Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

how would you know how one comment only hits on a personal level?

you're not white so you wouldnt understand
And what you did there would work.... if once again those social differences weren't in full bloom. But either way a comment to me is a comment, someone saying a racist thing to me is just gonna expose them as an *** in my eyes cool.

However Donald Sterling owning a team and saying he wants them to be coached by whites and is disgusted by their presence along with having their careers in his hands is a tadddddd bit different then Floyd using a ignorant stereotype towards his opponent.

Also please point me to how many occasions you have heard someone call a white person by some racial word and actually have that person furious, i'm going to bet not much because once that altercation the white person knows that it's just the view of one ignorant man on the streets.... Reverse the situation the anger is coming not from the words, but because their is a very real possibility that someone with that mindset is going to deny us a job, going to deny us an oppurtunity, a cop may use that word the next time he unjustly stops me in the street.

The ignorant slurs coming from a black man to a white person ends with the word.... ignorant slurs coming from a white man to a black man, comes with decades of reality and an entire hierarchy mindset along with it.
what? when a black person is racist its just because the person is racist. but when a white person is racist its because of decades of reality and an entire hierarchy mindset?

you're putting way too much thought into it. racism is a simple concept that happens naturally through personal experience, racism is the action not the reaction. if i say some ignorant racist stuff to a black guy, would how upset he gets over the words affect how racist I am? it shouldnt.

a boss turning down a black employee or a cop pulling over a black person is different. its a person in a position of power using racism to take advantage of someone else.

ignorant slurs are just as bad no matter what race its coming from and what race its directed to. saying white people are the master race is the same as saying black people are the master race, its just words. however if you take action based on those racist thoughts then its a whole nother level of racism, but the difference is not which races are involved its the difference between words and action.

the main problem with the "black people cant be racist" or "its not as bad when black people are racist" mindset is it gives a lot people a free pass to be openly racist. no one is downplaying white racism, there is no place in the world for racist white people. just like there is no place in the world for racist black people.

its not a who has it worse contest, not all racism is the same but no racism should ever be acceptable. 
I'm not making it a pissing contest I'm speaking on people trying to compare Floyd making a racist comment towards Sterling wanting to literally feel like a plantation owner. I browsed through the last two pages and i see it happen every time race is discussed on NT.... Making a Racist comment is making a racist comment despite your actual race, true.... What isn't true is people acting to ignore the truth behind racism in America.

Floyd says that to Mexican Boxer it's clearly an ignorant/racist comment sure.
Mexican Boxer says that to Floyd, it's going to be a bigger issue and more broadcast because blacks know exactly how this story goes.

One comment hits on a personal level, the other hits you in on a factual level with plenty of history behind it. So no racist comments shouldn't be made but when comparing them, one is going to have a bigger reaction & impact because a racial comment towards a black person can't be separated from the truth's and situations that are attached with black history in this country.
I understand you .... However, do you think that Mexicans in America have it easy? Mexicans and central Americans get discriminated by White, Black, and Other Hispanic culture ... It's absurd that because they aren't black they didn't have it as bad. At least blacks in American have a voice .. Most Mexican and central America get brought to American for Modern Day Slavery ... Human trafficking - Sex Slavery - Workforce Slavery ... the only difference is that they take it cause they really have no voice - blacks have fought and have overcame to a great extent some of these pigs and blacks have a voice to represent and they ain't letting **** slide anymore so ....  Come on .... In your mind you don't think Floyd's comments aren't as bad as Sterling's comment because you are black - you aren't Mexican you don't know about their struggles ... come on son ... the irony of a black individual discriminating and being insensitive to another human being that it's also a minority? Mind Blowing ... You can compare the two but the fact is that the same way you guys are quick to say they don't know - is the same way they are quick to say you don't know ....

In addition you don't think ....

Native Indians didn't have it as bad if not worst ?????? Yes Black were enslaved - Native American were killed ... Black generation survived Native Indian became an endanger species.

I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you my brother .. there are plenty of documentaries on modem day slavery ... you should look into .. I have to say - it doesn't compare to centuries but got damn ... some of these people now a days understand it better than you do because they are living it - you only read and heard about it!
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"Modern day slavery" is not equal to the CHATTEL slavey that was practiced in the USA though.

Native Americans have their casinos, African Americans who provided free labor for hundreds of years have _____ (fill in the blank)
"Modern day slavery" is not equal to the CHATTEL slavey that was practiced in the USA though.

Native Americans have their casinos, African Americans who provided free labor for hundreds of years have _____ (fill in the blank)
I'm not comparing the two - I'm just saying that you aren't leaving it now .. YOU PROBABLY DONT KNOW ANYONE IN YOUR LIFE THAT HAS LIVED IT PERSONALLY ... to be naive and say that its not happening and people aren't living it now .... its just not a good statement .. not to mention that they get cuff transported beating mal nutrition and abused. It is happening ...

Yes Native Americans have their casinos ..... Good One ..... You tell me why that is thought?????

PS. I just said Modem Day Slavery just to refer to a portion of what's going on today. Make no mistake flat out old school slavery still happening!

Oh and by no means am I trying to say get over it - it has been hundreds of years - its not happening now - etc ... I'm just simply responding to the blacks can't be racist or no its not the same racisim ....
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"Modern day slavery" is not equal to the CHATTEL slavey that was practiced in the USA though.

Native Americans have their casinos, African Americans who provided free labor for hundreds of years have _____ (fill in the blank)

That's like saying we have whatever because some black people have ownership in it.

Native Americans make up less than 1% of the population yet are the poorest group in the US. Poverty and unemployment rate higher than any other group. Lost 97% of their land.

But its cool, they got casinos.
"Modern day slavery" is not equal to the CHATTEL slavey that was practiced in the USA though.

Native Americans have their casinos, African Americans who provided free labor for hundreds of years have _____ (fill in the blank)
There was also the invasion of their land and systematic genocide of their people. Oh they were also enslaved as well. Not on a level as large as africans were but they were. Most of the native americans left in this country live in poverty on crime riddled reservations. But yeah they have casinos
The ignorant slurs coming from a black man to a white person ends with the word.... ignorant slurs coming from a white man to a black man, comes with decades of reality and an entire hierarchy mindset along with it.
This thread is hilarious...we've gone from Donald Sterling to the "Blacks are racists too" committee doing what they usually do in these situations.
Some of y'all might be racist and don't even know it lol. I've so e dumb stuff on NT but some these posts are right up there
This thread is hilarious...we've gone from Donald Sterling to the "Blacks are racists too" committee doing what they usually do in these situations.

what, trying to talk sense into the "black people can't be racist" crew?

what does black people thinking they can't be racist.... have to do with donald sterling and the clippers?
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This thread is hilarious...we've gone from Donald Sterling to the "Blacks are racists too" committee doing what they usually do in these situations.
The problem is people can't see both sides of the coin. The majority of people in this thread want it one way or the other.

Why the "blacks can be racist too" debate even started I don't know. Someone just needs to make a thread on it already and sticky it because it seems to come up in these threads like clockwork.
  1. Blacks can be racist, depending on which definition is being used
  2. Whether or not blacks can be racist is irrelevant to this discussion
This thread is hilarious...we've gone from Donald Sterling to the "Blacks are racists too" committee doing what they usually do in these situations.

what, trying to talk sense into the "black people can't be racist" crew?

what does black people thinking they can't be racist.... have to do with donald sterling and the clippers?

I don't eem know how it came up honestly. I wanna go back and read but it doesn't seem like there's a point.
The only reason I thought it was brought up was whether or not Floyd Mayweather can be the potential new owner of the Clippers.
Lots of reasons the NBA wouldn't let Maywaether be an owner, none of them due to race.
It was bought up because in every debate revolving white racists...white guilt eventually turns to white anger and they close their eyes and just start tossing darts.

The same type of people that love to throw out "black people sold slaves to white people" whenever slavery is discussed. In their minds...it levels the playing field.
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