Lebron and his "posse"

In October 1999, these words came out of his mouth:
"I don't mean to say [that] as a snide remark toward a certain population in our society, but they have a limitation of their attention span, a lot of it probably due to too much rap music going in their ears and coming out their being."
OK. Let that one slide. Chalk it up as generational hate. Cultural Alzheimer's.
In October 2005, these words came out of his mouth:
"I think it's important that the players take their end of it, get out of the prison garb and the thuggery aspect of basketball that has come along with hip-hop music in the last seven or eight years."
This is the 4th time this very quote has been posted in this thread and dudes still like....

"So Phil said the word posse, one time, and he's racist? Ya'll reachin bruh"

"I don't get it... what's so bad about the word posse??"

"Lebron sensative"

Naive living 

Is @lamekilla  that blind that he believes this is convo. strictly about Lebron vs. Phil? 
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Phil definitely meant the comment to be condescending. It had has racist undertones for sure but I don't think Phil is racist nor meant it in a racist manner. Just another example of an old crusty white dude attempting to use jargon he didn't fully understand or that he shouldn't have used. I did think Phil was smarter than that though (apparently not). I think his tall lanky ole a** needs to concentrate on rebuilding the Knicks than commenting on Lebron.
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This is the 4th time this very quote has been posted in this thread and dudes still like....

"So Phil said the word posse, one time, and he's racist? Ya'll reachin bruh"

"I don't get it... what's so bad about the word posse??"

"Lebron sensative"

Naive living :smh: :smh: :smh:  

Is @lamekilla
 that dense that he believes this is convo. strictly about Lebron vs. Phil? :rofl:

dudes know what they're doing
Lawd. Whether you're a LeBron fan are not you have to respect what he's done. Most players have their boys take care of them while their in the NBA and will have nothing once the player retires. LeBron up the game by putting his boys in business opportunities that maybe they wouldn't have without LeBron. They still had to put the work in to have that job. No different from a billionaire creating a job for their kid and seeing if it works.

I've never understood the hate for LeBron. He put those he grew up with a chance to have real wealth. No other player has done this.

LeBron and his "posse" will be making way more in the future than phil off the NBA.
Lebron's "posse" should really change the perception of pro athletes & their "entourage". They've steady made moves to carve out a huge market for Lebron & they've rarely if ever misfired. I really don't think of the "taking my talents to South Beach..." interview as being bad, but white folks sure got up in arms about it. I was surprised at how much it offended their sensibilities (but then again I shouldn't be surprised).
Phil Jackson does not have the benefit of the doubt with me given the comments he has made before that people have posted in this thread. Glad Carter, Lebron and them spoke they mind about what he said. Doesn't even bother me they did it in public.
My father in-law is an ex Black Panther who's said the same things about young black men, specifically talking about how their dress mirrors prison garb. He's always making comments like that to. If he were white, he was be considered vehemently racist. :lol:

I find bill walton in the same vein though. Always hated how he denigrated the likes of the Fab Five back in the day & then shower the likes of Duke with praise.
If your father in law says things like

"they have a limitation of their attention span, a lot of it probably due to too much rap music going in their ears and coming out their being."

then deep down he hates himself IDC what he USED to be.
Nah man, he's a proud black man that's put 3 kids through college (one of which wasn't his) while working at a steel mill. He also has 45 years of volunteer service. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Like i said if he's prone to spouting off **** like that he hates himself.

This isn't your grandad telling you to pull your pants up.
If your father in law says things like

"they have a limitation of their attention span, a lot of it probably due to too much rap music going in their ears and coming out their being."

then deep down he hates himself IDC what he USED to be.

Nah man, he's a proud black man that's put 3 kids through college (one of which wasn't his) while working at a steel mill. He also has 45 years of volunteer service. Nothing could be further from the truth.
There is a huge difference when a black man makes such a comment, then when a white man who is in a position of authority does it. A black man from a different generation can be given the freedom and benefit of the doubt. I hate modern hip hop, and I have two daughters who finished college. I heard what they were listening to, so as kids I made sure they sat down, then understood Miles, Trane, Tribe, Jungle Bros, Leaders, The Godfather of Soul, Chopin, Beethoven, you know, all that so that they were diverse enough, then having the patience to understand what they did not know. The reason I hate modern hip hop is because who it is geared toward, and then why. We know who is in control of the music industry, and why they wish to remain in control. They want young minorities to have a short attention span, simply to control your likes and dislikes. For the most part, it is working, but Phil Jackson is a part of the demo that controls, while living with privilege. He has no right to say what he said, addressing who he was addressing. Screw him. He has not earned it.
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I don't think that's fair. I think as we get older we lose touch, and it's a lot easier to say and do some ignorant stuff whether it's intentional or not.

I don't think it's self hatred, I think it's just a lack of understanding.

Phil doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt, though.
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I'll wholly agree with daddy style daddy style 's assessment about "the man" wanting to control the masses & Phil's part in it. But as cashbanks cashbanks unintentionally touched on this is also being an issue of old school vs new school thought.

I almost think Phil being a white liberal & having worked with black players for years think he's down so he thinks he can get away with those comments (perhaps). One would hope he take this as a learning opportunity but given his previous comments, proly not.
I've never understood the hate for LeBron. He put those he grew up with a chance to have real wealth. No other player has done this.

LeBron and his "posse" will be making way more in the future than phil off the NBA.

Plenty of players, past and present have done these things. How you assess one's wealth is up to you.

LeBron can and should earn all he can from the NBA. The league will use him and every single player as long as they can. Phil Jackson was never the face of the league as a player, so their paths weren't even compatible to begin with.
There is a huge difference when a black man makes such a comment, then when a white man who is in a position of authority does it. A black man from a different generation can be given the freedom and benefit of the doubt. I hate modern hip hop, and I have two daughters who finished college. I heard what they were listening to, so as kids I made sure they sat down, then understood Miles, Trane, Tribe, Jungle Bros, Leaders, The Godfather of Soul, Chopin, Beethoven, you know, all that so that they were diverse enough, then having the patience to understand what they did not know. The reason I hate modern hip hop is because who it is geared toward, and then why. We know who is in control of the music industry, and why they wish to remain in control. They want young minorities to have a short attention span, simply to control your likes and dislikes. For the most part, it is working, but Phil Jackson is a part of the demo that controls, while living with privilege. He has no right to say what he said, addressing who he was addressing. Screw him. He has not earned it.

Why should an older black man be given the benefit of the doubt?

Why should I tolerate his ignorance any more than phil's?

Disliking a style of music and linking it to an inability to learn aren't the same thing.

A white man not understanding black culture... this is so new

The Klan's be around forever should we just let them rock out too?
A white man not understanding black culture... this is so new
The problem is when white men think they understand black culture, and speak from a place of knowledge when they have no clue what they're talking about.

White men should learn when they should shut the **** up the way everyone else does when they don't know what they're talking about. Especially when you're passing judgement on an entire group of people.

He's been under media scrutiny for years. He knows how to think before he speaks, he just chooses not to because he doesn't care. That's the problem. And that lack of respect was dripping from his quote.
The problem is when white men think they understand black culture, and speak from a place of knowledge when they have no clue what they're talking about.

White men should learn when they should shut the **** up the way everyone else does when they don't know what they're talking about. Especially when you're passing judgement on an entire group of people.

He's been under media scrutiny for years. He knows how to think before he speaks, he just chooses not to because he doesn't care. That's the problem. And that lack of respect was dripping from his quote.
The problem is when black men become so insecure about who they are that every little phrase bothers them .. .  
C'mon fam. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

and you're ignoring blatant racism because you're a fan of the white man who said it.

not understanding a culture and consistently using your platform to take public swipes at the same demographic aren't the same my man.
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