep them because they are rare?

" />
^ keep them. they might be worth more some another pair in sz8, they're pretty cheap now.

I got my DMP from the swap meet, the guy was not selling any at all (he had like 8 packs) so i checked to see if they was Real or fakes, they was real, so i started to break his ***** and i got him to let a size 10.5 got for $150!, sold them on ebay for over $500 and went back the next week and he still had 7 packs along with various other nikes and reeboks. So i bought a pack for my self and a pack for my bro, 2 for $325, its good to live where nobody cares for Jordans!

full of sheeeeit, get the *bleep* outta here with your fake flea market DMPs.
The story about the "flea market" did crack me up, especially because there's a post on the first page about a guy with a truck full of stuff he took to (drum roll) a flea market.

Sorry, but you got scammed.
If i have a pair that said jordan on the lace locks on the 11's I would keep them and I sold about 12 dmp packs.I would not sell that pack even if they where not my size.
this past month has been hell for me cause i just got accepted to NT!!! i can post now :D
sorry just thought i would let that be known!! btw i do have the DMP and had no trouble picking it up :rofl:
The pack with jordan down the side would be tough to hold on to with all the fakes out there... How are you going to prove to the people they are real?
well the champs here got a 2nd shipment and its the one with the J-O-R-D-A-N on the eyelets.
EEntega <- who wears his AIR JORDANs

I have a DS DMP SZ 9 for sale/trade. [email protected]
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