LeBron Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)

i need help guys.. AAll my idiot lebron loving friends wanna just throw stats and he took a bunch of bums to the finalls etc etc.. i need everyone to help me complie an arguement with stats and foot notes or whatever and everything like that to shut these bozos up.. i brought up the shooting percentage but they say well who else is going to shoot the ball he is forced to take all those shots yanno theres an answer for everything that us lebron haters bring up..

Also why is everyone so hung up on the fact that he led both teams in points, assists, and rebounds. first time ever done.. Do these people realize that thats by accident and it isnt something to hang on to?
hahahah yea and everyone says he did what he can do. What can you blame on him this series.. if you saw a post that i posted in this thread earlier this week you will see how i felt about his 'legendary performance'
24 that's the only number you need
i need help guys.. AAll my idiot lebron loving friends wanna just throw stats and he took a bunch of bums to the finalls etc etc.. i need everyone to help me complie an arguement with stats and foot notes or whatever and everything like that to shut these bozos up.. i brought up the shooting percentage but they say well who else is going to shoot the ball he is forced to take all those shots yanno theres an answer for everything that us lebron haters bring up..

Just bring up how he lost two Finals with loaded teams; choking twice cancels out carrying twice. Lebron was outscored by Nowitzki, Jason Terry, Bosh, and Wade in the 2011 Finals.

Sure, Lebron's Cavaliers were heavy underdogs twice, but he still doesn't have a winning record in "even" Finals series (2-2).
My thing is all the ISO he plays why would Kevin Love wanna stay other than the fact that he will prob play in the finals next year. He plays all his ball in high and low post play and our guy lebron doesnt let that happen at all.. that was the main problem between them this year i think.. for as 'unselfish' that lebron is he is ptob harder to play with then any 'analyst' knows about
I agree haha my thing is all these bozo peasant lbj stans just have excuse after excuse.

look at the team he played with

Jordan's team almost went to the finals when he retired
he had more points rebounds and assists than both teams
he's the best athlete in the world
you can't blame this loss on him. he played with scrubs

I'm sick of it. I come back with shooting percentage. shooting percentage outside 5 feet. his defiance of the coach. his fourth quarter performances all series. his terrible free throw shooting. but all these dopes see is stats. I can't take it anymore. this dude has everyone fooled. that's why I am glad this thread exists because I know I'm not alone. you guys see through the act. you guys don't get hard over stats. you see that going "home" was a pr stunt and happened after the team he hand selected that he was supposed to win not 3 not 4 chips with got embarrassed and blown out of the finals last year. and the fact that he got to hand select this team with an all star pg and a career double double machine who can shoot the lights out from 3. also traded 2 firsts for a guy in mozgov who was supposed to be the final piece. are we supposed to believe that he was going home had they won the finals last year? it sickens me that pop took Duncan out 2 years ago and ray Allan bailed lebro said terrible shot at the end of game 6 bc this dude SHOULD HAVE ONE! I know I know, but he played game 7 better than anyone ever.

I've had more arguments in real life not on an Internet chat room that it would make your head spin. and I am the only one who refuses to anoint this dude anything besides a whinny little flopping traveling cry baby punk. and I wish I had some of you guys on Saturday nights when I'm out arguing with my friends who swear this dude is Jesus Christ in nikes..

(end rant) ..( well to be continued)
I agree haha my thing is all these bozo peasant lbj stans just have excuse after excuse.

look at the team he played with

Jordan's team almost went to the finals when he retired
he had more points rebounds and assists than both teams
he's the best athlete in the world
you can't blame this loss on him. he played with scrubs

I'm sick of it. I come back with shooting percentage. shooting percentage outside 5 feet. his defiance of the coach. his fourth quarter performances all series. his terrible free throw shooting. but all these dopes see is stats. I can't take it anymore. this dude has everyone fooled. that's why I am glad this thread exists because I know I'm not alone. you guys see through the act. you guys don't get hard over stats. you see that going "home" was a pr stunt and happened after the team he hand selected that he was supposed to win not 3 not 4 chips with got embarrassed and blown out of the finals last year. and the fact that he got to hand select this team with an all star pg and a career double double machine who can shoot the lights out from 3. also traded 2 firsts for a guy in mozgov who was supposed to be the final piece. are we supposed to believe that he was going home had they won the finals last year? it sickens me that pop took Duncan out 2 years ago and ray Allan bailed lebro said terrible shot at the end of game 6 bc this dude SHOULD HAVE ONE! I know I know, but he played game 7 better than anyone ever.

I've had more arguments in real life not on an Internet chat room that it would make your head spin. and I am the only one who refuses to anoint this dude anything besides a whinny little flopping traveling cry baby punk. and I wish I had some of you guys on Saturday nights when I'm out arguing with my friends who swear this dude is Jesus Christ in nikes..

(end rant) ..( well to be continued)
its okay to have your own mind and not just believe what sports media tells you. 
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hahaha for sure I don't believe anything. I know the game and can watch it for myself. I just appreciate that there are people who don't buy in the way I don't
I agree haha my thing is all these bozo peasant lbj stans just have excuse after excuse.

look at the team he played with

Jordan's team almost went to the finals when he retired

The reality is that the 1993-1994 Bulls lost in the second round to the New York Knicks. I don't care if they were one game away from moving on to the next round... this is not "almost going to the finals."

Overall, the 1993-1994 Bulls team overachieved with 55 wins in the regular season. That over-achievement is magnified by the fact that the Bulls' previous regular season (1992-1993; 57 wins) was not as great as it should have been (probably due to the team pacing itself coming off 2 straight NBA Championships and Jordan/Pippen's involvement in the Olympics)... in my mind, that over-achievement is also confirmed in a way by the fact that the 1994-1995 Bulls were 34-31 before Michael came back from baseball with basically the same team (admittedly, minus Horace Grant).

The 1993-1994 Bulls had a classic chip on their shoulder (playing without Michael)... this is undeniable, and is something that really can't be quantified. They didn't dismantle their team (see the 1999 Bulls... or see the 2010-2011 Cavs that lost 4 of their best players and then traded/lost others to injury that year) or try to tank. Instead, they added a number of players who would prove to be huge in future years (as well as 1993-1994). Pippen and Grant balled out... even B.J. Armstrong made the All-Star team that year. They kept a majority of the same players from their championship run, kept their coach... it just was a combination of things that worked in their favor.

Additionally, I think it's worth noting that the 2 teams they played in the playoffs that year (Cleveland and New York) are both teams that the Bulls were VERY familiar with (and had fresh rivalries with)... which probably played a role as well (in that the Bulls got passed the injured Cavs relatively easy that year in the playoffs... but still couldn't ultimately beat the Knicks, no matter how close it was).

If you want more on this, here's a great article to provide you with more ammo: http://www.basketball-reference.com/blog/?p=7010

he had more points rebounds and assists than both teams
he's the best athlete in the world
you can't blame this loss on him. he played with scrubs

I won't go as in-depth on this (partially because I just don't care, partially because I don't have all of the numbers)... but he averaged nearly 46 minutes per game during the series (with 2 of those games being overtime games)... so it was natural that his stats would all be up since he was playing more minutes (especially with the ball in his hand the whole time... don't have his usage rate, but I'm sure it's all-time high). From what I saw, the Warriors did not employ any noticeable defensive scheme to get the ball out of his hands (i.e. such as the high and quick double teams that the Cavs used against Curry)... so the majority of the time, Queen James was free to go one on one with a (relatively) undersized Andre.

Unfortunately, these "high minutes" assertions would lend themselves to the "greatest athlete in the world" argument... but even the greatest LeFraud haters can't really do much about that without pointing to possible PED/steroid use (so, that's all I can offer you there).

The "scrubs" argument has been beaten to death (JR Smith is an erratic player, but is usually good at what he does, which is bench scoring, and has a SMOTY to prove it... Dellavedova probably provided an upgrade on the defensive end to Irving... Jones has always been a great 3 point shooter, evidenced by winning a 3 point contest in the past... Mike Miller has been as well, and won ROTY... Mosgov and Thompson are pretty good... don't know why they didn't try to run Marion out there). Ultimately, he lost game 1 with Kyrie playing practically the whole game... and then he somehow had enough to win the next 2 games anyway to go up 2-1. In what probably amounted to the most important game for the Cavs (game 4), some of LeFraud's "scrubs" either outplayed him or basically did (Mosgov and Thompson went 28/10 and 12/13... while LeFraud went 7-22 FG and 5-10 FT in a huge game at home).

Of course, all of this combined with his shooting percentage numbers (as you have referenced) is enough for me.

I'm sick of it. I come back with shooting percentage. shooting percentage outside 5 feet. his defiance of the coach. his fourth quarter performances all series. his terrible free throw shooting. but all these dopes see is stats. I can't take it anymore. this dude has everyone fooled. that's why I am glad this thread exists because I know I'm not alone. you guys see through the act. you guys don't get hard over stats. you see that going "home" was a pr stunt and happened after the team he hand selected that he was supposed to win not 3 not 4 chips with got embarrassed and blown out of the finals last year. and the fact that he got to hand select this team with an all star pg and a career double double machine who can shoot the lights out from 3. also traded 2 firsts for a guy in mozgov who was supposed to be the final piece. are we supposed to believe that he was going home had they won the finals last year? it sickens me that pop took Duncan out 2 years ago and ray Allan bailed lebro said terrible shot at the end of game 6 bc this dude SHOULD HAVE ONE! I know I know, but he played game 7 better than anyone ever.

I've had more arguments in real life not on an Internet chat room that it would make your head spin. and I am the only one who refuses to anoint this dude anything besides a whinny little flopping traveling cry baby punk. and I wish I had some of you guys on Saturday nights when I'm out arguing with my friends who swear this dude is Jesus Christ in nikes..

(end rant) ..( well to be continued)

At the end of the day, a lot of people are just casual fans that only tune into "otherworldly" efforts/"larger than life" stories that are being pounded into their heads by the media and/or marketing giants (i.e. Nike), both of which have a lot to gain and/or lose in this scheme. However, knowledgeable fans are not so quick to fall for all of that noise. Even if the numbers that truly matter (i.e. 2-4) don't seem to be enough, I believe there are still plenty of numbers/arguments out there to at least justify the fact that he is a fraud. So, in that sense, you are most certainly not alone.
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I'll do it for you.



Seeing this picture also reminded me that I wanted to look at the number of 60 (SIXTY) win teams that each of these guys had beat during the playoffs. 50 wins is great and all... but 60 means more to me.

I guess I only did MJ and LeFraud (which is actually getting pretty relevant now... MJ played 13 years with the Bulls, 2 of those being partial seasons of course... LeFraud has played 12). Anyway, here's what I found:

EDIT: Added Kobe's and Magic's, was shocked... a lot of close calls, but still only 2 for them. And added Bird... only 1. And added Duncan... painful since I'm a Nash fan and knew these would be on there.

Jordan: 7 (1992-1993 Knicks, 1992-1993 Suns, 1995-1996 Magic, 1995-1996 Sonics, 1996-1997 Heat, 1996-1997 Jazz, 1997-1998 Jazz)

Duncan: 3 (2002-2003 Mavericks, 2004-2005 Suns, 2006-2007 Suns)

Magic: 2 (1984-1985 Celtics, 1990-1991 Blazers)

Kobe: 2 (1997-1998 Sonics, 2001-2002 Kings)

LeFraud: 2 (2010-2011 Bulls, 2014-2015 Hawks)

Bird: 1 (1980-1981 76ers)
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Well to be fair, there are only 1-2 60 win teams per season. 3 at the max. You should also put how many 60 win teams they faced, for adjustment purposes. Chances are, they themselves were on one of the few 60 win teams.
Well to be fair, there are only 1-2 60 win teams per season. 3 at the max. You should also put how many 60 win teams they faced, for adjustment purposes. Chances are, they themselves were on one of the few 60 win teams.

I understand that the teams that these guys were on probably would have been 60 win teams themselves (at least in the years that they won)... but that still doesn't diminish the fact that you beat another 60 win team. There have only been 71 teams ALL TIME (as far back as basketball-reference.com goes anyway, which it says is to the 1940's) to have won 60+ games in a season... you beat one of those teams (or more) in the playoffs, I think that is saying something regardless of how good your own team is.

It's just as arbitrary as the 50 win stat... but, in my opinion, 60 win teams are that much stronger/that much more a part of history (for the MOST part... obviously no one thinks the 2014-2015 Hawks are truly great, but still, I didn't put an asterisk next to them). So, you have to give the greats some credit when they do take on (and beat) another great team.

However, I do see your point, so I went ahead and did it for these two...:

WINS: 7 (1992-1993 Knicks, 1992-1993 Suns, 1995-1996 Magic, 1995-1996 Sonics, 1996-1997 Heat, 1996-1997 Jazz, 1997-1998 Jazz)
LOSSES: 2 (1985-1986 Celtics, 1988-1989 Pistons)

WINS: 2 (2010-2011 Bulls, 2014-2015 Hawks)
LOSSES: 4 (2005-2006 Pistons, 2007-2008 Celtics, 2013-2014 Spurs, 2014-2015 Warriors)
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There we go. LeBron can't get it done at the biggest stage. Oh and we can all agree the Hawks this year wilted down the stretch. Not so much as last year's Pacers, but they were definitely not playing line a 60 win team throughout the entire playoffs. Id hate to put an asterisk on that one, but.... *
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60 win teams in the weak East gotta be graded on a curve. That's more like 50 wins

So Lebron has beaten ZERO 60 win teams to me :lol:
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