LeBron Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)

You guys seen the vine, where the GSW fan "women"  asked Lebby, " Hows it feel to be a punanni, butt, female dog?" <<<< that was the G rated version.

Super late on the imagine facts, but heres mine

Imagine if Lebby grew up with a father, wouldn't he be less of a punanni?
Yea, I peep'd it

She said, " Sorry I didn't hear what you said" to the guard

Then after the guard said , " If I remember your face " another dude came in saying "hey she paid...." then it cut off.
Imagine if Lebron wasn't ever born.

Imagine how much better the world would be.

Imagine that.

I was laughing like a hyena on the subway yesterday when i read this.

You guys see the triple OG Phil Jackson calling out lebbasorous Rex for traveling all the time?
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I was laughing like a hyena on the subway yesterday when i read this.

You guys see the triple OG Phil Jackson calling out lebbasorous Rex for traveling all the time?
yeap, calling the league an embarrassment and hard to watch. LoL
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And Phil Jax is saying nothing but facts
LeBron's uncalled travels would probably amount to him walking around the world. He always drags his pivot foot and 90% of that time it's not called.
He still can't finish though sometimes even after his travels :lol:

Not surprised he can't beat great teams though. Dude couldn't even beat the Mavs with Wade and Bosh. That series proved LeBron has to depend on others to win. Hell even when they beat Spurs, they only won because Ray Allen saved his butt. Some "GOAT" he is :rofl:
Phil Jackson also said LeBron is better than Kobe and wanted Kobe to play like LeBron.

More Facts
[quote name="cartune"]

FACTS[/quote]Son is literally TOO GOOD for the rest of the elementary NBAers.

'S that what we're doing? :rofl:
Yeah, LeBron is a supercomputer that malfunctions at most 4th quarters

This is the LeBron hater thread, I don't want to hear your skewed analytics that can't explain why he loses big games
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Phil Jackson also said LeBron is better than Kobe and wanted Kobe to play like LeBron.

More Facts
“I watch LeBron James, for example,” he said. “He might [travel] every other time he catches the basketball if he’s off the ball. He catches the ball, moves both his feet. You see it happen all the time. There’s no structure, there’s no discipline, there’s no ‘How do we play this game’ type of attitude. And it goes all the way through the game. To the point where now guys don’t screen—they push guys off with their hands.”

actual fax b
Tired of hearing "well nobody win by themselves". Dwade ends that debate

Again, dwade > lebald
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LeBron left Cleveland to join D Wade's team
LeBron already took the L to be a 2nd fiddle to Wade
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