Law Graduate Gets Her Day in Court, Suing Law School

It's not hard once you subpoena their records to find where they fudged #s or find the weak link in the administration ready to snitch.

You bringing up that alumnis might lie is irrelevant :lol: It's silly to think the majority lie and the school takes it for granted. School too dumb to fact check? That many liars went to your school and are lying about their employment? :lol:
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It's not hard once you subpoena their records to find where they fudged #s or find the weak link in the administration ready to snitch.

You bringing up that alumnis might lie is irrelevant
It's silly to think the majority lie and the school takes it for granted. School too dumb to fact check? That many liars went to your school and are lying about their employment?
What records are you speaking of? Snitch on whom? 

How is it irrelevant?

What one even considers job placement is up for debate depending on who you ask. How is it silly to assume a business would skew numbers to sell a product at an inflated price to a customer? I am starting to think you're too dumb to fact check. 

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-I would think it would be much easier for a Law School to track it's graduates, which would at most be around 150-200 a year, than it would be for a university. Which deals with thousands of people graduating each year.

-Secondly, it states in the OP article that a former school employee testified that the school pressured her to put out false info

Even as legal hiring dropped in 2011, according to Mr. Procel, Thomas Jefferson stated that 92.1 percent of its graduates were working at full-time jobs. That was a major increase from the 83 percent graduate employment the school claimed during the prosperous years of 2006 and 2007. But even in 2006, according to testimony expected at trial, a former school employee says she was pressured into inflating graduate employment data.

Doesn't seem like the school's bad numbers can be attributed to measurement error. Seems to me like the school was outchea schemin
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It's not hard once you subpoena their records to find where they fudged #s or find the weak link in the administration ready to snitch.

You bringing up that alumnis might lie is irrelevant :lol: It's silly to think the majority lie and the school takes it for granted. School too dumb to fact check? That many liars went to your school and are lying about their employment? :lol:
What records are you speaking of?
The records of students who have found employment after graduation.

Snitch on whom? 
A person within the administration snitching on the rest, revealing that they have been making fraudulent claims.

How slow do I have to go? Can't spell it all out for you

How is it irrelevant? 
Cuz you're assuming that their claims is based directly off of lying alumni.

You can't even prove that hypothetical to a credible degree other than your personal experience where you lied when they called you asking for money :lol:

What one even considers job placement is up for debate depending on who you ask.
Direct that question to the law
How is it silly to assume a business would skew numbers to sell a product at an inflated price to a customer?
That's not what I said was irrelevant :lol: Bruh, please read my posts slowly. Yours too for that matter cuz it's like you're not even remembering what you just posted.

Also what you just asked here is fraud :lol: So what we talking about? If you think the school is doing that, then you just made ol girl's case.
I am starting to think you're too dumb to fact check. 

This is cute.

If you just wanted to quit, just say I concede b. Blocking me aint changing ****.
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They should really make her grades public. Watch her have something low. She herself is a huge factor to getting a job. Blaming the school when she's just not job material.
In thinking about it, she could blind herself, open her own practice, and then fight crime at night. Boom...profit.
Wouldn't be surprised if some of these schools use small samples to represent their data. They'll ask 15 alumni and use the percentage from that :lol:
Starting pay at 60k? :nerd: I'd jump on that. But this is coming from a current college student who's parents combined incomes make almost that amount combined.
Why are we ignoring the fact that she turned down a full-time role? Even if the numbers were fudged, she got an offer? How is anyone defending her?
Why are we ignoring the fact that she turned down a full-time role? Even if the numbers were fudged, she got an offer? How is anyone defending her?

Yea...she made her own bed.

Making 60k, off the bat in 05/06, or whenever it was, would probably have her near or over six-figures in 2016.

She's suing because she feels like she's owed a job. It's a joke.
Yea...she made her own bed.

Making 60k, off the bat in 05/06, or whenever it was, would probably have her near or over six-figures in 2016.

She's suing because she feels like she's owed a job. It's a joke.
She graduated in 08, but nonetheless, she would have been ~100k in seven years time. This is a case of entitlement, not a case of deception.
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She probably thought she'd be getting starting salaries at a spot like Skadden or WLRK but coming from a school that isn't highly ranked she ain't even getting close to those firms.

That said, it says she had several part time positions with law firms but she couldn't land a full time gig with one of them?
The more facts come out the more puzzling this story gets.

She has an undergrad from Nyu
Applied to several schools and only got into this one
Graduated with honors from the law school
People who graduate from that school on average have more debt than Stanford law.

I was off base on her law school performance based on that. Now I'm really curious about her undergrad grades cause if this is the only law school that would take her then she should have reconsidered going to law school in the first place.

That school ranks in the bottom ten percent of almost every measurable, yet somehow costs more than the national average and has a comparable cost to ivys.
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They should really make her grades public.
Why would the school be that stupid and do that? :lol:

Seems like you just want this to be tried in the court of public opinion and mostly just so you can feel better about your stance. What you gonna say if all her grades are great?
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The more facts come out the more puzzling this story gets.

She has an undergrad from Nyu
Applied to several schools and only got into this one
Graduated with honors from the law school
People who graduate from that school on average have more debt than Stanford law.

I was off base on her law school performance based on that. Now I'm really curious about her undergrad grades cause if this is the only law school that would take her then she should have reconsidered going to law school in the first place.

That school ranks in the bottom ten percent of almost every measurable, yet somehow costs more than the national average and has a comparable cost to ivys.
. Maybe they charge more because they are claiming people get high paying jobs at a high rate from that school......

Maybe they fudged the numbers, which was what made her choose that school?

Who knows. I can see both sides of the argument. I would be surprised if she won though based on the fact that she turned down a job. The article didn't mention stats provided stating the salary you would get as your first job. They just said you would get A JOB right?
They should really make her grades public.
Why would the school be that stupid and do that? :lol:

Seems like you just want this to be tried in the court of public opinion and mostly just so you can feel better about your stance. What you gonna say if all her grades are great?
I don't need to feel better about anything. It was established that her law school grades are good, but if the best law school that you could get into is the 201st one then you shouldn't have gone to law school in the first place.

It's a given that her grades and/or LSAT were garbage. She didn't go there for cost being that the school costs more than the national average and has ivy league cost. She went there cause it was the only place that would take her due to her underperformance and she should have known better. People aren't going to the 201st ranked law school cause they feel like it.

The cost/benefit analysis of that was way in the red and she did it anyways.
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They should really make her grades public.
Why would the school be that stupid and do that? :lol:

Seems like you just want this to be tried in the court of public opinion and mostly just so you can feel better about your stance. What you gonna say if all her grades are great?
I don't need to feel better about anything.
Then you just want to feel like you're right.

Saying the school should reveal her grades to the public is incredibly dumb. Especially now. Pretty sure that'd be another lawsuit.
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Antidope wouldn't even let his wife she his pay stub, but wants this woman's transcript made public just to validate his opinion

:smh: :lol:
Feeling better about my stance and feeling like I'm right are very similar.

I think the writing is on the wall. You apply to a bunch of schools and only get into the 201st one, it's not because of you wanting to go there.

I am well aware of the legal hangups of making her grades public relax man.

But would you disagree with the assumption that her grades are likely terrible? Go pull that schools admittance stats and you'll see.
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So she graduated law school with honors. This implies she's at least decently smart, correct?

What happened during the application process? What other schools did she apply to? Was she only aiming for top-tier schools?

Regardless, if she wins this case, colleges are gonna be super cautious. We'll see a lot of "amended" stats and/or footnotes in brochures.

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