Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

This girl is about to get paid for interviews and then sued in court by sterling for everything she's worth lol. What did they say about the illegal recording of the conversation?
He can't do that because she has way more recorded about him than what was released.
She's still at his house hanging out with him. She ethered him and he's still cool with her being around him.
i don't agree or disagree, just curious.
to counter that argument, white ppl that came after slavery ended still benefit from white privilege every day. regardless of whether or not you want to, just being in this country alone and being white pretty much puts you in a place where you participate, willingly or unwillingly.

whether it be the education system.
political system.
job market.

it doesn't mean that a black person "has the right" to be racist to a non black person in this country but someone saying that, "if anybody should it should be ____" is plausible IMHO considering the amount of ******** black ppl have to put up with just being black in this country.

it doesn't make it right. at all.

but the idea that ALL black ppl should turn the other cheek, especially to a group of ppl, regardless of race, that intentionally have historically blocked black people from progressing is ridiculous as well.

IMHO its plausible that some black ppl would be racists. black ppl being racists makes more sense to me than white ppl and non whites (but non blacks) being racists.

what would make a white person or a non white person in this country not like black ppl? now ask yourself what are some reasons as to why a black person would not like white ppl or non white ppl in this country?


Good point! *esp bolded*
NT has always been ****** crazy, but this is one I actually believe :lol: she looks pieced together like that unfinished clone near the end of 6th Day
blastercombo blastercombo I think his point was that he knew he was being recorded and they do it all the time, can't sue her for that.

Peep Game Peep Game the ambiguous first name....the way she called herself his right hand MAN with that suspect smile. Just a strange "woman" :lol:
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Yea her "job" was to be his archivist. Basically he paid her to set him up at the end of the day. It was part of the story when news first broke but the media didn't emphasize it nor other important facts
i don't agree or disagree, just curious.
to counter that argument, white ppl that came after slavery ended still benefit from white privilege every day. regardless of whether or not you want to, just being in this country alone and being white pretty much puts you in a place where you participate, willingly or unwillingly.

whether it be the education system.
political system.
job market.

it doesn't mean that a black person "has the right" to be racist to a non black person in this country but someone saying that, "if anybody should it should be ____" is plausible IMHO considering the amount of ******** black ppl have to put up with just being black in this country.

it doesn't make it right. at all.

but the idea that ALL black ppl should turn the other cheek, especially to a group of ppl, regardless of race, that intentionally have historically blocked black people from progressing is ridiculous as well.

IMHO its plausible that some black ppl would be racists. black ppl being racists makes more sense to me than white ppl and non whites (but non blacks) being racists.

what would make a white person or a non white person in this country not like black ppl? now ask yourself what are some reasons as to why a black person would not like white ppl or non white ppl in this country?

reverse racism!

Its so prevalent in this country!

very not serious
NT has always been ****** crazy, but this is one I actually believe :lol: she looks pieced together like that unfinished clone near the end of 6th Day

NT has always been ****** crazy, but this is one I actually believe
she looks pieced together like that unfinished clone near the end of 6th Day
"I'm not going to let what they have or don't have down there stop me from sleeping with an attractive person. It's not that I want her to have a V or P, it's that I don't care which one she has. I'm still going in."
Btw, it isn't illegal for her to to record the convo but its inadmissible in court.

Also, shes busted :x
NT has always been ****** crazy, but this is one I actually believe :lol: she looks pieced together like that unfinished clone near the end of 6th Day
"I'm not going to let what they have or don't have down there stop me from sleeping with an attractive person. It's not that I want her to have a V or P, it's that I don't care which one she has. I'm still going in."

"I'm not going to let what they have or don't have down there stop me from sleeping with an attractive person. It's not that I want her to have a V or P, it's that I don't care which one she has. I'm still going in."

Who in the **** said this?

And why are NTers so infatuated with transvestites??


That one thread awhile back went entirely too long... I refused to step foot in there and try to understand some guys reasoning.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

WHAT THE ****??!!

I haven't been in this thread in a while and instead of clicking to the last post I left off on I skipped to the last pg.

How the **** this turned in to another ****** thread? :lol: :x

Yall too wild


Pretty sure that quote is from the ****** thread. It was the few peppered in posts like that made the thread explode in to so many pgs :rofl: Dudes were really coming up with wild reasoning to explain away homosexual activity. I can understand not being down with labels but c'mon call a spade a spade.

He can't do that because she has way more recorded about him than what was released.

The damage is done. Who cares if he's said more racist things. Nobody can punish him anymore
Depends how racist it is really.
blastercombo blastercombo I think his point was that he knew he was being recorded and they do it all the time, can't sue her for that.
He knew they were? Is this true? Srs question. Anything evidence of this?

Also I think something bigger maybe hidden. The shemale surprise might be it lol
I heard somewhere on the news covering it that he told her for record it so he could remember some things he said. Pretty sure he has copies of these tapes or at least ws okay with her having them.
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Making any sensitive comment will cause a crap storm.  Most people just don't have the logic and reasoning to even derive an opinion or view anymore.  Everyone is just doing the band-wagon approach.  I just don't see how a 'racist' guy like him will own an NBA team w/ black players, hang out w/ Mayweather, hang out w/ dark colored skinned woman and be considered a racist.  People don't know what racism is, sighting his previous 'run ins' as the ultimatum.  He's racist alright, but if hanging out w/ Mayweather, and cutting checks to Doc and the Clippers means he's racists, then so be it.  Hypocrisy at its best.

What's happened to America?  Freedom of speech doesn't necessarily mean you are 'racist'.  JEEZ!

DOC and his, 'it's too hard' type of BS.  Like said, if this guy has a history and guys still play for him, the I DIDN'T KNOW CARD is stupid.  These guys still prostitute themselves by collecting his checks, playing for his franchise.  If they were real martyrs, they'd forfeit by now.  

Obviously his views are not accepted, and not consistent with many views, but to reprimand him this way based on his 'views' and 'recordings' is just absurd.
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Obviously his views are not accepted, and not consistent with many views, but to reprimand him this way based on his 'views' and 'recordings' is just absurd.

1. he signed a contract to abide by a certain code of conduct

2. his conduct put the league's advertising money in jeopardy

3. his freedom of speech has not been infringed, the government hasn't done a single thing to him over this
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