Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

To be honest, I don't expect it from today's athletes and to be frank I think sterling is scum.

I just can't respect the lack of principles and hypocrisy of Blake, Chris Paul and especially Doc Rivers.

Its going to be interesting to see how this plays out though. I'm pretty sure sterling will be able to drag this out and if it does, I'm curious to how the players will respond.

Doc has skated. He played for the Clips also.

He wanted to leave Boston for the Clippers.

I don't think it's going to be as quick and painless as the NBA is making it seem, and I'm sure behind the scenes the other owners are divided. If this happen to him, what about us?
I don't think it's going to be as quick and painless as the NBA is making it seem, and I'm sure behind the scenes the other owners are divided. If this happen to him, what about us?

I think that the CNN interview was more damaging than the taped private conversation with V. Stiviano and may sway those owners that are divided because the V. Stiviano tape was a private conversation.

We'll see what happens.
shoelyesses shoelyesses Your homegirl must work in a corporate office. How I talk outside of work with my friends is no where no how I am at work. I'd be fired before my shift is over.
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Cuban pretty much said what sterling said on his second interview. :smh:

The ole "I'm not racist I'm just prejudice" routine :smh:
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I understood his point, but it's a PR nightmare, because of it's timing. It looks like he was defending Sterling.

He was secretive about how he was going to vote an seemed to be calling Sterling just stupid.

I know Adam Silver heard the news and :smh:
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I think he stated clearly that he has stereotypes based on his way of living, i didn't get the sense that he has a hatred or dislike of black people like i got from sterling.

I'm glad he took a public stand however because once again it opens up the situation i don't want this to be some BS handle it in court and quiet case, EVERYONE in the U.S needs to be informed on this.

Everyone does have a form of Prejudice however those vastly differ and can cause for different reactions. A lot of people are arguing that a black man in a hoody isn't equivalent to the image of a tatted up bald white man, however they are missing the point that although it's simply a hoodie the truth is this is how Alot of America is taught to react towards blacks.

The same reason zimmerman attacked, same reasons cops get scared and prematurely pull out guns, America teaches that the darker your skin the more suspect you are and the more dangerous "you COULD be". It's foolish logic but it definitely has a base.
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I understood his point, but it's a PR nightmare, because of it's timing. It looks like he was defending Sterling.

He was secretive about how he was going to vote an seemed to be calling Sterling just stupid.

I know Adam Silver heard the news and
don't forget cuban said and I'm prob misquoting it "lets focus on the game" when asked about sterling when those comments first leaked

the can cuban is opening does not relate to Sterling and his history of racism but his comments will now give ignorant folks that scapegoat of "Look what mark said!"

it's a distraction and no different then folks who troll threads to divert attention of the problem at hand 

cuban is a troll 
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don't forget cuban said and I'm prob misquoting it "lets focus on the game" when asked about sterling when those comments first leaked

the can cuban is opening does not relate to Sterling and his history of racism but his comments will now give ignorant folks that scapegoat of "Look what mark said!"

it's a distraction and no different then folks who troll threads to divert attention of the problem at hand 

cuban is a troll 

Yeah man.

Cuban always gets praised for his honesty, but what he's saying is crazy.

There's also degrees of prejudice. It's like he is just referring to Sterling's comments and not his actions and all the accusations over the past twenty years. He's implying, don't mind him, he's just a crazy old man.

If the owners are that adamant to get rid of Sterling, I wonder why he's saying this. Much less keeping his vote secret. When this first happen, I was saying how the owners might want to think about this. Because it opens Pandora's box for them and the standards they have to live up to and because it is the Sterling's who will go to court. They have nothing to lose, win and they keep the team, lose and they get a billion dollars from the teams sale.
cuban is ******ed...he doesn't know when to shut up...

we all know 90% of old white men (mostly jewish) who own these NBA teams use the black culture to make hundreds of millions....

but actually saying it out right in public vs. keeping it in your heart and mind can mean you get called out or keep your millions...

cuban should get the same backlash.
don't forget cuban said and I'm prob misquoting it "lets focus on the game" when asked about sterling when those comments first leaked

the can cuban is opening does not relate to Sterling and his history of racism but his comments will now give ignorant folks that scapegoat of "Look what mark said!"

it's a distraction and no different then folks who troll threads to divert attention of the problem at hand 

cuban is a troll 

The game was over for him after the first round. Fair game now I guess
@shoelyesses Your homegirl must work in a corporate office. How I talk outside of work with my friends is no where no how I am at work. I'd be fired before my shift is over.

I guess that's why I never really worked to long in any setting like that. I just cant live a dr Jekyll/mr hyde type of life. Especially when it compromise who I am as a person. I cant just go against my beliefs/principles/integrity and self respect for a paycheck.

I get most ppl do it simply because so many ppl do it..that it has become a staple and a must to do so. But to go against in many instances conventional wisdom, common sense, rational, and alienate yourself from your culture/race all in an attempt for false acceptance and money for an abundance of materialistic/monetary valued items.. I just cant/couldn't do it.
I don't think it's going to be as quick and painless as the NBA is making it seem, and I'm sure behind the scenes the other owners are divided.

There it is. 

it's not. Sterling side already said they were filing a lawsuit. That right there will kick arbitration out a bit. No doubt in my mind Donald will be in charge come october 30th. I'm interested in seeing the hearts of all these guys that said they're gonna walk if he still owns it by then. I call bluff.
Just heard that Victor or whatever chick talk for the first time, and ummmm...I just say that's not a smart woman in any way. Just so hapless.
(Sigh) I honestly think Cuban's quotes about Sterling is being said so he can have some reasoning when he votes to keep sterling IMO.
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(Sigh) I honestly think Cuban's quotes about Sterling is being said so he can have some reasoning when he votes to keep sterling IMO.

doesn't even matter, they'll probably have it so votes are anonymous. just putting ballots in a box. guys can say whatever they want publicly, only they know what's in their heart.
from the beginning i thought that people jumped the gun thinking it would just be 1 2 3 poof he's gone. dude is a real estate mogul, im sure he is use to long, dragged out legal issues. also, he doesn't think he did anything wrong so i doubt he will just give over his team. this could get ugly. of course there's the chance that it positively highlights the need for more open dialogue about race. thats probably not going to happen though. 
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I feel those who vote for sterling to stay go that route because as a business stand point the man worked hard to buy the team and contribute, maybe other owners see the league as beginning to censor them or show how easily the league can sever a multimillion dollar business for you as an owner.
Just heard that Victor or whatever chick talk for the first time, and ummmm...I just say that's not a smart woman in any way. Just so hapless.

oh she is smart...ppl tend to forget that sterling has been in this situation with other women a many of times...(whats crazy they all been a Spanish or Spanish/black mix) to which he has used the women and then him and/or him and his wife sued them and ended up getting all the monetary stuff and monies he spent on them.

There was a story a few yrs ago same as this with sterling to which the woman tried to go public and he and wife...sued for the gifts things he bought her. He had her on the payroll under a fake job and attest that she stole the money and used the business credit cards etc for personal use...(smart move by him btw to be honest) Then got the cars back on some oh those are company cars and once she quit she cant take the cars with her. Same with the housing aka that is for employees to live in while working for the company.... even tho she wasn't an employee (he just listed the girl as one.

He has did things like this or similar ah many of times and she so far, is the only girl to pin him and not get sued, charged with embezzlement, stealing company property etc.

So for as far as she seems dumb naïve and stupid. So far she the only chick that has came out unscathed. Well atleast form a judicial/financial stand point.
I feel those who vote for sterling to stay go that route because as a business stand point the man worked hard to buy the team and contribute, maybe other owners see the league as beginning to censor them or show how easily the league can sever a multimillion dollar business for you as an owner.

I wouldn't say hard work... well maybe when he was a lawyer/judge... But his property management etc... he build his brand up based on manipulating the system, finding legal loopholes (I guess you could argue his knowledge in law helped that) and being just a flat out slumlord and using ppl, to which most were minorities.

Not saying its the same, but that's like praising a man who took a family fortune built off slavery and used that to become bigger/better aka a mogul/powerhouse.
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