Lebron and his "posse"

Agree to disagree.

It clearly isn't all cut and dry, and there is some truth in your comment too. My point still stands, though.
The problem is when white men think they understand black culture, and speak from a place of knowledge when they have no clue what they're talking about.

White men should learn when they should shut the **** up the way everyone else does when they don't know what they're talking about. Especially when you're passing judgement on an entire group of people.

He's been under media scrutiny for years. He knows how to think before he speaks, he just chooses not to because he doesn't care. That's the problem. And that lack of respect was dripping from his quote.
Which goes back to the original topic at hand. The quote was clearly condescending, no disagreeing. Labeling Phil as a racist? Its kinda wild. Its like if someone doesn't agree with what a black man is doing or how they go about doing it we throw the race card. Lebron has a billion dollar nike deal, why him and his boys are even paying attention to what Phil Jackson is saying is baffling. Like Lebron could've been like "who's Phil Jackson" and got his point all the way across without making this noise. 
The problem is when black men become so insecure about who they are that every little phrase bothers them .. .  
This, This, This oh don't forget about This.
and you're ignoring blatant racism because you're a fan of the white man who said it.

not understanding a culture and consistently using your platform to take public swipes at the same demographic aren't the same my man.
Im a fan of my people first and I'll be the first to say that we have more pressing issues in our community than worrying about how a rich white man defines our group of friends and associates. Or how he views the music I like and its affect on me and mines.
Im a fan of my people first and I'll be the first to say that we have more pressing issues in our community than worrying about how a rich white man defines our group of friends and associates. Or how he views the music I like and its affect on me and mines.

Yes because i even remotely hinted at the fact this was the biggest issue facing black americans :rolleyes

If it's such a non issue to you why even participate in the thread? let alone spend pages defending Phil?
Why should an older black man be given the benefit of the doubt?

Why should I tolerate his ignorance any more than phil's?

Disliking a style of music and linking it to an inability to learn aren't the same thing.
The Klan's be around forever should we just let them rock out too?
Pro or con your opinion of his very own opinion, due to his experience while being black, his opinion carries weight in a discussion on blackness. Phil can have an opinion, but since he is not black, he should keep his opinions to himself.
I will never voice my opinion on white people doing weird **** ever again. I don't understand why they dislike blacks in particular but its not my place to speak on it. Its not like discussion ever brought about a change of opinion anyway......
:lol: @ he doesn't say this about a popular white athlete.

What popular white athlete? :nerd:

Especially not no one drafted in the game @ 19 and was annointed a superstar before draft day. You gotta name those white athletes for me.

It's crazy to me how many are so sensitive to this. Reaching and looking hard in to it like ya on the hunt for secret racists and their coded language. Wait for Ninja's end of the pc no safe space era to be upon you. Gonna have more Donald Sterling types than you know what to do with.
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and you're ignoring blatant racism because you're a fan of the white man who said it.

not understanding a culture and consistently using your platform to take public swipes at the same demographic aren't the same my man.
Im a fan of my people first and I'll be the first to say that we have more pressing issues in our community than worrying about how a rich white man defines our group of friends and associates. Or how he views the music I like and its affect on me and mines.
This frame of mind is so self defeating. We can and should be able to focus on multiple things at the same time. We can fight for equality and still put people in their place when they speak out of turn. All it takes is a few words.

There is a serious lack of respect for Black professionals in this country. I don't care whether it was intentional or not, Phil has been and continues to feed directly into it.

And if he didn't mean it that way, and it isn't that big a deal you say 'my bad' and move on.
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LeBron is prolly feeling the need to speak out about these racial tone becuase we he is at now in life. Possible survivors remorse.

If we on the subject of advocating for black people and perception..... Tamir rice was the opportunity

What Phil Jackson said In a grumpy old.white man voice had a racial connotation.
Phil Jackson is an entitled white prick, no if's, and's, or but's about it. Coaching players of a certain ilk seems to have him think that he is qualified to speak on black culture. This is the arrogance that white privilege allows, regardless of the offenders political affiliations. There are white liberals who are racist, and stupid while not knowing they are racist jerks. Their tone can be incredibly condescending during discussions with minorities, a sort of faux empathetic posture, coming off about as phoney as pedo priest at an adult strip club.
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@ he doesn't say this about a popular white athlete.

What popular white athlete?

Especially not no one drafted in the game @ 19 and was annointed a superstar before draft day. You gotta name those white athletes for me.

It's crazy to how many are so sensitive to this. Reachi g and looking hard in to it like ya on the hunt for secret racists. Wait for Ninja's end of the pc no safe space era to be upon you. Gonna have more Donald Sterling types than you know what to do with.
 like its crazy. This all came from him referring to Lebron and his boys as "posse". Stephen A calls lebron's boys his posse all the time yet no one bats an eyelid. But Phil Jackson gets to be the white boogie man for the week I guess.
This frame of mind is so self defeating. We can and should be able to focus on multiple things at the same time. We can fight for equality and still put people in their place when they speak out of turn. All it takes is a few words.

There is a serious lack of respect for Black professionals in this country. I don't care whether it was intentional or not, Phil has been and continues to feed directly into it.

And if he didn't mean it that way, and it isn't that big a deal you say 'my bad' and move on.
Who's to say he may not have apologized already for it. Regardless Lebron, Maverick and everyone else is being overly sensitive about this. Phil is an old white man who's better years are behind him. Lebron should enjoy what he has built around him instead of trying to check Phil for respect. 
I think that with all of the years he has spent with black players he would be more decisive on the words he uses. Also lebron is in his 30's, hes a grown man that can do what he wants without violating the terms of his nba contract. If he is required to be on a plane after a game and he signed off on that, then he needs to be on the plane.

Even if Lebron was a teenager, Phil shouldn't have mention these in house problems to the media. He could've spoken with Lebron off camera man to man give him some advice.
:lol:  like its crazy. This all came from him referring to Lebron and his boys as "posse". Stephen A calls lebron's boys his posse all the time yet no one bats an eyelid. But Phil Jackson gets to be the white boogie man for the week I guess.

Who's to say he may not have apologized already for it. Regardless Lebron, Maverick and everyone else is being overly sensitive about this. Phil is an old white man who's better years are behind him. Lebron should enjoy what he has built around him instead of trying to check Phil for respect. 

It's politically correctness and overly sensitive behavior being validated. We live in an era where that crybaby reaching is acceptable. This is the same dude who showed his tendencies over on the court trash talk though (to his credit his team came back down 3-1) but it showed a repeating pattern of his sensitivity.
It's politically correctness and overly sensitive behavior being validated. We live in an era where that crybaby reaching is acceptable. This is the same dude who showed his tendencies over on the court trash talk though (to his credit his team came back down 3-1) but it showed a repeating pattern of his sensitivity.
But he stands up like a black man for social causes, unlike those who were considered better players, especially by those who looked up to that sort of image.
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It's politically correctness and overly sensitive behavior being validated. We live in an era where that crybaby reaching is acceptable. This is the same dude who showed his tendencies over on the court trash talk though (to his credit his team came back down 3-1) but it showed a repeating pattern of his sensitivity.

Or maybe we're reaching a level where people are more aware of other people's feelings.

Treating people like... People.

Instead of always fighting this perceived "political correctness" why not just listen and consider what they're saying?

How hard is it to remove "posse" from lexicon when referring to a group of mid-30s black businessmen?
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"they have a limitation of their attention span, a lot of it probably due to too much rap music going in their ears and coming out their being."

if trump said that **** you same ************* would be up in arms

but because phil coached kobe and mike it's no big deal

Plenty of players, past and present have done these things. How you assess one's wealth is up to you.

LeBron can and should earn all he can from the NBA. The league will use him and every single player as long as they can. Phil Jackson was never the face of the league as a player, so their paths weren't even compatible to begin with.
Not to this level. Maverick/Rich are now on the level of any top notch agent.  Another level. Name me an athlete who has done this?

Real wealth.
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Or maybe we're reaching a level where people are more aware of other people's feelings.

Treating people like... People.

Instead of always fighting this perceived "political correctness" why not just listen and consider what they're saying?

How hard is it to remove "posse" from lexicon when referring to a group of mid-30s black businessmen?
Great point. The unevolved will simply be left behind. Some people are still very comfortable with white men telling them what to do.
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Or maybe we're reaching a level where people are more aware of other people's feelings.

Treating people like... People.

Instead of always fighting this perceived "political correctness" why not just listen and consider what they're saying?

How hard is it to remove "posse" from lexicon when referring to a group of mid-30s black businessmen?

Why should he have to? People made a big stink over Lebron using the word ******ed when referring to a question a few years back and he got the same fake outrage when the context of how he used it clearly wasn't meant to mock special needs people.

Stuff like this is just fake outrage and a byproduct of a "got you" mindset. That quote is being nitpicked and turned into something it shouldn't be. I wish Phil would just tell him to stop being a baby and reaching instead of giving some apology he doesn't mean.
Why should he have to? People made a big stink over Lebron using the word ******ed when referring to a question a few years back and he got the same fake outrage when the context of how he used it clearly wasn't meant to mock special needs people.

Stuff like this is just fake outrage and a byproduct of a "got you" mindset. That quote is being nitpicked and turned into something it shouldn't be. I wish Phil would just tell him to stop being a baby and reaching instead of giving some apology he doesn't mean.

so what about this quote? did he not mean this one either?

"they have a limitation of their attention span, a lot of it probably due to too much rap music going in their ears and coming out their being."

For the Trump part, I'll give you that. For Phil, could care less who he coached. Those previous statements weren't the best choice of words. I wouldn't argue any criticism on those. But the posse thing is a total reach. I got some friends who are wealthy, that are white, Spanish, and black. I'll refer to them as my homies, posse etc without even thinking at all about the negative connotation of it because there is none. They're wealthy, successful friends of mine who happened to be in the same circle of mine growing up.
Phil Jackson is an entitled white prick, no if's, and's, or but's about it. Coaching players of a certain ilk seems to have him think that he is qualified to speak on black culture. This is the arrogance that white privilege allows, regardless of the offenders political affiliations. There are white liberals who are racist, and stupid while not knowing they are racist jerks. Their tone can be incredibly condescending during discussions with minorities, a sort of faux empathetic posture, coming off about as phoney as pedo priest at an adult strip club.
The players he coached and the sport he coached are embedded in black culture. Not to say that gives him a pass but he's not making baseless assertion when it comes to basketball. His comments pertain to basketball, not black people in society. Again condescending, yes. Generational gap, yes. Racial, no. Maybe its just me but all of Phil's success came from working closely with blacks. If he felt some type of way about us we'd have more than just tongue in cheek quotes to base that off of...
I think that with all of the years he has spent with black players he would be more decisive on the words he uses. Also lebron is in his 30's, hes a grown man that can do what he wants without violating the terms of his nba contract. If he is required to be on a plane after a game and he signed off on that, then he needs to be on the plane.

Even if Lebron was a teenager, Phil shouldn't have mention these in house problems to the media. He could've spoken with Lebron off camera man to man give him some advice.
Well thats probably why he made the comments because he feels comfortable commenting on black culture. Don't know where that comfort would come from if he didn't spend a lot of time with black culture, which is evident. I mean don't get me wrong, you can work everyday with someone/something and hate it but to what extent? Especially when your whole legacy is intertwined with ours.
It's politically correctness and overly sensitive behavior being validated. We live in an era where that crybaby reaching is acceptable. This is the same dude who showed his tendencies over on the court trash talk though (to his credit his team came back down 3-1) but it showed a repeating pattern of his sensitivity.
Clearly. Lebron gets too many passes these days. Waiting for Michael Jordan to make more negative comments about bron so bron can be at his neck too.
Why should he have to? People made a big stink over Lebron using the word ******ed when referring to a question a few years back and he got the same fake outrage when the context of how he used it clearly wasn't meant to mock special needs people.

Stuff like this is just fake outrage and a byproduct of a "got you" mindset. That quote is being nitpicked and turned into something it shouldn't be. I wish Phil would just tell him to stop being a baby and reaching instead of giving some apology he doesn't mean.
So checking white people for saying inflammatory things is fake outrage now?
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