Last Time You Crapped Yourself? Vol.Mudbutt

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I think it was my sophomore year of high school and it was my birthday. I ate breakfast that morning which I never do and 2nd period I had the worst bg's ever. I tried holding it in, I couldn't move or it would've been over. But finally my stomach said eff this and pushed it out in class. I ran out of class and threw my boxers away. I free balled home, told my teacher I was sick. On my birthday though. I never told anybody this. haha
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I was in France with my soccer team in 2003. We were watching France play on TV as a team, I tried to let one out, and it was just liquid ****. I tried to play it cool and just chill. I kept getting waffs of dookie and when the flies appeared to take notice I just had to go take a shower. 
i was in third grade and i was wearing white shorts and no underwear.

my mom took me to Sedanos (latin grocery store) and i remember some goofball in a green shirt pointing to my butt and mentioning to his (presumably) girlfriend that I had a stain on the back.

Yeah, I did it. Guess what? Felt great.
Haha Sedanos!
Grade 3..Twice I **** my pants in school..Our school bathroom (yes only one for the whole school) was disgusting as f***.. We were writing down our homework for the next day, and I just had to do it... Looking back on it, I handled it like a bawse.. True story tho, my cousin who goes to the same school, pissed his pants more than twice.. We both were made fun of lol, but they eventually forgot 
Imagine if the dude in Florida would've posted up to take a squat by the building and the raccoons jumped out the bushes mid load :rofl:
I was in 7th grade bruh, I remember having that I gotta take a dump feeling in my stomach... But I thought I was too cool to take a dump at school so I decided to mob to the crib. My walk home wasn't that far probably bout a half a mile so when the bell rang I was ghost... I dap'd my boys up and headed straight to the crib.. By the time I made it on my street the shh had got real, I began to powerwalk because I felt like I wouldn't be able to make it to the door before all hell broke loose.. I got to the door and I couldn't find my key, I was tip toeing around doing the I gotta pee and the tight ***** gotta take a dump walk at the same time..

I remember looking through my pants pockets and jacket pockets and coming up blank then I remembered it was in my backpack.. But by the time I got to searching through my bag I gave in and just dumped in my pants.. I was like F it, no one is here and no one will know that I dumped on myself.. Disposed of those boxers, took a mean shower, and went on with the rest of my day... 
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I ALMOST did a few weeks ago. I had to go really bad but my roommate was in the bathroom. :frown:
today i had to leave campus and drive home to avoid a story i would be telling for years
Classic thread lmao

I ain't gonna lie, I had a couple of incidents when I be heading home & I will have to take a dump. I be one or two blocks away from home & I could feel the turd coming out. I will have to sneeze the cheeks tight just so I don't get anything on my drawgs smh
the day after a night of drinking will have my guts in pain :x the mudbutt is strong and bathroom is out of order for like an hour after im done with it. beer has my farts 100 degrees and smelling like despair. no accidents tho. :smh: its bad news if that were to ever happen.
the day after a night of drinking will have my guts in pain
the mudbutt is strong and bathroom is out of order for like an hour after im done with it. beer has my farts 100 degrees and smelling like despair. no accidents tho.
its bad news if that were to ever happen.
Almost pooped myself at work last week.
I quit drinking coffee but I was working a 13 hour shift and needed something to help me power through the day so 5 hours in I buy a venti latte from Starbucks and down it and go back to work. I'm sitting there talking to my coworker when my stomach starts bubbling something fierce, the office is always 65 degrees so it's always freezing cold in there but I was sweating and turning red. My coworker steps out and I fart, it was extra pungent and almost had some friendly fire but it kinda sorta calmed my stomach so I thought I was good, nope. Coworker comes back and we start talking again (I sprayed air freshener so the smell was gone) and it happened again, my stomach started bubbling even worse and I couldn't sit still because it was bothering me so much. I clock out for my second lunch and make sure the restroom is empty and go into the farthest stall away from the door. I cover my shoes with my pants so nobody would recognize me and let it go. Literally felt like that one scene in the Chappelle show where he flies off the toilet, it smelled horrible, one dude walked in, caught a whiff, and noped right out :lol:

I felt good for the rest of the day tho.
Almost pooped myself at work last week.
I quit drinking coffee but I was working a 13 hour shift and needed something to help me power through the day so 5 hours in I buy a venti latte from Starbucks and down it and go back to work. I'm sitting there talking to my coworker when my stomach starts bubbling something fierce, the office is always 65 degrees so it's always freezing cold in there but I was sweating and turning red. My coworker steps out and I fart, it was extra pungent and almost had some friendly fire but it kinda sorta calmed my stomach so I thought I was good, nope. Coworker comes back and we start talking again (I sprayed air freshener so the smell was gone) and it happened again, my stomach started bubbling even worse and I couldn't sit still because it was bothering me so much. I clock out for my second lunch and make sure the restroom is empty and go into the farthest stall away from the door. I cover my shoes with my pants so nobody would recognize me and let it go. Literally felt like that one scene in the Chappelle show where he flies off the toilet, it smelled horrible, one dude walked in, caught a whiff, and noped right out :lol:

I felt good for the rest of the day tho.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: FRIENDLY FIRE LMFDINSADNOINFIDEF!!!!
Unfortunately I've got 4 stories :smh: ... well only one involves poop IN my pants

-Me and my boy Mike walked to the Taco Bell near my house, it was like 40 minutes walking. I got a Gordita Crunch with a side of sour cream ( i think the sour cream did me in). We ate and we're walking back to my house when the BGs hit me .. We're about 10 minutes away from my house and I tell him. I'm like "MIKE I CANT MAKE IT" he starts laughing and I sprint back to my house...i couldn't hold it in :frown: .. i made it about 20 feet from my house. I was wearing shorts too .. washed them and I haven't worn them since, but my brother does all the time and he has no idea :pimp: :pimp:

-Me and my 2 boys are in the woods/forest type area burning when the Chipotle I ate earlier came back to bite me. We had like 2-3 bong bowls left and a blunt.. it would have taken like 30 more minutes, plus we were standing up. I couldn't take it anymore!!! I told them what was goign on and ran back to my car to grab some napkins. Walked past them a little bit, went behind this house and squatted it out. Ironically, the napkins I took from my car, I had taken a stack of them from Chipotle earlier that day..I still hear about it to this day :lol:

-I had just gone to lunch at Panera Bread with my mom. I got a Turkey Club with chips (Paneras chips are :pimp: :pimp: btw) and for desert I got this chocolate cake with choc frosting, choc sprinkles, etc..I was weary of buying it before because chocolate gives me the BGs, but I thought we were just going home after so I would be ok. We finished eating and we're on the way home and my mom pulls into a Lowe's parking lot and says she'll be back in a minute..5 minutes pass, then 10, 15 and BAM THE BGS HIT ME..20 minutes are gone and I can't take it .. I hop out the car and **** right in the middle of the lowes parking lot. It was prob 2 in the afternoon so someone HAD to have seen me..My mom had a van so I curled in the backseat in the fetal position. she came back in the car and said it smelled funny..i was still curled up and said i dont know :frown:

-Another time i was at the supermarket with my mom and I went to use the bathroom. I dropped a #2 and lo and behold theres no toilet paper. Luckily I live like 2 minutes walking from the supermarket so I told my mom IGOTTAGOHOMEMOMBYE and sprinted home
Unfortunately I've got 4 stories :smh: ... well only one involves poop IN my pants

-Me and my boy Mike walked to the Taco Bell near my house, it was like 40 minutes walking. I got a Gordita Crunch with a side of sour cream ( i think the sour cream did me in). We ate and we're walking back to my house when the BGs hit me .. We're about 10 minutes away from my house and I tell him. I'm like "MIKE I CANT MAKE IT" he starts laughing and I sprint back to my house...i couldn't hold it in :frown: .. i made it about 20 feet from my house. I was wearing shorts too .. washed them and I haven't worn them since, but my brother does all the time and he has no idea :pimp: :pimp:

-Me and my 2 boys are in the woods/forest type area burning when the Chipotle I ate earlier came back to bite me. We had like 2-3 bong bowls left and a blunt.. it would have taken like 30 more minutes, plus we were standing up. I couldn't take it anymore!!! I told them what was goign on and ran back to my car to grab some napkins. Walked past them a little bit, went behind this house and squatted it out. Ironically, the napkins I took from my car, I had taken a stack of them from Chipotle earlier that day..I still hear about it to this day :lol:

-I had just gone to lunch at Panera Bread with my mom. I got a Turkey Club with chips (Paneras chips are :pimp: :pimp: btw) and for desert I got this chocolate cake with choc frosting, choc sprinkles, etc..I was weary of buying it before because chocolate gives me the BGs, but I thought we were just going home after so I would be ok. We finished eating and we're on the way home and my mom pulls into a Lowe's parking lot and says she'll be back in a minute..5 minutes pass, then 10, 15 and BAM THE BGS HIT ME..20 minutes are gone and I can't take it .. I hop out the car and **** right in the middle of the lowes parking lot. It was prob 2 in the afternoon so someone HAD to have seen me..My mom had a van so I curled in the backseat in the fetal position. she came back in the car and said it smelled funny..i was still curled up and said i dont know :frown:

-Another time i was at the supermarket with my mom and I went to use the bathroom. I dropped a #2 and lo and behold theres no toilet paper. Luckily I live like 2 minutes walking from the supermarket so I told my mom IGOTTAGOHOMEMOMBYE and sprinted home

:lol: you really were about that public poop life, you always ******* outdoors bro LOLWTF.

who gets the bubbleguts from panera tho LOL

:x at you letting your bro wear your soiled shorts. grimey
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Unfortunately I've got 4 stories
... well only one involves poop IN my pants

-Me and my boy Mike walked to the Taco Bell near my house, it was like 40 minutes walking. I got a Gordita Crunch with a side of sour cream ( i think the sour cream did me in). We ate and we're walking back to my house when the BGs hit me .. We're about 10 minutes away from my house and I tell him. I'm like "MIKE I CANT MAKE IT" he starts laughing and I sprint back to my house...i couldn't hold it in
.. i made it about 20 feet from my house. I was wearing shorts too .. washed them and I haven't worn them since, but my brother does all the time and he has no idea

-I had just gone to lunch at Panera Bread with my mom. I got a Turkey Club with chips (Paneras chips are
btw) and for desert I got this chocolate cake with choc frosting, choc sprinkles, etc..I was weary of buying it before because chocolate gives me the BGs, but I thought we were just going home after so I would be ok. We finished eating and we're on the way home and my mom pulls into a Lowe's parking lot and says she'll be back in a minute..5 minutes pass, then 10, 15 and BAM THE BGS HIT ME..20 minutes are gone and I can't take it .. I hop out the car and **** right in the middle of the lowes parking lot. It was prob 2 in the afternoon so someone HAD to have seen me..My mom had a van so I curled in the backseat in the fetal position. she came back in the car and said it smelled funny..i was still curled up and said i dont know
I gotta pee story tho...

My jr. yr.

I was riding to class with one of my homeboys and i had a paper due but when we got there i realized i forgot to print out the last page with the refs.
So we drive back to my apt so i could use my roomates printer.

When i opened the door dude had two pillows folded in half on top of each other and he was dry humping the s*** out of them
And on the floor he had his laptop open with a picture of sarah jessica parker on the screen :x

He hopped up real quick and he was like "WTF!?!?! MAN.. KNOCK S***!!"

My homeboy was like :wow:

And i was like "dude what the f were you just doing?" :rofl:

He was like "i was exercising man s***" and u could tell he was PISSED like he was just bout to :wow:
but we effed up his moment.

At this point im DYING. And my homeboy is on his phone tweeting :rofl:

So we get back in my car and hes like "hold up man..hold up we got to stop by my dorm man"

And i was like "why? Were late as hell."

And he said he just peed in his pants a little :rofl:

And when he went inside to change i was on fb on my phone, and my homeboy posted on my roomates wall like

"Yoooo, yooooooooo, yoooooooooo, i got the whole first season of sex and the city dog."


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Ya'll ever have a stomach virus and you do the sneeze/cough/crap-all in one trifecta. :smh: :x
It's the sharpest pain any non-gay man should ever feel in his anus.

I got a piss story, I remember being in 6th grade, and before school going to the Wawa and picking up one of those
64oz dumbbells of Gatorade; chugging half and keeping the rest in my bookbag.
One of these days, I was in first-period Science, and feeling the piss but being too shy to ask to go to the bathroom :smh: ,
so I slowly let the piss flow out of me, leaking perpetually like Mr.Orange in Reservoir Dogs.
I had black pants on so nobody noticed, and if they did them jabronis ain't say nothing :smokin
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