Latino/hispanic discussion thread Vol Saludos.

1. she a fraud, no one uses Latinx, especially if you from da island.

latinos/hispanics got a history month too... September

2. where's all da epiphany posts going da other way?
Been meaning to respond to this:
1. she was literally born in dr and she's a liberal, and w/n liberal hispanic circles "latinx" is becoming increasing uncommon to hear. do i think it's a bit confusing and even dumb? sure, but to proclaim "no one uses" it is disingenuous.

2. what does hispanic history month have to do w/ black history? she's a black hispanic that celebrates both. Celia Cruz should be celebrated in February and September.
1. she was literally born in dr and she's a liberal, and w/n liberal hispanic circles "latinx" is becoming increasing uncommon to hear.

-her liberal pretense is irelevant, "Latinx" wasn't made by latinos...many left wing tanks liken da pervasive insertion of "latinx" to an imperialistic excerise of da spanish language.

-Many American's hot take on da Haitian Dominican relations couching it in racism is revisionist and unfairly politically compared to da US mexico Relationship.... remember, Haitian crossed over da border and took da Dominican Republic over, not da other way around. Talking heads from this country fail to explain Juan Pablo Duarte & da Trinitarios role in gaining independence and instead focus on Trujillo's dictatorship which included obvious atrocities on da border, but also omit Dominican treatment under a dictator government regime overall.
-her liberal pretense is irelevant, "Latinx" wasn't made by latinos...many left wing tanks liken da pervasive insertion of "latinx" to an imperialistic excerise of da spanish language.

-Many American's hot take on da Haitian Dominican relations couching it in racism is revisionist and unfairly politically compared to da US mexico Relationship.... remember, Haitian crossed over da border and took da Dominican Republic over, not da other way around. Talking heads from this country fail to explain Juan Pablo Duarte & da Trinitarios role in gaining independence and instead focus on Trujillo's dictatorship which included obvious atrocities on da border, but also omit Dominican treatment under a dictator government regime overall.
1. Neither u nor me can make that declaration. All I know that that term originated in the States. Personally I believe it was more than likely started by some LGBTQ individual here in the US, but sense neither of us knows for sure its irrelevant.

2. I'm not completely sure why you brought this up, but I'm all for a history listen. Nouss Nouss may you engage in this conversation and may both of u discuss it respectfully?
1. Neither u nor me can make that declaration. All I know that that term originated in the States. Personally I believe it was more than likely started by some LGBTQ individual here in the US, but sense neither of us knows for sure its irrelevant.

-that's exactly how it happened, da "woke" american educational institutions & media been looking for opening salvos into spanish Language for a while now.... see da crash and burn of "latin@"

-US mexico relations shouldn't be analogized to Dominican Haitian relations.
-that's exactly how it happened, da "woke" american educational institutions & media been looking for opening salvos into spanish Language for a while now.... see da crash and burn of "latin@"

-US mexico relations shouldn't be analogized to Dominican Haitian relations.
1. I doubt it, the response is overwhelming negative.

2. Why is that? At it’s core both beefs started over expansion.
1. I doubt it, the response is overwhelming negative

As deputy editor of Latino Rebels, Hector Luis Alamo described Latinx as “the bulldozing of Spanish.”
In a column for the Los Angeles Times, a Hispanic writer noted that millennial media outlets who used it found their pages “flooded with negative reactions, with some calling the term ‘ridiculous,’ ‘stupid’ and ‘offensive.’ ”
Alejandrina Gonzalez, a Mexican-American Stanford University student, told me that millennials who view Latinx as liberating have it backwards. “Changing our language is the opposite of empowering,” she said.
Not only is Latinx “laughably incomprehensible to any Spanish speaker without some fluency in English,” as two Latino Swarthmore College students argued in 2015, its use has been formally rejected by the Real Academia Española, the official body of linguists that preserves the language’s integrity. Who knew it was progressive to abrogate foreign grammar standards?

The term “Latinx” is used almost exclusively within the United States. According to Google trend data, “Latinx” came into popular use in October of 2014 and has since been widely popularized by American blogs and American institutions of higher education. The term is virtually nonexistent in any Spanish-speaking country. This is problematic for many reasons. It serves as a prime example of how English speakers can’t seem to stop imposing their social norms on other cultures. It seems that U.S. English speakers came upon Spanish, deemed it too backwards compared to their own progressive leanings, and rather than working within the language to address any of their concerns, “fixed” it from a foreign perspective that has already had too much influence on Latino and Latin American culture.

Perhaps the most ironic failure of the term is that it actually excludes more groups than it includes. By replacing o’s and a’s with x’s, the word “Latinx” is rendered laughably incomprehensible to any Spanish speaker without some fluency in English. Try reading this “gender neutral” sentence in Spanish: “Lxs niñxs fueron a lx escuelx a ver sus amigxs.” You literally cannot, and it seems harmless and absurd until you realize the broader implication of using x as a gender neutral alternative. It excludes all of Latin America, who simply cannot pronounce it in the U.S. way. It does not provide a gender-neutral alternative for Spanish-speaking non-binary individuals and thus excludes them. It excludes any older Spanish speakers who have been speaking Spanish for more than 40 years and would struggle to adapt to such a radical change. It effectively serves as an American way to erase the Spanish language. Like it or not, Spanish is a gendered language. If you take the gender out of every word, you are no longer speaking Spanish. If you advocate for the erasure of gender in Spanish, you then are advocating for the erasure of Spanish.
My problem with this Latinx **** is that you can't do that with the language itself. The language exists with the gender binary. So while people may refer to themselves as Latinx, if they want to speak Spanish, they have to account for gender. Now, if they want to call themselves Latinx and they refuse to speak Spanish because of the gender binary, then whatever cool. But to call yourself Latinx while speaking Spanish is goofy af.
My problem with this Latinx **** is that you can't do that with the language itself. The language exists with the gender binary. So while people may refer to themselves as Latinx, if they want to speak Spanish, they have to account for gender. Now, if they want to call themselves Latinx and they refuse to speak Spanish because of the gender binary, then whatever cool. But to call yourself Latinx while speaking Spanish is goofy af.
would latinxy be more acceptable?
Maaan nobody in Latin America cares about gender neutrality. That’s a first world issue.


Don't forget the U.S. is arguably the most influential country in the world.
would latinxy be more acceptable?


Don't forget the U.S. is arguably the most influential country in the world.

so a miniscule number of random teenagers slang in Argentina somehow matters to NPR? people can see right thru it.

they're using this subject as a veil to promote gender nonconformity outside US.

Spanish happens to be da worst way to try to do it considering da entire language is gendered as already said.
"language protest" :rofl: :rofl:

at least she's being honest about who actually advocates da use of this language disembowelment "small young feminist liberal LGBT pockets"
would latinxy be more acceptable?

No. Pig Latin is more acceptable than that. These Latinx jabroni's need to create their own language detached from Spanish. Most people are not going to talk like that, at least not in my lifetime. Maybe in the future, Altered Carbon era, a Dominican female can transfer her mind into a Cambodian male's body, maybe then this **** will pop off.
You'll never catch me using Latinx . I don't care if it catches on. I hate being "that dude" but Ill even correct people that call me Hispanic. That word was invented in the 70s by the Nixon administration.

You don't get to decide for yourself what to call me and my culture is way older than 1970.

While we're at it me da un pique when people use Spanish interchangeably with Latino, but in NY that's pretty much a lost cause.
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