Law Graduate Gets Her Day in Court, Suing Law School

I don't read her threads. Don't know what you're getting at. Enjoyed the conversation though. Stay up bro.
The girl's intent is irrelevant, her case is a legitimate concern. If the school is really using fake statistics then they should be brought to justice and the girl is doing that.
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The girl's intent is irrelevant, her case is a legitimate concern. If the school is really using fake statistics then they should be brought to justice and the girl is doing that.
She's not seeking justice. She's seeking a check to bail her out from her poor decision. 

As posted, you don't have to just be an attorney with a law degree. You can work in legal departments, lobby, etc. When you aren't bringing in any income you have to get out of your comfort zone like many have been forced to do in this country since 2008.
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Oh so you just want to bash the chick for going to that school and then filing this lawsuit.

I get it.
Which I personally don't see a problem with. Its like going through undergrad, choosing a major that is hard to make a living with and then getting upset at the school and calling college a scam because you can't find proper career placement.

There are multiple issues at hand here. Most in here acknowledge the doctoring of numbers of which even I agree is a huge problem and needs to be stamped out by the ABA or whichever body is responsible for giving law schools their accreditation. The second, which some in here choose to ignore, is the plaintiff's own doing in this matter. If a law school that isn't recognized on the U.S. News rankings is the only school you can get into, it is time to reevaluate your decision and if it is worth pouring six figures into.

Because when she got there, she performed well.
What does performed well mean? A Thomas Jefferson education isn't equivalent to that of a Stanford Law education which is a huge reason why she applied to "hundreds" of firms and couldn't even get interviews. If you compared the GPAs on a sliding scale, her honors there would probably be bottom of the class. Rankings and GPAs are all relative.

But if the school you got into publishes potentially falsified numbers of job success rates for graduates why wouldnt she go because its not a top tier school? She go in and going there gets you a job per what the school says...and now the school in $137, 000 richer.

Also if the school graduation rates truly reflected the value of a Law degree from this school could/would they be able to charge as much as the actual top tier schools? Of course it wouldn't be in the best interest of the school to publish the correct numbers because then people steer clear AND they couldn't charge as much for the ones who do attend...pretty good incentive for the school to publish misleading statistics...

But ya'll go on and keep blaming this girl for going to school and going there though...
But if the school you got into publishes potentially falsified numbers of job success rates for graduates why wouldnt she go because its not a top tier school? She go in and going there gets you a job per what the school says...and now the school in $137, 000 richer.

Also if the school graduation rates truly reflected the value of a Law degree from this school could/would they be able to charge as much as the actual top tier schools? Of course it wouldn't be in the best interest of the school to publish the correct numbers because then people steer clear AND they couldn't charge as much for the ones who do attend...pretty good incentive for the school to publish misleading statistics...

But ya'll go on and keep blaming this girl for going to school and going there though...
That's the thing, falsified is going to be impossible to substantiate in my opinion, take for instance this quote from the dean

“a strong track record of producing successful graduates, with 7,000 alumni working nationally and internationally.”

Is it wrong for a law school to not seperate employment with postition? Also, college tuition costs are not necessarily correlated with school reputation. So her saying her tuition was not justified based on the "false" statistics is essentilly impossible.
I honestly just don't get it. The basis of her argument is that she was misled by the school into "purchasing" a useless degree; but the fact is that an offer of full time employment with a starting salary of 60k was extended to her, by a law firm. Her "useless" degree afforded her the very thing she is now suing for. How is this suit sensible?

Frankly, any claims made against the school regarding their alumni employment numbers is speculative. No one in here is privy to that data, least not her, so it's all conjecture. What we do know, definitively, is that her degree afforded her gainful employment using the skills she acquired in law school. This is not conjecture. How she has the gall to sue the school on the basis of employment fraud is beyond me.

This suit is not about the wanting of opportunity. It's about not getting one's "dream" job. It's a patron of privilege (white-woman, highly educated) exercising her institutionalized right to collect on the privilege she feels she is entiltled to; exactly how many minorities from now defunct for-profit institutions have singularly been tended this level of sympathy and understanding? She is not some helpless victim here. This is a well educated woman (NYU undergrad, from what has been said) who simply feels like she is deserving of some fantastiscal start because L.Woods/Ally McBeal made it look easy. Sorry, but i can't commiserate for someone who was complicit in their own failings. Don't call it fraud when you simply played yourself.

But if the school you got into publishes potentially falsified numbers of job success rates for graduates why wouldnt she go because its not a top tier school? She go in and going there gets you a job per what the school says...and now the school in $137, 000 richer.

Also if the school graduation rates truly reflected the value of a Law degree from this school could/would they be able to charge as much as the actual top tier schools? Of course it wouldn't be in the best interest of the school to publish the correct numbers because then people steer clear AND they couldn't charge as much for the ones who do attend...pretty good incentive for the school to publish misleading statistics...

But ya'll go on and keep blaming this girl for going to school and going there though...
How good a school is doesn't determine how much they can and do charge. If that were the case, college education would be affordable because there are many schools that charge more than what they are worth.

I will keep blaming her because law school is all about rankings. From the time I was a freshman in college to now, all I hear from law school grads is "Tier 1, Top 14 or bust." I'm sure she's heard the same thing too. At that point, when you go to a poorly rated school the blame is ALL ON YOU. She managed to beat the system in getting an offer and threw it back in their face. Why sympathize with her?
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Yeah I all in hearing is that she had an opportunity , but turned it down because it's not wanted . Sounds like she mislead her damn self. The school just capitalized off her entitlement .

Where's that so Khaled gif at?
She turned it down because they the law job wasn't as favorable as the non law positions that she found.

It says that in the last paragraph.
But everyone is not eating in their fields tho.

Ok, fine.

But dudes wanna knock her for making the mistake of going to the law school in the first place

And then knock her for not taking a less favorable job at after graduation

So screw her for making a dumb mistake, and screw her for making a wise one.

Add to that, this narrative that she somehow rejected the job because she thought it was beneath her, got invented along the way.

I can't eem keep track of the direction the slander is suppose to be going in. :lol:
But everyone is not eating in their fields tho.

Ok, fine.

But dudes wanna knock her for making the mistake of going to the law school in the first place

And then knock her for not taking a less favorable job at after graduation

So screw her for making a dumb mistake, and screw her for making a wise one.

Add to that, this narrative that she somehow rejected the job because she thought it was beneath her, got invented along the way.

I can't eem keep track of the direction the slander is suppose to be going in. :lol:
I wasn't throwing slander. I feel both sides
If the end goal is having a career in law, how is not taking the job at a law firm more favourable? Sometimes you have to sacrifice current salary for future salary. She only has herself to blame
i don't feel bad

you got plenty of people with school loans who work at starbucks or people who want a pay raise at wal mart

I'm not a practicing lawyer... graduated in '08
Almost done paying off low-interest loans.
Currently working in the healthcare field... and I pay for corporate lawyers to handle things.
If she found a favorable better than the law offers what is she complaining about? Her law degree is **** and firms worth their value are treating her resume like ****. You don't go to a third tier toilet and get rewarded for it. You're just arguing to argue at this point.
i mean she applies to 150 companies and only gets one offer

then she turns down her only offer to do something else

and she's wondering why she cant get a job at a law firm? 
If the end goal is having a career in law, how is not taking the job at a law firm more favourable? Sometimes you have to sacrifice current salary for future salary. She only has herself to blame
This really isn't about her situation of not having a job and turning down the only offer she got. The one job offer only amplifies her reason for suing. Even if she took the job she could still sue based on what this lawsuit is about.

It seems the majority of ppl want to make it about that.

i mean she applies to 150 companies and only gets one offer

then she turns down her only offer to do something else

and she's wondering why she cant get a job at a law firm? :lol:
I don't know how you're trying to make that sound like a good situation for staying in that field :lol:

It's like there's getting a job and then there's pursuing a career. Two very different things.
she can sue for the sake of getting money out of it, nothing wrong with that 

but the situation she is in is 100% her fault 

its not about good or bad situations, her one job was the ONLY situation she had for staying in the field

she passes up on it and starts crying about why she's no longer in the field 
Still not making sense.

One job offer in that field after going to a school touting their employment rate is horrible. That's not 100% her fault. Unless you're just outright blaming her for pursuing the profession of being a lawyer. That's the realities of employment in that field and the school lying about it's results counter to the facts.
the fault should always be placed on the individual

if YOU only get one job offer coming out of university, there must be something wrong with what YOU did

because there is literally an entire industries worth of employed lawyers that were able to get into law firms after graduating

but if you arrive at the point where, due to your past mistakes, you only have one job offer you go with what you have and start from there. Or get out of the industry and dont cry about it. 
But if the school you got into publishes potentially falsified numbers of job success rates for graduates why wouldnt she go because its not a top tier school? She go in and going there gets you a job per what the school says...and now the school in $137, 000 richer.

Also if the school graduation rates truly reflected the value of a Law degree from this school could/would they be able to charge as much as the actual top tier schools? Of course it wouldn't be in the best interest of the school to publish the correct numbers because then people steer clear AND they couldn't charge as much for the ones who do attend...pretty good incentive for the school to publish misleading statistics...

But ya'll go on and keep blaming this girl for going to school and going there though...
How good a school is doesn't determine how much they can and do charge. If that were the case, college education would be affordable because there are many schools that charge more than what they are worth.

I will keep blaming her because law school is all about rankings. From the time I was a freshman in college to now, all I hear from law school grads is "Tier 1, Top 14 or bust." I'm sure she's heard the same thing too. At that point, when you go to a poorly rated school the blame is ALL ON YOU. She managed to beat the system in getting an offer and threw it back in their face. Why sympathize with her?

the fault should always be placed on the individual

if YOU only get one job offer coming out of university, there must be something wrong with what YOU did

because there is literally an entire industries worth of employed lawyers that were able to get into law firms after graduating

but if you arrive at the point where, due to your past mistakes, you only have one job offer you go with what you have and start from there. Or get out of the industry and dont cry about it. 

These dudes get it.
If the end goal is having a career in law, how is not taking the job at a law firm more favourable? Sometimes you have to sacrifice current salary for future salary. She only has herself to blame

Maybe cause she owes $170k at 8%

If she found a favorable better than the law offers what is she complaining about? Her law degree is **** and firms worth their value are treating her resume like ****. You don't go to a third tier toilet and get rewarded for it. You're just arguing to argue at this point.

Except the third tier toilet is assuring you that you will in fact get rewarded for going there.

How is it this difficult for yall to understand.
the fault should always be placed on the individual

if YOU only get one job offer coming out of university, there must be something wrong with what YOU did

because there is literally an entire industries worth of employed lawyers that were able to get into law firms after graduating

but if you arrive at the point where, due to your past mistakes, you only have one job offer you go with what you have and start from there. Or get out of the industry and dont cry about it. 
You're still not getting it :lol: :smh:
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