LeBron Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)

The Lebron haters tired
always been a Bron hater.. glad he's in for another L... while im rooting for them to lose , i dont want them to get swept. at least give the appearance of a finals matchup... CAVS are simply outclassed
I cringed when jvg and mark jackson were talking about how them getting washed isn't lebum's fault. They trying to blame everyone else but him.
I cringed when jvg and mark jackson were talking about how them getting washed isn't lebum's fault. They trying to blame everyone else but him.
No kidding.  They were acting like Lebron wasn't holding the ball all night and playing ****** D on Green.
I cringed when jvg and mark jackson were talking about how them getting washed isn't lebum's fault. They trying to blame everyone else but him.
But in all fairness to JVG and Jackson, they both called out LeBron's lack of defense and lack of effort on the defensive end multiple times each yesterday.  Never heard announcers so openly challenge LeBron's terrible effort.
**** that I want a sweep. U can't be a hater and want it any other way. Seeing how everyone was all "he won 2 by himself, with love and hotsauce he can win 4 bro". Only for them to be healthy and not win 1 :lol:
 Totally forgot about LeBroom.

I think that and LeBronze (after summer 2004) are my favorite.
I hope his B. A. gets swept.

Even though GSW won 2 comfortably doesn't mean they have it in the bag.

Man LeBum getting swept with a full healyhy team would just be icing on the cake.

If you don't think Bron slander is funny, then why are you in here?

LBJ AINt a saint, but the amount of hate yall be spewing is just disgusting
You're in a Cavs and LeBron haters thread
Bro I know you are attempting to troll but you are making a fool of yourself
Like how much of a fool LeBron was to resign TT to 80 mil and have Blatt fired because he wasn't a yes man
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