Lebron and his "posse"

Phil Jackson is one of the most overrated coaches in sports history. My mans was blessed with god level stars on almost every squad he won a chip with. Great manager of egos and men, however he gets far too much credit from a X's and O's standpoint, IMO. Hell, the triangle offense that he gets so much praise for was taught by his assistant coach Tex Winters.

And then came the Knicks. And we see what's happening there under his watch. Buddy needs to focus on not getting ran outta NYC instead of what Bron and his team are doing.
Phil Jackson is one of the most overrated coaches in sports history. My mans was blessed with god level stars on almost every squad he won a chip with. Great manager of egos and men, however he gets far too much credit from a X's and O's standpoint, IMO. Hell, the triangle offense that he gets so much praise for was taught by his assistant coach Tex Winters.

And then came the Knicks. And we see what's happening there under his watch. Buddy needs to focus on not getting ran outta NYC instead of what Bron and his team are doing.

Gotta hear the audio, but posse, esp. from an old school guy like Phil shouldn't offend you.

If you get heated from one word, sorry, those are other insecurities you have in play you need to deal with.

These young kids get offended over nothing now a days.
We can't be surprised, this is a guy that instigates and tells on other players in press conferences because he can't beat them on the court
Never knew posse was viewed as a racial term...

Have you read thru any of this thread? It's not just the word posse that garnered the reaction out of Bron and his camp :smh:  dense cats always so quick to post but never trying to read.

I DID read the thread but it seems like there's more people up in arms about the connotation of the word rather than white old man Phil talking **** to Bron and his partners. Because at the end of the day who really cares about that? It was the word that triggered everything.

This is about another white man in a powerful position showing his true colors of looking at all AA's that don't live/move in a away he approves of, in a general negative light. As opposed to just individuals who go about expressing themselves in a different manner.
Phil ain't "racist", he just a white boy and thats how white boys talk.
LeBron and his boys did the right thing by letting Phil and everybody else know to check that bullshi and watch they mouth.
Phil ain't "racist", he just a white boy and thats how white boys talk.
LeBron and his boys did the right thing by letting Phil and everybody else know to check that bullshi and watch they mouth.

i wish he did just that & not play da race card...
Never knew posse was viewed as a racial term...

Have you read thru any of this thread? It's not just the word posse that garnered the reaction out of Bron and his camp :smh:  dense cats always so quick to post but never trying to read.

I DID read the thread but it seems like there's more people up in arms about the connotation of the word rather than white old man Phil talking **** to Bron and his partners. Because at the end of the day who really cares about that? It was the word that triggered everything.

This is about another white man in a powerful position showing his true colors of looking at all AA's that don't live/move in a away he approves of, in a general negative light. As opposed to just individuals who go about expressing themselves in a different manner.

I 100% get that but the whole "posse" thing triggered it. Had he not used THAT word and said the exact same **** and replaced it with "entourage" or "partners" or "crew" does this blow up in the media? Dudes on talk radio out here in LA have spent hours talking about how everyone feels about the word "posse". My OG comment was serious and not sarcastic. I had no idea it was a disrespectful **possibly** racially charged term.
lol you are right, it is getting blown out of proportion. At the end of the day, Lebron is the face of the NBA. Phill does not own any team nor coaches a team, the team he manages is doing terrible. Lebron is way more powerful than Phill ever was and the idea that Lebron is being talked down upon by some team manager is ludicrous.

Posse, the word might have painted a different picture a century ago. It is 2016, posse = crew. Why not look at it that way? It is crazy to think Phill of all people is trying to say something negative, stereotype/racism what ever it maybe. He knows for a fact that his career and overall stature in the NBA was made up with the help of NBA greats who are black. It is just highly inconceivable for him to be racist. Bordering crazy. lol

As a society, we are all back peddling.
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It's obvious both parties never really cared for one another to begin with. I can see where LeBron would feel disrespected with the usage of that word, but knowing the hyper-sensitive times we're in now, he's gotta pick his moments to become "militant" and when to address some matters behind closed doors. Other people will find a way to make themselves feel more offended than LeBron James when the situation doesn't even warrant all of that.
Like Melo said, why is LeBron's name coming out of HIS mouth in NOVEMBER.

Worry about your own team man.

But to answer the question, yes, it is offensive. But when you like the way "certain" people live, you don't have to worry about how things are offensive to others.

Yes, there are racial undertones to the statement like others have suggested
Cats are way to sensitive these days. Never have I viewed posse as negative. Over the years it's gained an association with black youth but is that a bad thing? Honestly? Maybe that was Lebron's mindset, that he and his business partners are men and should be addressed by a more distinguished noun. But then he goes making up corny *** handshakes with his team and passing out 3-1 lead cupcakes at his Halloween party and you're back to remembering dude is a man-child on some Lion-o type **** (que Mo Williams story) Lebron really needs to stay in his lane and just play ball. All this **** needs to stop.
Phil just reduced his friends that are successful and accomplished at this stage down to negative influence, time wasting yes men. Stop focusing on just the word, pay attention to the context. He doesn't say this about a popular white athlete. Same folks that don't see how thug being used in the media is racist. No **** black people have used these words before in a positive connotation, that's the most worthless argument ever. That being the case, folks should stop tripping when white people use the n word. It's a term of endearment to us right?
Phil just reduced his friends that are successful and accomplished at this stage down to negative influence, time wasting yes men. Stop focusing on just the word, pay attention to the context. He doesn't say this about a popular white athlete. Same folks that don't see how thug being used in the media is racist. No **** black people have used these words before in a positive connotation, that's the most worthless argument ever. That being the case, folks should stop tripping when white people use the n word. It's a term of endearment to us right?

Phil is known for a sport that currently doesn't have many popular white athletes and has hardly had any. Lebron's boys are successful and accomplished, but they're his friends first. They would not be in the position they're in if Lebron wasn't a middle school phenom. Not to discredit what they've become but once upon a time, they were yes men so for Maverick to poke his chest out like "respect me" it's like bro nobody would know who you are if it wasn't for Lebron. Thug has a negative connotation to it, so does the N word. That being associated with black people will get people up in arms. Posse literally means a body of men who enforce law. C'mon bruh....
Phil just reduced his friends that are successful and accomplished at this stage down to negative influence, time wasting yes men. Stop focusing on just the word, pay attention to the context. He doesn't say this about a popular white athlete. Same folks that don't see how thug being used in the media is racist. No **** black people have used these words before in a positive connotation, that's the most worthless argument ever. That being the case, folks should stop tripping when white people use the n word. It's a term of endearment to us right?

I'm not sure how it's hard for people to understand this
Phil just reduced his friends that are successful and accomplished at this stage down to negative influence, time wasting yes men. Stop focusing on just the word, pay attention to the context. He doesn't say this about a popular white athlete. Same folks that don't see how thug being used in the media is racist. No **** black people have used these words before in a positive connotation, that's the most worthless argument ever. That being the case, folks should stop tripping when white people use the n word. It's a term of endearment to us right?

Have you ever thought maybe you are the one who is reaching ?

Maybe you are focusing too hard on a word that serves little purpose on the overall context of his statement. He never implied that his posse were a "negative influence, time wasting yes men"... You did !
Would Phil Jackson refer to Dan Gilbert and his friends as a "posse"?

Probably not.

That's the problem.

They're professionals, not a bunch of kids.

I love how people automatically go to thr term "racist" to diminish what's ACTUALLY important.

He's not racist. Please tell me how y'all know whats in ANYONE'S heart.
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Would Phil Jackson refer to Dan Gilbert and his friends as a "posse"?

Probably not.

That's the problem.

They're professionals, not a bunch of kids.

to a guy like Phil, they are a bunch of kids..thats how elder NBA players usually refer to da playing talent.
Phil is known for a sport that currently doesn't have many popular white athletes and has hardly had any. Lebron's boys are successful and accomplished, but they're his friends first. They would not be in the position they're in if Lebron wasn't a middle school phenom. Not to discredit what they've become but once upon a time, they were yes men so for Maverick to poke his chest out like "respect me" it's like bro nobody would know who you are if it wasn't for insert any name. Thug has a negative connotation to it, so does the N word. That being associated with black people will get people up in arms. Posse literally means a body of men who enforce law. C'mon bruh....

You can say that about many many many celebrities and rich people.
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