Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Dammit I wish Cooper jumped on that opening from Sterling. 

"did you ever like a girl and were jealous...?"

Follow up. Are you sure that's a female....?
 Well, my point was more due to Anderson not liking females to begin with.  Hes gay.... So that question posed to him was hilarious to me.
I didn't watch that CNN interview, because I don't give credence to what he says with cameras on.

I just wanna know...from anybody who did watch it....did Anderson Cooper ask dude hard questions about his history of similar transgressions regarding racism?

definitely the best way to retrieve info
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I didn't watch that CNN interview, because I don't give credence to what he says with cameras on.

I just wanna know...from anybody who did watch it....did Anderson Cooper ask dude hard questions about his history of similar transgressions regarding racism?
he tried but don would revert to other questions he asked earlier and expound on them. At one point when he asked again about the housing he stated that he been good to blacks he gave them the opportunity to be home owners etc... have a better life and provided them a better life, moreso then just the lip service magic gives....
Sterling is mad delusional. That interview did nothing good for him. Very interested in hearing what Magic Johnson has to say about it.
magic responds and has his interview tonight on Anderson cooper... I have no doubt he will be very pr. and try all he can to be evasive and avoid speaking directly on the subject.
after magic cheated on his wife, contracted hiv & endangered the well-being of his family - i can't listen to him wax poetic on morality

great ball player tho
He did do those things.  

But a great force for social change was borne of his promiscuity and subsequent HIV infection.

He could have lived his life as a merely a hall-of-fame basketball player, but now he's an advocate for AIDS awareness and successful businessman and overall outstanding role model for young black men.

You should not ignore his past, but weigh it accurately compared to the good that he has done over the last 3 decades.  

The man changed. You should not discount that change.
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He did do those things.  

But a great force for social change was borne of his promiscuity and subsequent HIV infection.

He could have lived his life as a merely a hall-of-fame basketball player, but now he's an advocate for AIDS awareness and successful businessman and overall outstanding role model for young black men.

You should not ignore his past, but weigh it accurately compared to the good that he has done over the last 3 decades.  

The man changed. You should not discount that change.
I don't get what ppl knock on him is.... is it cause he was sleeping around...or is it that he has aids? I mean if ppl are to discredit him because he slept around then a good amount of leaders/philanthropist should be discredited then.

Not to excuse what he did but he was much younger and with time he has become wiser and has used his discretion to better the lives of others. But if ppl are going to dismiss all that because he slept around then we might as well dismiss/discredit a fair amount of ppl who do for others.
i didn't dismiss anything - it is you who does so

not to excuse, but when he got caught - you were much younger if around at all and it's barely part of the picture that has been painted for you & everyone else since - like a footnote at best
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i didn't dismiss anything - it is you who does so

not to excuse, but when he got caught - you were much younger if around at all and it's barely part of the picture that has been painted for you & everyone else since - like a footnote at best
Fact: You choose to harp on what you choose to harp on about the man's history, because you have an agenda.

Fact: His history is well documented. (Hell, ESPN just did a 30-for-30 on his annoucement like a year ago)

Fact: The manner in which he contracted HIV does not detract from the strides he has made against the spread of HIV since.
Fact: You choose to harp on what you choose to harp on about the man's history, because you have an agenda.

Fact: His history is well documented. (Hell, ESPN just did a 30-for-30 on his annoucement like a year ago)

Fact: The manner in which he contracted HIV does not detract from the strides he has made against the spread of HIV since.

well you have everything figured out then

your agenda tho is to spin my words - take these ones at face value, don't add stuff to make easier to criticize

and oh - of course, there is espn 30-30 - solves everything everytime

fact: half your ish is opinion

i'ma write it again to clear away distraction:

after magic cheated on his wife, contracted hiv & endangered the well-being of his family - i can't listen to him wax poetic on morality

great ball player tho
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after magic cheated on his wife, contracted hiv & endangered the well-being of his family - i can't listen to him wax poetic on morality

great ball player tho

Sterling has cheated on his wife, as you say endangering his family...he just hasn't caught HIV

I don't see how he can be on his high horse about it.

And I've never heard Magic mention morality, but Sterling sure is.
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racism is a moral issue in my opinion

magic talks about it

So Magic can't talk about racism, because he cheated on his wife?

That doesn't make any sense. Sterling cheated on his wife.

Much less the way Magic was drawn in to it, by Sterling directly mentioning him and his name. Magic didn't have a choice. Hell, he pulled him back in to it last night..
 if I was Caucasian I might have a chip on my shoulder too if everyone else is usually pointing the finger at me or implying that I was at the core of something even in 2014
the problem with this is the way majorities express their frustrations 

to hear them say things like, "if a minority were to say this, it'd be ok....." .... "minorities can....." 

like, really? at the end of the day would you trade places with minorities? of course you wouldn't......  as if the little petty things minorities get away with socially make up for all the other clear disadvantages they face ....

it's not making an excuse for minorities, it's stating facts .... the history of minorities in America has a rotten base and majorities expect that after 60 years minorities should have caught back up and it's level playing ground... it's utter nonsense 

i'll be the first to admit that minorities are every bit as racist as majorities... and we pick and choose when to "stand up" for our people

using the Trayvon Martin case as an example.... minorities were all up in arms, marching, and rallying over what.... not the death of a young black male, but b/c the shooter was "white" and wasn't arrested 

minorities don't give a **** when the shooter is a black male.... which is clear with all your "FREE _____ " tshirts, Chiraq snapbacks, and love of ignorant *** music that promotes the killing of people just like Trayvon Martin...

the question that needs to be asked to racists is .... what experiences in life caused you to have these views... no one is born racist... it's a product of teaching and/or life experiences
Man anybody listen to the herd this morning he pretty much hit the nail on the head with the 3 things pr ppl would never want you to say Jews, aids, black ppl lol sterling is a moron but he's stubborn in his old ways just like a lot of ppl from that generation
Lol... yo, that Herd clip they playing "Jews, Black, AIDS" had me in the car cryin... 

that **** was hilarious...

***** said Sterling left his mind in a shopping cart at Albertsons 
well you have everything figured out then

your agenda tho is to spin my words - take these ones at face value, don't add stuff to make easier to criticize

and oh - of course, there is espn 30-30 - solves everything everytime

fact: half your ish is opinion

i'ma write it again to clear away distraction:

after magic cheated on his wife, contracted hiv & endangered the well-being of his family - i can't listen to him wax poetic on morality

great ball player tho
imagine if everyone viewed/thought like this.... you make a mistake and from then on any and all you say should be cast aside and your past mistakes/error of judgment should be the forefront.

If that's the case why should we listen to anything you have to say? Or listen to what anyone has to say? I challenge you to find a person who has never done wrong or made a mistake EVER in life.

Or are you saying oh it depends on what the mistake/error was and how it ranks in terms of your personal right/wrong morality rankings... aka cheating ranks such and such high, murder is such and such... stealing is such and such ranked.

Hell mlk cheated on his wife.... should his message/words hold no validity? Should we dismiss what he said and focus on his cheating? Should the whole equal rights etc... be ignored because he cheated on coretta?

I could possibly see your point if he was ACTIVELY cheating on his wife, and he was on some crusade speaking on having a faithful marriage etc.... But to say oh he cant speak on injustices and systematic white racism because 25+ yrs ago he cheated on his wife and got aids makes absolutely no sense. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
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ya, i get that you give him a pass for it

and no - the civil rights movement is not worthless because of magic johnson's promiscuity
or did mlk test positive for the hiv while his wife pregnant?

like i said - yall please stop spinning my words, adding stuff - then going off on a tangent
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imagine if everyone viewed/thought like this.... you make a mistake and from then on any and all you say should be cast aside and your past mistakes/error of judgment should be the forefront.

If that's the case why should we listen to anything you have to say? Or listen to what anyone has to say? I challenge you to find a person who has never done wrong or made a mistake EVER in life.

Or are you saying oh it depends on what the mistake/error was and how it ranks in terms of your personal right/wrong morality rankings... aka cheating ranks such and such high, murder is such and such... stealing is such and such ranked.

Hell mlk cheated on his wife.... should his message/words hold no validity? Should we dismiss what he said and focus on his cheating? Should the whole equal rights etc... be ignored because he cheated on coretta?

I could possibly see your point if he was ACTIVELY cheating on his wife, and he was on some crusade speaking on having a faithful marriage etc.... But to say oh he cant speak on injustices and systematic white racism because 25+ yrs ago he cheated on his wife and got aids makes absolutely no sense. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
Sterling coming wit Dat Ad Hominem Fallacy!!  Oldest trick in the book
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