Learning To Drive A Stick Shift Unnapreciation.

very unappreciated.

my auntie tried to teach me how to drive in a huge parking lot downtown in her porche a couple years ago. i wanted to learn so bad because if i would havereally caught on she would have let me drive the car to school and my school for the most part is poor so people envy me already when i drove to school at 15in a lincoln ls

i could never get it in 1st gear the correct way, but when i eventually did i was good at coasting until i had to shift back to first. i must have made thatcar cut off about 30 time in 15 minutes. i never got it correct but what the heck, i cant have no stick shift whip that and swangin aint a good combo.
so kinda off topic question. For all the manual car heads, how do you rev match quickly?? I always have to take an extra second to blip the throttle inneutral. Or do you guys do it differently??
shch wrote:
so kinda off topic question. For all the manual car heads, how do you rev match quickly?? I always have to take an extra second to blip the throttle in neutral. Or do you guys do it differently??

As usual, it takes practice to get the timing and feel for it... but for me, I blip the throttle as I am putting the clutch in (both pedals go downalmost simultaneously)... I'm guessing you're blipping when your clutch is all the way in? You can probably blip when your clutch ishalfway down... if that makes sense..
i have taught many people how to drive a stick shift and i hate it. my clutch IS DONE. releases where i barely have to put my feet on the clutch to put in gear
I learned to drive stickshift with a stage 2 racing clutch which are notorious to be stiff as hell. My left leg cramped up a few times in the beginning

But once you get the hand of manual, you'll never wanna go back.

I live in SF btw.
practiced a few times on my dads truck but would always let go of the clutch too fast and would look like i had hydrolics but been driving my new car and themore i drive the easier it gets, never stall now
Best way to learn is just to get in a manual car and drive. If you stall, just start the car again. Sooner or later, you're gonna get the hang of it.
It's fun as hell. At first it was hard, now the next car that I buy has to be 5-speed.

It actually feels like you're driving a car.
My uncle tried to teach me when I was 14, and I finally managed after stalling about 5-6 times. A family friend let me try his E36 M3 when I was 15 and Icouldn't even get it into 1st gear.

I didn't finally learn how until my brother let me mess around with his Integra for a while. I'm confident enough to go out and drive wherever, but Iam so out of practice that I love/hate driving it from time to time. I love the control, but I hate stalling.
I taught my wifey how to drive a stickshift by showing her were the sweet spot on the clutch was. Before I would even let her press on the gas, I would tellher to put it into first and ease off the clutch. Of course without pressing on the gas the car would stall but this way she knew were the clutch was grabbing.Hopefully that makes sense to you all.

By the way, seeing a female that knows how to drive stickshift is a turn on.
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

I taught my wifey how to drive a stickshift by showing her were the sweet spot on the clutch was. Before I would even let her press on the gas, I would tell her to put it into first and ease off the clutch. Of course without pressing on the gas the car would stall but this way she knew were the clutch was grabbing. Hopefully that makes sense to you all.

By the way, seeing a female that knows how to drive stickshift is a turn on.

Yes... that method works... its a good way of finding where the bite-point is... put it into 1st and slowly let the clutch out... the bite-point is when thecar start to crawl forward and your revs start to drop... and remember, when in doubt, put the clutch in.

Gals that know how to drive a stickshift...
SinnerP wrote:
vrp32tl wrote:
I taught my wifey how to drive a stickshift by showing her were the sweet spot on the clutch was. Before I would even let her press on the gas, I would tell her to put it into first and ease off the clutch. Of course without pressing on the gas the car would stall but this way she knew were the clutch was grabbing. Hopefully that makes sense to you all.

By the way, seeing a female that knows how to drive stickshift is a turn on.

Yes... that method works... its a good way of finding where the bite-point is... put it into 1st and slowly let the clutch out... the bite-point is when the car start to crawl forward and your revs start to drop... and remember, when in doubt, put the clutch in.

Gals that know how to drive a stickshift...

Couldn't think of the proper terminology. But that was pretty much what I was trying to say.
Stalling a car is a very unpleasant experience, but you'll get the hang of it eventually...
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

SinnerP wrote:
vrp32tl wrote:
I taught my wifey how to drive a stickshift by showing her were the sweet spot on the clutch was. Before I would even let her press on the gas, I would tell her to put it into first and ease off the clutch. Of course without pressing on the gas the car would stall but this way she knew were the clutch was grabbing. Hopefully that makes sense to you all.

By the way, seeing a female that knows how to drive stickshift is a turn on.

Yes... that method works... its a good way of finding where the bite-point is... put it into 1st and slowly let the clutch out... the bite-point is when the car start to crawl forward and your revs start to drop... and remember, when in doubt, put the clutch in.

Gals that know how to drive a stickshift...

Couldn't think of the proper terminology. But that was pretty much what I was trying to say.

Why do the revs start to drop as you're releasing the clutch I don't get it, can you enlighten me as I just started learning and can'treally get out of first smoothly.
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

I hope you, and everyone else that is complaining about learning to drive a manual is a woman


btw manual gear box >>> all including new techknowledgy(sp) with dual clutch and !%##... i can care less.

im driving stick for the rest of my life, only exception.... Gwagon swaggon
Originally Posted by filipin0y

i dont get it. is it the stalling that causes the clutch to burn up? wouldnt it be more harm on transmission rather than the clutch? i dont really get how new drivers burn up clutches
no clutch wear is when people ride the clutch i.e. keeping their foot on the pedal wear the clutch engages in friction point. Transmission isharmed when people grind gears i.e. clutch isnt in all the way and they move the shifter. dont quote me on this one but I believe stalling is most harmful tothe engine?

Originally Posted by nyrican23

It's very easy. Rev to 9k and let out the clutch

lol at folks that think driving a stick is a grueling task. once you get the hang of it, it makes your driving experience exponentially better especially ifyou are driving a powerful car
Originally Posted by cornzilla

Originally Posted by vrp32tl

SinnerP wrote:
vrp32tl wrote:
Gals that know how to drive a stickshift...

Why do the revs start to drop as you're releasing the clutch I don't get it, can you enlighten me as I just started learning and can't really get out of first smoothly.

basically the engine is turning while the clutch (which is connected to the wheels through the axles is) isn't moving. when you release theclutch part way, it makes contact with the flywheel (which is connected to the engine). the engine slows down while the wheels start moving due to thefriction. if you press on the gas while this happens, the wheels continue to accelerate and the engine is kept from stalling. once the clutch and flywheel aremoving together, you can release the clutch all the way.

and yes, a girl that handles a stick shift well..
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